This section provides information on accreditation for selected events during the Slovenian EU Council Presidency. Attendance at the events is subject to prior accreditation.
You can access the following services below:
Media representatives can obtain accreditation for selected events taking place in Slovenia.
We ask you to apply 14 days prior to the date of the event in question at the latest. To avoid printing unnecessary badges, you wil be sent a confirmation e-mail 7 days before every selected meeting. The only thing you have to do is to click on the message sent to your e-mail and confirm you arrival. You will be able to change and update your meeting selections at any time and may add to or cancel your applications by clicking on Online Media Accreditation, and entering your username and password. There you can also access detailed instructions for registration.
The centralised system allows media representatives to be accredited for more than one event during the Slovenian Presidency by completing a single form and selecting the events they wish to attend from the menu provided in the accreditation application.
Each event will have its own badge. Media representatives are expected to collect their accreditation badges at the Media Accreditation Desk located at the Brdo Conference Centre (or at some other venue, if different from Brdo).
To receive your badge, you will be required to present a valid press card or a letter from your editor and an official identity card (a passport or other official document with a photograph).
You will not be able to enter the Press Centre or attend any media event without a valid badge. Please note that the badge must be worn visibly at all times, and that you must be prepared to present your identity card on request. Should you lose your badge, please notify the Media accreditation desk immediately.
Accreditation at a meeting venue is also possible, but this may be time-consuming. Instead of completing the written application forms, you will be asked to use one of the available computers and simply apply for the accreditation online.
To obtain accreditation at a meeting venue, you must present a valid press card or a letter from your editor and an official form of identification (a passport or other official photo I.D.).
If you have any queries regarding media accreditations, please contact:
Peter Bajec
Government Communication Office
Phone: +386 1 478 26 98
Mobile phone: +386 31 676 054
Visa requirements must be met before arrival in the Republic of Slovenia. In order to arrive on time, it is advisable to apply for visas at the earliest possible opportunity.
Please note that media representatives from countries requiring a visa have to apply to a diplomatic or consular mission of Slovenia or to a diplomatic or consular mission of a member state of the Schengen Agreement, that represents Slovenia and is competent to grant a visa if Slovenia does not have a mission in the applicant's country of residence.
For further details and a list of countries requiring a visa please visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website .
Accreditations for the meetings of the European Council can be obtained at the GS of the Council. You can access their accreditation system here .
NOTE: For formal meetings in Brussels and Luxembourg you need only present a valid press card to attend media events against the backdrop of formal Council meetings.
Council of the European Union
General Secretariat
Press Office
Rue de la Loi, 175
B-1048 Brussels
Phone: +32 2 281 63 19
Fax: +32 2 281 80 26