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Did you know...

  • ... that average greenhouse gas emissions in the EU have decreased by a little less than 8% since the beginning of the 1990's, whereas they increased by almost 50% in Cyprus, Spain and Malta. The member states whose emissions have fallen most substantially in the same time period are Lithuania (by 60%), Latvia (by 58%), Estonia (by 50%) and Bulgaria (by 49%). But before we pass any judgement, we should address energy intensity, which measures the overall energy efficiency of an economy. East European countries like Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia, Lithuania and Slovakia are still six to ten times less energy efficient than the most efficient economy in the EU, Denmark, which is followed by Ireland, Austria and Germany.
  • ... that around 40% of total area of the EU is agricultural land, the share being the highest in the United Kingdom (69%), Hungary (63%), Ireland (62%) and Denmark (61%), and the lowest being in Finland (6%), Sweden (7%) and Cyprus (14%). If we take only arable land, then the EU average is around 25%, and the member state with the highest share of arable land is Denmark, with 57% of its total area.
  • ... that on average only 7% of the drinking water consumed in Europe is actually used for drinking and cooking? In fact most of it (39%) is used for baths and showers.
  • ... that by leaving TV sets, VCR's, DVD's, computers and stereos on standby, and mobile phone chargers plugged in when not in use, we consume10% more energy than we need to? So by switching off your gadgets completely, you can save up to 10% of your electricity bill. The total standby consumption in EU households alone is almost equivalent to the annual energy consumption of Belgium!
  • ... that in 2005, the average amount of municipal waste landfilled in the EU-27 was 233kg per capita? Due to sophisticated methods of municipal waste management and high environmental awareness, the average amount of waste deposited in landfills in the Netherlands per year is 9kg (of 624kg produced), in Sweden 23kg (of 482kg produced), and in Denmark 38kg (of 737kg produced) per capita. Slovenia ranks above the EU average, depositing 330kg of municipal waste (of 423 produced) in landfills per capita.
  • ... that Austria (57.9%), Sweden (54.3%) and Latvia (48.4%) have the highest share of electricity produced from renewable energy sources (hydro plants, wind, solar, geothermal and electricity from biomass/wastes)? In comparison, the EU-27 average in 2005 was 14% of electricity produced from renewable energy sources, whereas Slovenia produces more than a quarter of its electricity from renewable sources.


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Date: 28.12.2007