Here you can access video recordings of press conferences organized after every main event of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency in Slovenia.
Slovenian Minister Marjeta Cotman, Commissioner Vladimir Špidla, President of the Social platform Fintan Farell and representatives of social partners John Monks (ETUC) and Jørgen Rønnest (Businesseurope)
Presidency Press Conference - Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs Marjeta Cotman, EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Vladimir Špidla and director of the Office for Equal Opportunities Tanja Salecl
Presidency Press Conference – Ministers of Justice Lovro Šturm (slo), Brigitte Zypries (ger), Alberto Costa (por) and Commissioner Franco Frattini
Statement by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Janez Janša, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations Organisation, Mr Ban Ki-moon
Presidency Press Conference – Ministers of Justice Lovro Šturm (slo), Brigitte Zypries (ger), Alberto Costa (por) and Commissioner Franco Frattini
Statement on SIS2 and EU PNR by Minister of the Interior Dragutin Mate and Commissioner Franco Frattini
Presidency Press Conference – Ministers of the Interior Dragutin Mate (slo), Wolfgang Schäuble (ger), Rui Carlos Pereira (por) and Commissioner Franco Frattini
Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitrij Rupel on the occassion of the Meeting of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Commission - Relations with Serbia
Press conference of the President of the Republic of Slovenia Janez Janša and the Vice President of the European Commission Margot Wallström
Press Conference of the Prime Minister Janez Janša and the President of the European Parliament Hans-Gert Pöttering
Video clips in our video archive are available in Flash video and mpg4 format. To view the mpg4 you need a player that supports such a format. We recommend the VLC Player.