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27.06.2008 -
The EU-Russian Federation Summit (Day 2)
26.06.2008 -
EU-Russian Federation Summit
26.06.2008 -
LIBE Committee Meeting – Presentation of Trio Presidency's achievements in the area of justice and home affairs, Minister Dragutin Mate
24.06.2008 -
Extraordinary Plenary Session of the European Parliament – Appearance of Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša in the EP
23.06.2008 -
Agriculture and Fisheries Council
21.06.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Defence Ministers of Southeastern Europe - Day 2
20.06.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Defence Ministers of Southeastern Europe - Day 1
20.06.2008 -
European Council (Day 2)
19.06.2008 -
European Council (Day 1)
17.06.2008 -
European Parliament AFET Committee Meeting – Presentation of results of the GAERC meeting by Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dimitrij Rupel
17.06.2008 -
EP Plenary Session - Appearance of State Secretary Janez Lenarčič
17.06.2008 -
General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) - Day 2
16.06.2008 -
General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) - Day 1
13.06.2008 -
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE) - Transport
12.06.2008 -
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE) - Telecommunications
10.06.2008 -
EU – USA Summit: Behind the scenes
10.06.2008 -
EU – USA Summit
10.06.2008 -
EPSCO Council Meeting (Health)
10.06.2008 -
EU – USA Summit: Ladies Programme
10.06.2008 -
EU – USA Summit: Bilateral meetings between Slovenia and United States
09.06.2008 -
EU – USA Summit: Arrival of the President of the United States George Bush
09.06.2008 -
EU Troika – China
09.06.2008 -
EPSCO Council Meeting (Employment and Social Policy)
06.06.2008 -
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE) - Energy
06.06.2008 -
Justice and Home Affairs Council (Day 2)
06.06.2008 -
EU Troika – Brazil
05.06.2008 -
Justice and Home Affairs Council (Day 1)
05.06.2008 -
Environment Council
04.06.2008 -
Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitrij Rupel presents the EU-USA Summit in the European Parliament
03.06.2008 -
EU Troika – Republic of South Africa
03.06.2008 -
Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN)
29.05.2008 -
Competitiveness Council
27.05.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Agriculture Ministers - Day 3
26.05.2008 -
General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) including Defence Ministers and Development Ministers
26.05.2008 -
EU-Russia Permanent Partnership Council on Research
26.05.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Agriculture Ministers - Day 2
25.05.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Agriculture Ministers - Day 1
22.05.2008 -
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: From Words to Reality?
22.05.2008 -
EU Troika – Ukraine
21.05.2008 -
Education, Youth and Culture Council (EYC)
20.05.2008 -
EP Plenary Session
20.05.2008 -
Signing of Joint Tripartite Declaration creating 'European Maritime Day'
20.05.2008 -
EU Troika – Nigeria
19.05.2008 -
Agriculture and Fisheries Council
17.05.2008 -
Summit EU - LAC: Meetings with subregional groups (Mercosur, Andean Community, Central America and Cariforum), Chile and Mexico
16.05.2008 -
Summit EU - LAC
15.05.2008 -
Summit EU - LAC: before the Summit
15.05.2008 -
EU-US Open Skies Agreement (2nd stage of negotiations)
14.05.2008 -
Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN)
13.05.2008 -
Extraordinary Session of General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) – Development Element
07.05.2008 -
EP Plenary Part-Session – Appearance of the EU Council representative, State Secretary for European Affairs Janez Lenarčič, before the EP
06.05.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Transport Ministers - Day 2
05.05.2008 -
Traditional meeting with religious leaders
05.05.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Transport Ministers - Day 1
05.05.2008 -
eHealth Conference
30.04.2008 -
EU Troika - New Zealand
29.04.2008 -
EU Troika – Russian Federation
29.04.2008 -
General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC)
28.04.2008 -
EU – Croatia Stabilisation and Association Council
28.04.2008 -
EU Troika – ECOWAS
28.04.2008 -
EU Troika – OSCE
28.04.2008 -
Conference "Intergenerational Solidarity for Cohesive and Sustainable Societies"
28.04.2008 -
EU – Egypt Association Council
24.04.2008 -
Conference 'Jobs for Youth – Prosperity for All'
23.04.2008 -
Summit EU – Japan
22.04.2008 -
EP Plenary Session – participation of representatives of the Slovenian Presidency on behalf of the EU Council
18.04.2008 -
Youth Event
18.04.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Ministers for Health (Day 2)
18.04.2008 -
Council Justice and Home Affairs (JHA)
17.04.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Ministers for Health (Day 1)
16.04.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Ministers for Competitiveness - Industry
14.04.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Ministers for Competitiveness - Research
14.04.2008 -
Agriculture and Fisheries Council
12.04.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Environment Ministers - Day 2 (Trees planting, Visit to the exhibition "Environmental Technologies (2nd generation biofuels)" and Visit of the Postojna Cave)
12.04.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Environment Ministers - Day 2 (Arrivals, Family Photo and Plenary Session)
11.04.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Environment Ministers - Day 1 (Concert and Dinner for Ministers/Heads of Delegations)
07.04.2008 -
Conference on the Future Cohesion Policy
07.04.2008 -
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE) - Transport
07.04.2008 -
The event marking World Health Day
05.04.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Ministers for Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) - Day 2
04.04.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Ministers for Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) - Day 1 (Working Lunch, Group Photo, Plenary Session, Press Conference and Gala Dinner of Ministers and Governers)
04.04.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Ministers for Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) - Day 1 (Arrivals, Plenary Session and Family Photo of Eurogroup Ministers)
01.04.2008 -
European Parliament AFET Committee Meeting – Presentation of results of the Informal Meeting of EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs (Gymnich) by slovene Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dimitrij Rupel
01.04.2008 -
Meeting of the High-Level Advisory Group on the Future of European Home Affairs Policy – the Future Group
31.03.2008 -
Ceremony marking the abolition of border controls at the internal air borders of the Schengen area
29.03.2008 -
Informal Meeting of EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs (Gymnich) - Day 2
28.03.2008 -
Informal Meeting of EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs (Gymnich) - Day 1 (Lunch, Family Photo, Plenary Session, Press Conference and Dinner)
28.03.2008 -
Informal Meeting of EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs (Gymnich) - Day 1 (Arrivals)
27.03.2008 -
European Parliament LIBE Committee Meeting
26.03.2008 -
EP Extraordinary Plenary Session – Appearance of Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša in the EP
17.03.2008 -
Agriculture and Fisheries Council
17.03.2008 -
Informal Meeting of EU Ministers Responsible for Sport (Day 2)
16.03.2008 -
Informal Meeting of EU Ministers Responsible for Sport (Day 1)
14.03.2008 -
European Council (Day 2)
13.03.2008 -
European Council (Day 1)
13.03.2008 -
Tripartite Social Summit
13.03.2008 -
EU-US Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial Troika Meeting (Day 2)
12.03.2008 -
Concert by the Slovenian Philharmonic - introduction of the European Council meeting
12.03.2008 -
EU-US Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial Troika Meeting (Day 1)
12.03.2008 -
EP Plenary Session – Appearance of the EU Council representatives before the EP
12.03.2008 -
Ministerial Conference on the Challenges of the EU External Border Management (Day 2)
11.03.2008 -
Ministerial Conference on the Challenges of the EU External Border Management (Day 1)
11.03.2008 -
EU Troika – Albania
11.03.2008 -
Press Conference prior to the European Council
11.03.2008 -
EU – Ukraine Cooperation Council
10.03.2008 -
Conference "Universities and Lifelong Learning"
10.03.2008 -
General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC)
06.03.2008 -
EU Troika – United States of America
05.03.2008 -
EU Troika – Canada
05.03.2008 -
Conference "Research Infrastuctures and their Structuring Dimension within the European Research Area"
04.03.2008 -
Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN)
04.03.2008 -
International Conference: Territorial Dialogue and Extraordinary Bureau Meeting of the Committee of the Regions
04.03.2008 -
EU-LAC Ministerial Conference on the Environment
03.03.2008 -
Environment Council
29.02.2008 -
Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO)
28.02.2008 -
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE) - Energy
28.02.2008 -
Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA)
27.02.2008 -
EUROMED Ministerial Conference on the Information Society »Building an Enabling Environment for the EUROMED Information Society«
25.02.2008 -
Presentation to the Committee of the EP on Budgetary Control regarding ECOFIN recommendations for a discharge to be given to the EC for the implementation of the EU general budget for 2006
25.02.2008 -
Competitiveness Council
22.02.2008 -
Informal Meeting of EU Defence Ministers (Day 2)
21.02.2008 -
EU Troika – Afghanistan
21.02.2008 -
Informal Meeting of EU Defence Ministers (Day 1)
20.02.2008 -
EP Plenary Session – Appearance of the EU Council Representatives before the EP
18.02.2008 -
EU Troika – Montenegro
18.02.2008 -
Agriculture and Fisheries Council
18.02.2008 -
General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC)
14.02.2008 -
Education, Youth and Culture Council (EYC)
13.02.2008 -
EU Troika – Russian Federation
12.02.2008 -
Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN)
11.02.2008 -
e-Government Conference
11.02.2008 -
07.02.2008 -
Conference "The Burden of Cancer - How Can it be Reduced"
01.02.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs (Day 2)
31.01.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs (Day 1)
31.01.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Ministers for Gender Equality
30.01.2008 -
EP Plenary Part-Session – Appearance of the EU Council representative before the EP
30.01.2008 -
Conference on Gender Equality: Elimination of Gender Stereotypes - Mission (Im)Possible?
29.01.2008 -
Ministerial visits to the European Parliament Committees
28.01.2008 -
General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC)
28.01.2008 -
EU Troika – Serbia
26.01.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs (Day 3)
25.01.2008 -
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to visit Slovenia
25.01.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs (Day 2)
24.01.2008 -
Meeting of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia with the Members of the EPP-ED Group
24.01.2008 -
Informal Meeting of Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs (Day 1)
23.01.2008 -
Ministerial visits to the European Parliament Committees
22.01.2008 -
Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN)
22.01.2008 -
Ministerial visits to the European Parliament Committees
21.01.2008 -
Agriculture and Fisheries Council
21.01.2008 -
Ministerial visits to the European Parliament Committees
16.01.2008 -
Presentation of the Presidency Priorities in the European Parliament by Prime Minister Janez Janša
08.01.2008 -
Meeting of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Commission
07.01.2008 -
Opening Event of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (2008)
19.12.2007 -
Visit of the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament
Date: 02.01.2008