30.06.2008 Goodbye and thank you from the www.eu2008.si website editorial team upon the conclusion of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency. This is the last day of Slovenia’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. We, the members of the www.eu2008.si website editorial team, would like to thank all the internet users that have visited our website and the mobile portal and made good use of their services in the last six months. More than 765,000 visits and 3,765,000 pageviews on the Slovenian Presidency website clearly support our presumption.
30.06.2008 Slovenian EU Council Presidency 2008 in Figures. Holding the EU Council Presidency is a responsible task involving managing and representing the Community of 27 Member States and about 500 million citizens.
In this important task, performed by the Republic of Slovenia in the first half of 2008, 2,720 Slovenian civil servants, 133 independent experts and 245 students participated.
In total, more than 8,000 events were held during the Slovenian EU Council Presidency: 283 events took place in Slovenia, 3,285 in Brussels and 4,242 elsewhere in the world.
30.06.2008 Achievements of the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council. Programme and priorities - Future of Europe enforcement of the Lisbon Treaty: By signing the Lisbon Treaty in December 2007, the EU Member States committed to ratifying it at the earliest possible date. This aim was achieved by 19 Member States, while ratification procedures are under way in the remaining countries. Slovenia ratified the Treaty as the second Member State on 29 January 2008. This success was slightly overshadowed by the negative result of the referendum in Ireland. Nevertheless, the European Union remains committed to its goals. The Member States agree that the ratification procedures must continue. At the same time, we will cooperate with Ireland in trying to find a uniform solution acceptable to all Member States and enabling the further development of the Union in the shortest possible time.
30.06.2008 Minister Rupel passes the Presidency of the EU Council on to the French Foreign Minister Kouchner. A ceremony on the occasion of the assumption of the Presidency of the EU Council by France took place in Nova Gorica, Trg Evrope (Europe Square) this afternoon. The Presidency will pass from Slovenia to France today at midnight. In the square, which also witnessed Slovenia's EU accession on 1 May 2004, the President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council and Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel passed the symbolic baton which he received six months ago from the Portuguese Minister, Luis Amado, on to his successor, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner.
30.06.2008 Slovenian Presidency, on behalf of the EU, and Australia sign agreement on providing airline passenger data to Australian authorities. Today, Australia and the EU, represented by the Slovenian Presidency, signed an agreement on the provision of passenger name record (PNR) data to Australian authorities. Negotiations on the agreement were opened following the adoption of the EU negotiating mandate in February this year. The Presidency, as the chief negotiator for the EU and assisted by the Commission, engaged in intensive negotiations with the Australian side. The negotiations were successfully concluded in May, with a draft agreement that addressed the operative law enforcement needs of the competent Australian authorities while providing for robust data protection safeguards.
30.06.2008 Airline industry to be included in the ETS as of 2012 – EU urges the industry to play its part in the fight against climate change. The Member States of the EU showed overwhelming support for the Slovenian Presidency's proposal on the inclusion of aviation in the European ETS (Emissions Trading Scheme) system when they rubber stamped the agreement last week. "Hence, the Slovenian Presidency managed to arrive at an agreement on one of the most challenging dossiers, which is closely linked with Europe's overall aim to fight climate change," stated the President of the Environment Council and Slovenian Environment, Minister Janez Podobnik, following the agreement reached on Friday (27 June) by Deputy Permanent Representatives.
30.06.2008 Achievements of the Slovenian Government Office For Local Self-Government And Regional Policy During the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The Slovenian Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy (GOSP) achieved all the set objectives in the framework of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU. On the strategic level, the greatest emphasis is on the progress regarding the issue of the future of cohesion policy, where the Republic of Slovenia managed to promote an in-depth discussion and, at the same time, prepare concrete conclusions and guidelines for the future thus setting the direction for the future reforms. At the same time a big emphasis was put on the partnership approach, especially on the role of regions and territorial cooperation namely in the context of their contribution in reaching the Lisbon Strategy objectives as well as strengthening the institutional cooperation of the regions, e.g. in the framework of the Euroregions.
27.06.2008 Informal Meeting of EU Directors-General Responsible for Fisheries. Slovenia today hosted the Informal Meeting of the EU Directors-General responsible for fisheries, the last meeting held in Slovenia during the Slovenian Presidency of the EU. The Directors-General discussed high fuel prices, which have a strong impact on the fisheries sector. The fishing fleet is greatly affected in that the cost of fuel can represent half or an even greater share of production costs.
27.06.2008 Minister Rupel attends second day of the G8 meeting. The main topics of the second and final day of the G8 foreign ministers’ meeting in Kyoto today were Korea, Iran, the Middle East Peace Process, Sudan and Zimbabwe. The meeting is being attended by the foreign ministers of Japan, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and Canada, and the deputy foreign minister of Russia. As usual, an EU delegation also takes part as an observer, this time headed by the President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel.
27.06.2008 EU-Russia Summit: The Start of a New Age. The 21st EU-Russia Summit in Hanty Mansiisk, Russia, was marked by talks held in a friendly atmosphere. The Summit fulfilled the main expectation regarding mutual relations in the recent period. Leaders from both sides welcomed the start of the new phase in the process of deepening the strategic partnership introduced by the negotiations on a new fundamental agreement between the European Union and the Russian Federation.
26.06.2008 Presidency Press Statement: EU and Turkmenistan hold first round of human rights talks. The European Union and Turkmenistan held the first round of the human rights dialogue on 24 July in Ashgabat. The meeting, which took place in a constructive atmosphere, covered the human rights situation in Turkmenistan as well as cooperation with the UN mechanisms.
26.06.2008 Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel attends G8 Foreign Ministers meeting. The G8 Foreign Ministers meeting opened in Kyoto today. The EU delegation is headed by the Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs, President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council Dimitrij Rupel. The two-day meeting dedicated to all the most important international crisis points is being attended by the Foreign Ministers of the USA, Italy, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Japan, and the Deputy Foreign Ministers of Canada and the Russian Federation. The European Union always takes part in G8 meetings, too. For Slovenia, this is the first and only opportunity in many years to attend such an important meeting, since the G8 Group is made up of the countries that have the largest and most powerful economies in the world. Today's discussion focused on Afghanistan, Pakistan and Burma/Myanmar; tomorrow the Ministers will discuss Korea, Iran, the Middle East Peace Process, Sudan, Zimbabwe and the Caucasus.
26.06.2008 Slovenian Justice Minister Lovro Šturm speaks about future cooperation in the area of justice. The President of the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council, Dr Lovro Šturm, today presented at the Committee for Legal Affairs of the European Parliament (JURI) the results of Slovenia’s Presidency of the EU Council in the area of justice. The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs is responsible for the legal protection of the rights and competences of the European Parliament, including its participation in proceedings before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance. The Committee is also competent for EU measures that have an impact on Member State legislation, including in the fields of civil and commercial law, corporate law, intellectual property law and procedural law, as well as environmental liability and sanctions against environmental crime.
26.06.2008 Minister Mate: "We have justified the confidence placed in us during the Slovenian Presidency.". Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council of the EU, presented the achievements of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council in the area of home affairs at the meeting of the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE Committee) in Brussels today.
26.06.2008 State Secretary Tomaž Jeršič presents Slovenian Presidency achievements in energy, telecommunications and industrial policy before European Parliament ITRE Committee. At the close of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency, the State Secretary at the Slovenian Ministry of the Economy, Tomaž Jeršič, appeared before the MEPs on the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) to present the work and progress achieved during the Slovenian EU Council Presidency in the areas of energy, industrial policy, competition and telecommunications. He focused especially on the achievements of the EU Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council meetings held in June.
26.06.2008 Two-day Plenary Session of the Permanent Committee on Cadastre (PCC) in the European Union. A two-day general meeting of the Permanent Committee on Cadastre (PCC) in the European Union started at Bled today, organised by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, which chaired the Committee on behalf of Slovenia during the first half of 2008.
26.06.2008 Slovenian Minister of Justice before the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE): successful conclusion of the Slovenian Presidency in the area of Justice. The President of the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council, Dr Lovro Šturm, today presented the results of the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council in the area of justice at the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). The Minister informed the MEPs that a prototype of the European e-justice portal was opened in April 2008. The prototype was set up on an experimental basis for States participating in the project of linking up insolvency registers, which was the aim of the Slovenian Presidency. The European e-Justice Portal will constitute a single online access point and will enable existing e-justice services to be linked. The portal is expected to be opened to the public in 2010. "'It is very important to provide the appropriate funds within the framework of the civil and criminal programme for future quality work in the e-justice field," declared Minister Šturm.
26.06.2008 Members of the European Parliament commend the Slovenian Presidency for fulfilling its promise in the area of science. The Slovenian Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology, Mojca Kucler Dolinar, today in Brussels presented before the European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) the achievements of the Slovenian Presidency in the area of science, technology and the information society.In her opening address, she stated:"We were warned that our programme is too ambitious; however, today we are proud to say we have succeeded."
26.06.2008 A historic EU-Russia Summit in sight, according to Prime Minister Janez Janša. The 21st EU-Russia Summit – currently being held in Khanty Mansiisk, Siberia, under the Slovenian EU Council Presidency – will be a historic one, declared the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Janez Janša. One of the centrepieces of this Summit will be the official launch of negotiations on the new agreement between the European Union and the Russian Federation. The Slovenian EU Council Presidency, in cooperation with all the Member States and with the support of the European institutions, has invested a great deal in ensuring the mandate for negotiations on a new agreement to replace the 1997 Partnership and Cooperation Agreement was confirmed in good time. The European Union and the Russian Federation will also resume the practice of issuing joint statements – the last time a Joint Statement was adopted by an EU-Russia Summit was in November 2003.
24.06.2008 Dr Rupel attends Quartet meeting: Middle East talks to enter a crucial phase. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitrij Rupel, last night attended the meeting of the ‘Quartet’ of Middle East peace negotiators in Berlin, where he represented the European Union alongside the EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, and the European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner. The US delegation is headed by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the Russian Federation delegation by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, participated at the conference from New York through video link.
24.06.2008 EU Fisheries Ministers further agree on Fishing Authorisations and Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Protection. The EU Council of Ministers responsible for fisheries, under the chairmanship of Slovenian Agriculture Minister Iztok Jarc, today adopted two further Regulations on fisheries, the first on authorisations for fishing activities and the second on the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems.
“I am highly satisfied that, on top of the Regulation on preventing illegal fishing, we also today adopted a Regulation unifying the rules for obtaining authorisations for the fishing activities of Community fishing vessels outside Community waters and the access of non-EU vessels to European waters. This is one action to simply procedures and reduce the administrative burden,” emphasised Mr Jarc.
24.06.2008 Synergy has created shifts that have made Europe more effective, claims Prime Minister Janez Janša. At today’s extraordinary plenary session of the European Parliament in Brussels, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, presented the conclusions adopted at the June European Council meeting held on 19 and 20 June this year.
In the Prime Minister’s words, in the past six months, the synergy between the European Council, the European Commission and the European Parliament has helped bring about certain shifts that have made Europe better and more effective, especially in terms of seeking answers to global challenges. “The shifts that we have made prove that Europe is dynamic, that it is functioning and that it is capable of addressing problems,” he underscored.
24.06.2008 “The Slovenian Presidency successfully carried out its work,” says Slovenian Finance Minister Bajuk. The current President of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council, Slovenian Finance Minister Dr Andrej Bajuk, today in Brussels presented the achievements of the Slovenian Presidency to the European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs Council (ECOFIN) in the area of the Council's work and pointed out that economic conditions had substantially influenced the work of the Slovenian Presidency.
24.06.2008 Energy dialogue regarding high oil prices. Minister of the Economy Andrej Vizjak today co-chaired the fifth meeting of the EU-OPEC Energy Dialogue in Brussels. The main theme of the ministerial meeting was high oil prices. The ministers of the EU Member States and OPEC Member Countries exchanged positions and information.
24.06.2008 Foreign Minister Rupel at Berlin Conference on Palestinian Civil Security and Rule of Law. Attending the Conference in Support of Palestinian Civil Security and Rule of Law today, the current EU General Affairs and External Relations Council President, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel confirmed the European Union’s commitment to actively participating in strengthening civil security forces and the rule of law in Palestine. The Conference, which is being attended by senior representatives of many countries and international organisations, including the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and the official Envoy of the Quartet on the Middle East Tony Blair, was opened by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
24.06.2008 EU Ministers for fisheries reach agreement on fight against unlawful, unregulated and unreported fishing. EU Ministers competent for fisheries headed by the Slovenian Minister Iztok Jarc adopted the regulation establishing the system for the fight against unlawful, unregulated and unreported fishing. It is a priority file of the Slovenian Presidency and the Commission in the field of fisheries. “The adopted Regulation sets an example for other world countries as well as international and regional organisations from the fisheries field,” said Slovenian Minister Jarc after the adoption.
24.06.2008 Trio Presidency transport ministers summarise accomplishments achieved during the last eighteen months. The transport ministers of the first Trio Presidency met today at Brdo to review the accomplishments of the last eighteen months in the field of transport and addressed key challenges for the future. Minister of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia Radovan Žerjav, Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany Wolfgang Tiefensee, and Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communications of the Portuguese Republic Mario Lino praised the good mutual cooperation of the Trio, which brought tangible results and achievement of the set objectives.
23.06.2008 Slovenian Culture Minister Vasko Simoniti tells EP committee, “All our set objectives were achieved in full and, in many areas, exceeded.”. Today in Brussels Dr Vasko Simoniti, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia gave a final report to the meeting of the European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education (CULT). Before that, at 12.30 in front of the Justus Lipsius Council building on Place Schuman, he donated a sculptural monolith bearing the quotation ‘May all peoples thrive and prosper’ in 23 languages, a lasting symbol of Slovenia’s EU Council Presidency in Brussels.
23.06.2008 Agriculture Ministers adopt Plant Protection Product Regulation . Today the EU’s Agriculture Ministers, headed by Slovenian Minister of Agriculture Iztok Jarc, by a significant majority and with the support of the European Commission adopted the Regulation on placing plant protection products on the market. Mr Jarc stressed that reaching political agreement after two years of EU Council discussions on the Regulation was a great achievement for the Slovenian Presidency, adding that one of the chief aims of the new Regulation is to enforce the high standards needed to prevent harmful effects of plant protection products on human and animal health or the environment.
23.06.2008 A lasting souvenir of Slovenia's EU Presidency in front of Justus Lipsius. Slovenian minister of culture Vasko Simonitti today handed over to Director General and Head of Protocol of the Council's General Secretariat Marc Lepovre a marble monolith, a monument to Slovenia's first EU Presidency. The statue, which stands in front of the Justus Lipsius building in Brussels, carries the verse "God's blessings on all nations" from Slovenia's national anthem in 23 official EU languages.
23.06.2008 Achievements of the Slovenian Presidency in the areas of education, young people and sport exceeded all expectations. "I am very pleased with the Slovenian Presidency since we have successfully concluded the 18-month programme of the Trio Presidency and realised all key priorities in the area of education, training, young people and culture," declared the current President of the Education, Youth and Culture Council, Slovenian Minister of Education and Sport, Dr Milan Zver, today at the European Parliament. At the meeting of the European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education, Minister Zver presented the achievements of the Slovenian Presidency in the areas of education, training, young people and sport. At the conclusion, the MEPs agreed that the Slovenian Presidency had exceeded all expectations and was very successful in their work.
23.06.2008 Slovenian Minister of Agriculture Iztok Jarc on Achievements of the Trio Presidency . Before the last EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting under the Slovenian Presidency, today, the Slovenian Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Food and current Council President, Iztok Jarc, highlighted the importance of work and cooperation under the trio Presidency. Germany, Portugal and Slovenia had set out their objectives in a well-prepared 18-month Presidency programme, said the Minister, and had for the most part accomplished their objectives in every area. Among the trio Presidency’s achievements he highlighted simplification and removal of administrative barriers, reform of the wine sector, progress on the plant protection products package and the common agricultural policy (CAP) healthcheck.
23.06.2008 Spatial information conference in Maribor. The INSPIRE Conference, being held from 23 to 25 June at the Habakuk Hotel in Maribor, is today being opened by Dr Mitja Bricelj, State Secretary at the Slovenian Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning. Conference participants will discuss the Member State obligations and activities required under the 2007 Directive establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community for environmental policy implementation purposes (the 'INSPIRE Directive').
21.06.2008 Informal Meeting of Defence Ministers of South-Eastern Europe. On Friday 20 and Saturday 21 June, the first Informal Meeting of Defence Ministers of South-Eastern Europe (SEE) was held in Sotelia Hotel, Podčetrtek, Slovenia. Alongside the SEE Defence Ministers and their deputies, the meeting was attended by senior representatives of Italy, Hungary, the EU and NATO. Participants at the meeting, chaired by Slovenian Defence Minister Karl Erjavec, discussed the current state of affairs and future possibilities for cooperation in the area of defence in the region. All participants agreed on the importance of pursuing practical forms of regional integration. The meeting confirmed the conclusions of the 8th Clearinghouse Conference held at Brdo pri Kranju from 18 to 20 June.
20.06.2008 Slovenian Presidency welcomes entry into force of new memorandum of understanding on cross-border financial stability on 2 June 2008. The Slovenian Minister of Finance and President of the EU Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN), Dr Andrej Bajuk, has welcomed the entry into force of the new Memorandum of Understanding on co-operation between the Financial Supervisory Authorities, Central Banks and the Finance Ministries of the European Union on cross-border financial stability on 2 June 2008, when it was signed by all 113 institutions. Dr Bajuk underlined, "The agreement on the Memorandum of Understanding on Cross-Border Financial Stability reached at the informal meeting of the ECOFIN Council on 4-5 April 2008 in Brdo pri Kranju constitutes a tangible achievement of the Slovenian Presidency in the area of crisis management in the EU."
20.06.2008 EU Lifts Restrictions on Cuba. The European Union will lift the already suspended 2003 measures on Cuba as a means to facilitate political dialogue with this country. This was agreed by the EU foreign ministers at a dinner organised on Thursday evening in Brussels on the margins of the European Council meeting and headed by the President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, Foreign Minister of Slovenia Dr Dimitrij Rupel. The Council will formally confirm the decision at its next session, expected to be held next week. The issue was already on the agenda at the session of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council on Monday in Luxembourg, but the ministers postponed it, especially due to a long discussion on the effects of the Lisbon Treaty referendum results in Ireland.
20.06.2008 French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner thanked the Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel. At the end of the dinner of EU Foreign Ministers on the margins of the European Council, which was the last official meeting of ministers during the Slovenian EU Council Presidency, the incoming President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council and French Foreign Minister, Mr Bernard Kouchner, thanked the current President, Mr Dimitrij Rupel, for the accomplished work.
20.06.2008 EU leaders unanimous in favour of mitigating effects of high food and oil prices. At their June Summit under the current Council President, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša, EU Heads of State and Government today called for a united front in taking measures to relieve the effects of high food and oil prices at European and world level. The President of the European Council, Janez Janša, underlined that these are major challenges with a significant impact on the life of all EU citizens. He pointed out three statistics illustrating the gravity of the situation, "16% of EU residents live below the poverty line, low-income families being the worst affected. An additional 100 million people have been pushed into poverty due to the increase in food prices, while oil prices have risen by 500% in the past six years."
20.06.2008 European Council upholds ‘European perspective’ for Western Balkans. At its meeting in Brussels today, the European Council confirmed its full support for the prospect of a future in Europe – the ‘European perspective’ – for the countries of the Western Balkans, to whom the EU leaders issued recommendations on drawing closer to the European Union.
“The Slovenian Presidency has endeavoured throughout to bolster the European perspective for the Western Balkan countries, this being a prerequisite for peace and stability in the region. So I am pleased that, today, we have confirmed some important achievements towards making the prospect of the region’s future in Europe a reality,” stressed the current European Council President, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša.
20.06.2008 European Council to analyse further and return to Lisbon Treaty in October; meanwhile, ratification continues. The European Council held extensive discussions yesterday and today on the outcome of the Irish referendum rejecting the Lisbon Treaty and the implications of this for the European Union. Mr Janez Janša, the Slovenian Prime Minister and President of the European Council, today assessed the debate as very constructive, “I sensed a very positive mood and a high level of solidarity. I am sure my colleagues felt the same.”
19.06.2008 EU leaders approve Slovakia’s bid to join the eurozone. Today, the leaders of the EU Member States confirmed Slovakia's readiness to join the eurozone on 1 January 2009. Slovakia will thus become the sixteenth member of the eurozone and the fourth to join from the group of countries that became EU members in 2004.
18.06.2008 Slovenian Presidency achieves decision on EIT headquarters: Budapest selected. Although it has been clear all along that achieving a final decision on the location of the headquarters of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) would be a neither easy nor quick task, the Slovenian Presidency has demonstrated fine diplomatic skills and has managed to bring the divergent positions of the Member States to a consensus. The EU Member State ministers today agreed in Brussels that the most appropriate candidate is Hungary.
18.06.2008 Presidency presented the preparation of the European Council to the European Parliament, following the Irish referendum. "At tomorrow's meeting of the European Council, Heads of State and Government will discuss how best to remedy the situation caused by the Irish "no" vote for the Lisbon Treaty. They will endeavour to set a timetable for further work. The Presidency is convinced that a solution could be found in close cooperation with Ireland." With these words, State Secretary for European Affairs Janez Lenarčič announced one of the main topics of tomorrow's European Council, during his presentation to the European Parliament at today’s plenary session. The European Council will also focus on other equally important challenges. Thus, Heads of State and Government will discuss measures to alleviate the impact of rising food and oil prices; the European perspective of the Western Balkans; and the progress made on economic, social and environmental issues. In keeping with the tradition of June summits, the meeting will also discuss issues relating to justice and home affairs and external relations.
17.06.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša: European Council will focus on practical challenges before the European Union. At the press conference today, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, presented today the agenda of the June European Council meeting to be held on 19 and 20 June 2008 in Brussels; he also spoke about current affairs in Europe. Mr Janša reported that the Irish Prime Minister, Brian Cowen, would inform his colleagues about the reasons behind the negative referendum result. “In this context I expect an open discussion and constructive exchange of views,” added the current President of the European Council, Mr Janša.
17.06.2008 Minister Rupel Briefs the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, today briefed the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament (AFET) on Monday’s Council meeting and the activities accomplished during the Slovenian Presidency.
17.06.2008 Debate on the Internal Energy Market: Statement by State Secretary for European Affairs Janez Lenarčič on Behalf of the Council of the EU. During the Slovenian Presidency, energy issues were high on the agenda. Issues such as the security of supply, functioning of energy markets and sustainable environmental management are of strategic importance for the EU and its citizens today. It is becoming increasingly clear that the energy sector is an area which has to offer new knowledge and new services if we wish to safeguard the competitiveness of the European economy.
17.06.2008 Minister Mate at successful political trialogue on Common Consular Instructions . On the margins of today’s plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Slovenian Interior Minister and President of the Home Affairs Council Dragutin Mate attended a political trialogue with MEP Sarah Ludford, the European Parliament's rapporteur on the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending the Common Consular Instructions on visas for diplomatic missions and consular posts in relation to the introduction of biometrics, including provisions on the organisation of the reception and processing of visa applications.
17.06.2008 Role of Forests in Climate Change. A three-day meeting of Directors-General for Forestry began today in Slovenia. The main topics of the meeting concern forests and climate change, and the question of what role forests should play in adapting to and mitigating climate change. The Directors-General will also discuss the initiative for concluding a legally binding agreement on forests in Europe which was previously dealt with at the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe in November last year.
17.06.2008 Fifth meeting of the Accession Conference at ministerial level with Turkey. The fifth meeting of the Accession Conference with Turkey at ministerial level was held today in Luxembourg, following the start of accession negotiations on 3 October 2005. The European Union Delegation was headed by Dimitrij Rupel, Slovenian Foreign Minister and current President of the Council. The Turkish delegation was led by Ali Babacan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chief Negotiator.
17.06.2008 Sixth meeting of the Accession Conference at ministerial level with Croatia. The sixth meeting of the Accession Conference with Croatia at ministerial level was held today in Luxembourg, following the start of accession negotiations on 3 October 2005. The European Union delegation was headed by Dimitrij Rupel, Slovenia’s Foreign Minister and current President of the GAERC Council. The Croatian delegation was led by Gordan Jandroković, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.
17.06.2008 EU opens two chapters in accession negotiations with Turkey. The President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, today chaired the accession conference with Turkey. The Turkish delegation was headed by Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan. At the accession conference, the European Union opened two new chapters, namely Chapter 6 (Company Law) and Chapter 7 (Intellectual Property Law).
17.06.2008 EU opens two chapters in accession negotiations with Croatia. The current President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, chaired the accession conference today with Croatia; the Croatian delegation was headed by the Foreign Minister, Gordan Jandroković. At the accession conference, the European Union opened two new chapters, namely Chapter 2 (Freedom of Movement for Workers) and Chapter 19 (Employment and Social Policy).
16.06.2008 Minister Rupel heads the EU-Israel Association Council. The current President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dr Dimitrij Rupel, today chaired the EU-Israel Association Council. The Israeli delegation was headed by Tzipi Livni, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The meeting focused on assessing relations between the European Union and Israel. The Association Council, the central body in the bilateral relations, regularly examines the relations and formulates proposals for strengthening cooperation.
16.06.2008 Minister Rupel on the Irish referendum. At the press conference which followed the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Bosnia and Herzegovina, the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council President, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, responded to a question on the implications of the Irish ‘no’ vote in the Lisbon Treaty referendum. He explained that some time had been dedicated to the issue at the Council session; Commission representatives and many ministers had taken part in a debate after hearing a report from the Irish Foreign Minister Micheál Martin.
16.06.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša receives President of the European Economic and Social Committee. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, had a meeting today with the President of the European Economic and Social Committee, Mr Dimitris Dimitriadis, who thanked the Prime Minister for the excellent cooperation the EESC had enjoyed with the Slovenian Presidency, adding that he looked forward to further cooperation between the European Economic and Social Committee and Slovenia after the conclusion of Slovenia’s EU Council Presidency.
16.06.2008 EU signs Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Bosnia and Herzegovina. Foreign ministers of the EU-27 and representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina today signed the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, which formally launches Bosnia and Herzegovina’s accession to the EU. Dr Dimitrij Rupel, GAERC President and Slovenian Foreign Minister, signed the agreement on behalf of the EU Presidency; Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn on behalf of the European Commission; and Prime Minister Nikola Špirić on behalf of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The BiH Presidency Chairman, Dr Haris Silajdžić, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr Sven Alkalaj, and the High Representative for the CFSP, Mr Javier Solana, were also present at this event.
16.06.2008 ASEM finance ministers discuss challenges in the world economy. Dr Andrej Bajuk, Slovenian Minister of Finance and current President of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN), today attended the meeting of finance ministers from Asia and Europe (ASEM) being held from 14 to 17 June 2008 on Jeju Island in South Korea. He participated in the discussions by presenting common positions of the EU Member States.
16.06.2008 General Affairs and External Relations Council discusses the Western Balkans. Under the presidency of Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitrij Rupel, the General Affairs and External Relations Council today discussed the Western Balkans. By way of introduction, the Council reiterated its “firm commitment” to the European perspective of the Western Balkan countries.
16.06.2008 Presidency statement: Cyprus – Amendments to the Green Line Regulation. The Presidency welcomes today's adoption of the amendments to the Green Line Regulation. The regulation, originally adopted in 2004 and first amended in 2005, contains rules for the crossing of people, goods and services across the Green Line on Cyprus.
15.06.2008 “The outstanding results of the cooperation between ASEM countries in the last 12 years mean we can look to the future with optimism,” affirms Finance Minister Bajuk. Dr Andrej Bajuk, Slovenian Minister of Finance and current President of the Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) Council, today attended the ASEM conference in the format of a meeting of Asian and European (ASEM) Finance Ministers on Jeju Island in South Korea. At the conference, discussions focused on future regional economic integration in Asia and Europe; Dr Bajuk took part in a debate on challenges and opportunities related to the strategic partnership between the European Union and Asia and presented the conclusions of the discussions.
14.06.2008 G8 Finance Ministers’ Meeting in Osaka Mainly Focuses on High Crude Oil and Food Prices. Slovenian Minister of Finance and current President of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN), Dr Andrej Bajuk, attended the meeting of the G8 finance ministers on 13 and 14 June 2008 at the invitation of Japanese Finance Minister Fukushiro Nukaga. In his capacity as ECOFIN chair, Minister Bajuk participated in discussions by presenting the positions harmonised at the EU level. The finance ministers exchanged views on the following three issues: macro-economic prospects, including developments on financial markets, and food and crude oil prices and climate change.
13.06.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša: European leaders determined to find a solution to the situation. "There is firm resolve to proceed, to seek a way out of this situation within the framework as set by the Lisbon Reform Treaty," said the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the European Union, Mr Janez Janša, in response to the publication of the official outcome of the referendum on ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, held yesterday in Ireland. The Prime Minister went on to add that the Heads of State and Government of the European Union Member States would hold a meeting next week in Brussels, and the Irish Prime Minister, Mr Brian Cowen, would be invited to explain the reasons for this outcome of the referendum.
13.06.2008 European Lifelong Learning Awards for Quality in Mobility 2008 . Within the framework of the international conference "Quality in Mobility within the Lifelong Learning Programme", the European Lifelong Learning Awards for Quality in Mobility were granted for the first time today. The awards to the winning Erasmus, Grundtvig, Comenius, Leonardo and Languages projects were conferred by the President of the EU Education, Youth and Culture Council, Slovenian Minister of Education and Sport, Dr Milan Zver, and the European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth, Jan Figel'. "The Lifelong Learning Programme and in particular the mobility projects carried out within its framework are basic tools for encouraging intercultural dialogue, mutual acquaintance and thus promotion of multiculturalism and multilingualism," said the President of the EU Education, Youth and Culture Council, Slovenian Minister of Education and Sport, Dr Milan Zver, at the awards ceremony. He also pointed out that "priority was given to operators of the educational process: to educational institutions, primary and secondary school pupils, teachers, and to the actual results of their participation in the most important EU education programme – the Lifelong Learning Programme. And it is really in the schooling process where innovation and creativity – being among the main priorities of the Slovenian Presidency – start.
13.06.2008 European transport perspective for the Western Balkan countries. In the afternoon session of today's Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council meeting, the Transport Ministers of the EU Member States discussed the so-called transport agreement with the Western Balkan countries, as well as railway agreements, clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles, and aviation. The transport ministers conferred a mandate on the Commission to open negotiations on the Transport Community Treaty between the EU and the Western Balkan countries. This is the continuation of the process and events of transport rapprochement of the Community with this region, as well as the continuation of the content discussed by the EU Transport Ministers at the conference in May in Belgrade.
13.06.2008 General Affairs and External Relations Council Meeting, 16 and 17 June 2008. The General Affairs and External Relations Council will convene in Luxembourg on 16 and 17 June for its final meeting under the Slovenian Presidency. The Council's session on General Affairs will focus on preparations for the European Council on 19 and 20 June. The ministers will examine draft conclusions prepared by the Presidency. After that, the future French, Czech and Swedish Presidencies will present their draft 18-month programme of the Council in the second half of 2008 and in 2009. The document focuses on long-term EU objectives and on issues expected to be covered during the upcoming 18-month period.
13.06.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša comments on the Irish referendum. Today, we have learned about the outcome of the Irish referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.
The Slovenian Presidency of the EU deeply regrets this outcome.
Nevertheless, we respect the democratic will of the Irish voters.
Next week, the Heads of State and Government of the EU Member States will meet in Brussels at the European Council meeting. I will invite the Irish Prime Minister to explain the reasons for the rejection of the Treaty by the Irish people. We will discuss the situation and look for ways to move forward.
The Lisbon Treaty has already been ratified by two thirds of EU Member States. The Treaty is necessary to make Europe more efficient, more democratic and transparent.
13.06.2008 Minister Rupel visits Skopje. Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs and President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) Dimitrij Rupel is on a visit to Skopje today, where he met with the highest representatives of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. They discussed two key issues – Macedonia's integration into Euro-Atlantic structures and preparations for repeat elections at certain polling stations that saw unrest and irregularities in the elections on 1 June.
13.06.2008 The period of vague rules for performing road haulage services in the European Union comes to an end. The second day of the meeting of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, chaired by Slovenian Transport Minister Radovan Žerjav is taking place today in Luxembourg. During the morning part of the debate, the EU transport ministers held a demanding and profound discussion on the three legislative proposals in the road transport package: the Proposal for a regulation on common rules for access to the international road haulage market, the Proposal for a Regulation establishing common rules concerning the conditions to be complied with to pursue the occupation of road transport operator, and the Proposal for a Regulation on common rules for access to the market for coach and bus services. Following a lengthy debate, the Council of Ministers endorsed the compromise proposal of the Slovenian Presidency. The ministers therefore arrived at a political agreement on all three legislative proposals.
13.06.2008 State Secretary at the Ministry of Justice Robert Marolt and State Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior Zvonko Zinrajh attend G8 Justice and Home Affairs ministerial meeting on the fight against terrorism and crime . State Secretary at the Ministry of Justice Robert Marolt and State Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior Zvonko Zinrajh attended the G8 Justice and Home Affairs ministerial meeting held from 11 to 13 June in Tokyo. The state secretaries participated in the ministerial meeting as representatives of the country holding the presidency of the European Union. Japan was represented by Japanese Minister of State and Chairman of the National Public Safety Commission Shinya Izumi and Minister of Justice Kunio Hatoyama. State Secretary Zinrajh remarked that the Slovenian Presidency has had an opportunity to contribute to the discussion held by senior representatives of the G8 countries on fighting terrorism and various types of crime. He emphasised that in combating terrorism, the focus should be on protecting critical infrastructure as well as on prevention, and added that it is imperative that radicalisation and terrorist recruitment be thwarted.
13.06.2008 Senior Adriatic country representatives and EU Water Directors in Slovenia (Announcement). On 16 and 17 June, two important water management events will take place simultaneously in Slovenia. The first ever meeting of all Adriatic country senior representatives will be held in Koper, in tandem with the 9th Meeting of the Joint Slovenian-Croatian-Italian Commission for the Protection of the Adriatic and coastal areas. The aim of the meeting is to prepare an Adriatic Strategy consistent with the EU Marine Strategy Directive. The senior representatives will presumably sign a joint declaration on the preparation of this Adriatic Strategy.
13.06.2008 EU Environmental Coordinators Meeting. The meeting of EU Environmental Coordinators is being held on the Slovenian coast today. Such a meeting is traditionally organised by every EU Presidency country towards the end of its Presidency term of office. The meeting participants are, for the most part, the individuals from the EU Member State Environment Ministries who are responsible for coordinating European affairs in the area of the environment.
13.06.2008 Mental health should be considered an integral part of all spheres of social life. Today in Brussels, Minister of Health Zofija Mazej Kukovič attended the European conference on mental health, which was organised by the European Commission in cooperation with the Slovenian Presidency under the slogan “Together for Mental Health and Well-Being”. Experts predict that by 2020 depression will become the most frequent cause of illness in the developed world, and that the prevalence of mental disorders among all illnesses is growing most rapidly. “The number of people with mental disorders is also increasing due to demographic trends and the growing number of elderly population in the European Union,” noted the Minister in her opening address; she added, “Our goal is to develop measures to promote mental health and raise public awareness, assume and maintain healthy living habits, and create an environment that provides for personal growth.”
12.06.2008 Slovenian Economy Minister Vizjak comments on "great progress" in harmonising regulatory package on electronic communications networks and services. The EU Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council has concluded its meeting in Luxembourg. Telecommunications and information society issues were on the agenda. The Council was chaired by the Slovenian Minister of the Economy, Andrej Vizjak, and the Slovenian Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Mojca Kucler Dolinar, and one of the key topics was a review of progress made in harmonisation of the regulatory package on electronic communications networks and services.
12.06.2008 Slovenian Presidency welcomes ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by the Greek parliament. The Slovenian Presidency welcomes ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by the Greek parliament. In common with Estonia and Finland, Greece approved the Treaty yesterday. The Treaty has therefore now been ratified by the parliaments of Hungary, Slovenia, Malta, Romania, France, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, Portugal, Denmark, Austria, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Luxembourg, Finland, Estonia and Greece.
Just six months after its signature, the Treaty has already been ratified by two thirds of the Member States (prior to today’s referendum in Ireland). This represents a major success.
More about the Lisbon Treaty, details of ratification procedures in individual Member States, and the benefits the Treaty brings to EU citizens is available on the web site: Europa – Treaty of Lisbon.
12.06.2008 Ministers responsible for information society confirm conclusions in favour of increasing digitisation in Europe. In the afternoon session of the first day of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council meeting, chaired by Slovenian Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Mojca Kucler Dolinar, the ministers focused on information society issues. The ministers discussed a general approach regarding the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) with a view to reaching agreement with the European Parliament at first reading.They reached agreement on a three-year extension of the Agency's mandate. This period will be devoted to deliberations and discussion on general guidelines related to European efforts in favour of increased network and information security.
12.06.2008 Conference on the European Social Fund: "European Social Fund: Contribution to the Inclusion of Young People into the Labour Market". As the managing authority for structural funds and the cohesion fund, the Government Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy, which is led by Minister Dr Ivan Žagar, organised a conference on the European Social Fund titled “European Social Fund: Contribution to the Inclusion of Young People into the Labour Market”, which took place on 11 and 12 June 2008 in Maribor in the framework of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU.
11.06.2008 EU Presidency welcoming the arrest of Stojan Župljanin. The EU Presidency welcomes the arrest today in Belgrade of Stojan Župljanin, one of the four remaining war crime fugitives, charged with crimes committed in Bosnia-Hercegovina. It underlines that Mr Župljanin now needs to be transferred to The Hague without delay.
10.06.2008 Pan European conference on population level management plans for large carnivores. A two-day pan-European conference on population level management plans for large carnivores opens today, aimed at endorsing the guidelines on population level management plans for large carnivores. Over 140 experts from 27 countries and several international NGOs are taking part in the conference, which will be opened by the Slovenian Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Janez Podobnik.
One of the major challenges in the implementation of European legislation in the field of nature conservation (the Habitats Directive) is the management of large carnivores, especially after the enlargement of the European Union, on account of the increase in the number of Member States hosting larger populations of carnivores. In this connection, the European Commission is handling the drafting of guidelines on developing plans for managing the population levels of large carnivores. At the final conference in Slovenia, the guidelines will be presented in their final version after discussions held at national level. Management practices in several EU and accession countries and international ongoing activities will also be presented.
10.06.2008 The Barcelona Process: the EuroMed Senior Officials Meet in Portorož. The 76th EuroMed Senior Officials and Committee Meeting was held in Portorož, Slovenia, on the 9th and 10th of June 2008. This meeting, which takes place four times under each rotating Presidency, was the last regular meeting under the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council.
10.06.2008 EU-USA Summit on Transatlantic Cooperation and Global Issues. The European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA) confirmed the progress made in transatlantic relations and committed themselves to further strengthening the strategic partnership. The EU-USA Summit was an opportunity to exchange views on topical regional and security issues; both sides also paid great attention to global challenges, such as climate change and energy security. A Joint Declaration was adopted at the Summit highlighting the most important challenges requiring close cooperation between the European Union and the United States.
At the Summit, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the European Council, Janez Janša, the President of the United States, George W. Bush, the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, and the EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, underlined the importance of the strategic transatlantic partnership and expressed their commitment to coordinated cooperation in addressing regional and global issues. Both sides attached particular importance to stepping up economic links.
10.06.2008 State Secretary at the Ministry of Justice Robert Marolt and State Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior Zvonko Zinrajh to attend G8 Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial Meeting - announcement. At the invitation of the Japanese Minister of State and Chairman of the National Public Safety Commission Shinyja Izumi and Minister of Justice Kunio Hatoyama, State Secretary at the Ministry of Justice Robert Marolt and State Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior Zvonko Zinrajh will attend G8 Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial Meeting, which will be held from 11 to 13 June 2008 in Tokio. The State Secretaries will participate in the ministerial meeting as representatives of the country holding the presidency of the Justice and Home Affairs Council of the European Union.
10.06.2008 2008 EU-U.S. Summit Declaration . We, the leaders of the European Union and United States of America, met today in Brdo, Slovenia to further strengthen our strategic partnership. We view this Summit, and the fact that it is being hosted by Slovenia in its role as Presidency of the Council of the EU, as symbolic of our endeavour to realise a free, democratic and united Europe. The process of unifying Europe is one of the outstanding historical legacies of our partnership over the past half century.
10.06.2008 Achieving EU Health Strategy objectives should be easier in future . At today’s meeting of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) in Luxembourg, EU Health Ministers adopted conclusions on implementing the EU Health Strategy presented by the European Commission in October last year. The key to achieving strategy goals and resolving other important strategic issues is intensified structured cooperation between the Council and the Commission. According to the Council President, Slovenian Health Minister Zofija Mazej Kukovič, “The increased commitment of the EU Member States and the Council to the area of health in the EU and in issues with an impact on health and health systems as well as closer cooperation with the Commission would mean real added value for the EU Member States. It would also ensure the integration of health into all policies.”
10.06.2008 EU Health Ministers confirm commitment to reducing burden of cancer. Today in Luxembourg, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Slovenia, Zofija Mazej Kukovič, chaired the second day of the meeting of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO). The EU Ministers of Health adopted Council conclusions on the reduction of the burden of cancer, in which they called upon the Member States to develop and implement comprehensive strategies for cancer control. Such strategies should include “disease prevention, early detection, high-quality treatment, psychosocial support, rehabilitation and palliative care,” emphasised the current Council President, Slovenian Health Minister Zofija Mazej Kukovič. Following a successful expert conference on the subject, Slovenia has thus achieved a political commitment on the part of the Member States to reducing the burden of cancer.
10.06.2008 Euro-Mediterranean University a Challenge and Opportunity for the Economy. On Monday afternoon, 9 June, the Bernardin Congress Centre hosted the founding ceremony of the Euro-Mediterranean University foundation. Speakers were Science and Research Commissioner Dr Janez Potočnik, Vice-President of the European Parliament Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Slovenian Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology Mojca Kuclar Dolinar, and Piran Mayor Tomaž Gantar.
10.06.2008 Participants from 23 Countries at the International Conference of University Rectors. In the frame of the inaugural events of the Euro-Mediterranean University with its seat in Slovenia, the International Conference of University Rectors on Intercultural Dialogue in Higher Education was held on 9 June at the Bernardin Congress Centre in Portorož. The introductory speech was delivered by Mojca Kucler Dolinar, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Prof Dr Yusuf Ziya Ozcan, President of the Turkish Council of Higher Education, and Prof Dr Francesco Xavier Grau Vidal, President of EPUF (EuroMed Permanent University Forum).
10.06.2008 Slovenian EU Presidency reaches agreement on temporary agency workers and working time. At their meeting in Luxembourg, EU Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs reached agreement on two Directives of the utmost importance for European workers since they govern the aspects of working time and the rights of temporary agency workers. The current EPSCO Council President, Slovenian Minister for Labour, Family and Social Affairs Marjeta Cotman, expressed great satisfaction at the success in finding solution that gave workers all-round security.
09.06.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša welcomes the US President. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, this evening greeted the President of the United States of America, Mr George W. Bush, on his arrival in Slovenia, at Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport. Tomorrow, the US President will attend the EU-US Summit.
09.06.2008 Euro-Mediterranean University enjoys broad political, moral and material support, says Prime Minister Janez Janša. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, today attended the celebration in Portorož on the occasion of the inauguration of the Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI). In his address, the Premier – the patron of honour of the event – stressed that the Euro-Mediterranean University enjoyed the political, moral and material support of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, the European Parliament and the European Commission. Moreover, the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean University represents one of the specific projects of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue; the university will become a focal point bringing together all 39 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.
09.06.2008 Slovenian Minister Rupel heads EU-Troika meeting with China. Today in Ljubljana, the current President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, headed the ministerial EU-Troika meeting with the People’s Republic of China. Apart from Dr Rupel, the EU delegation included the EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, the European Commissioner, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, and the State Secretary in charge of Cooperation and Francophony at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alain Joyandet, while the Chinese delegation was headed by the Chinese Foreign Minister, Yang Jiechi. The core issue under discussion was relations between the European Union and China, with particular emphasis on the framing of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, and an exchange of views on the situation in Tibet and human rights. The meeting also offered an opportunity for exchanging opinions on certain regional and international issues, including the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Burma/Myanmar, Iran, Africa and regional cooperation with Eastern Asia.
06.06.2008 General agreement reached on third energy package. Today in Luxembourg, EU Energy Ministers reached agreement on key elements of all five legislative proposals on the single energy market (the third energy package), which also contains a new compromise proposal put forward after the meeting of the Senior Energy Officials at the beginning of May in Slovenia, in cooperation with the Presidency country and the European Commission. Council President Andrej Vizjak commented, “It is an extraordinary achievement, one that is important for the further development of the energy market. The Council has thus fulfilled the commitment made by the Energy Ministers at the Meeting of the Council in February and that of the Heads of State and Government at the spring European Council.”
06.06.2008 EPSCO Council meeting (Health) on 10 June in Luxembourg - event announcement . A meeting of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) will be held in Luxembourg on 9 and 10 June. On the second day of the conference, 10 June, EU Health Ministers will convene at a meeting chaired by the Slovenian Minister of Health, Ms Zofija Mazej Kukovič. In the morning, the Ministers will discuss reducing the burden of cancer, antimicrobial resistance and implementation of the EU Health Strategy.
06.06.2008 EU Justice and Home Affairs Council in favour of strengthening rights in judicial cooperation in criminal cases. The President of the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council, Minister Dr Lovro Šturm, headed the final meeting of the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council during the Slovenian Presidency. At the meeting, Dr Šturm informed the ministers that the Slovenian Presidency, in the co-decision procedure with the European Parliament, succeeded in reaching an agreement on the Directive on the protection of the environment through criminal law in the first reading. Thus, the co-decision procedure was successfully concluded, facilitating the adoption of this very important instrument for effective protection of the environment. “Yesterday, on World Environment Day, we reiterated the extreme importance of the environment. The Presidency assesses that the protection of the environment is an area that needs special attention,” emphasised Minister Šturm in Luxembourg. A special paragraph in the draft Conclusions of the European Council is dedicated to the protection of the environment.
06.06.2008 EPSCO Council meeting (Employment and Social Policy) on 9 June in Luxembourg - event announcement. The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO), which will meet on 9 June 2008 in Luxembourg, will endeavour to find a political solution to two extremely sensitive directives – the Directive concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time and the Directive regulating the working conditions of temporary agency workers. Both directives, which are of utmost importance for European workers, will be discussed in a package. Among other important items on the agenda of the Council meeting is also the political agreement expected to be reached on the Employment Guidelines for 2008–2010 that have been amended on the basis of an opinion of the European Parliament.
06.06.2008 Minister Rupel Chaired EU-Brazil Troika Meeting. Slovenian Foreign Minister and President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council Dimitrij Rupel today chaired the EU-Brazil Troika meeting at the ministerial level.The European Commission was represented by Commissioner Benita Ferrero Waldner and Brazil's delegation was led by the Minister of External Relations, Celso Amorim.Representatives of the EU Council General Secretariat and the upcoming French Presidency also participated.They discussed cooperation between the EU and Brazil, focusing in particular on the Action Plan implementation, as well as the fight against poverty, the environment and climate change, European security, biofuels, and migration; They also addressed some general issues such as EU-Latin American relations, the general political situation in Latin America, and the latest international issues.Furthermore, Minister Rupel familiarized his interlocutors with certain issues in relation to the Lisbon Strategy implementation and the planned EU enlargements.
06.06.2008 Ministers adopt concluding communication in Oslo. At their informal meeting held in Oslo on 5 and 6 June 2008, European Ministers of Education adopted a communication on the role of the school in encouraging intercultural dialogue, which symbolically rounds off the 18-month trio Presidency programme. The Ministers of the EU Member States, candidate countries, South-Eastern European and EFTA countries stressed in the communication that “Europe is becoming increasingly diverse, therefore the discussions on intercultural dialogue and encouraging multilingualism with emphasis on the role of the school are of key importance for our future.” The Minister of Education and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Milan Zver, chairing the meeting, commented: “Because an individual’s attitude towards the world, the environment in which he lives, and to fundamental human rights and values is formed in early childhood, in particular during school age, the role of the institution of the school in developing appropriate intercultural competencies - linguistic, social and cultural - is very important,” and added, ”That is why Ministers of Education bear a very considerable responsibility for the future of Europe.”
06.06.2008 Presentation of Slovenia at the Open Door Day of the European Institutions. The European institutions in Brussels will again open their doors to visitors and present their work, which is usually done more or less behind closed doors. This year, the "Open Door Day" will be on Saturday 7 June from 10.00 till 17.30, and the topic of the day will be intercultural dialogue. As the Member State holding the EU Council Presidency, Slovenia will also prepare a stand in the Justus Lipsius building of the Council of the EU.
06.06.2008 International ‘Culture Online’ conference opens today. The aim of the conference is to establish what kinds of digital cultural content are suitable for use and reuse in a WEB 2.0 environment, in cultural sectors, education, lifelong learning and in cultural tourism. Questions about the current state of affairs, the scope of knowledge and experience in the area of interoperability between different cultural institutions, particularly at national level, and the opportunities, challenges and also obstacles in the creation, use and storing of digital cultural content in multimedia centres, museums, libraries, archives and other cultural institutions will also be at the forefront.
05.06.2008 Resettlement of refugees from Iraq. The Council, on the initiative of the German delegation, held an exchange of views on the resettlement of refugees from Iraq in the European Union. The Council expressed concern about the humanitarian situation of displaced persons inside Iraq and Iraqi refugees in neighboring countries while acknowledging the heavy burden being placed on those countries.
05.06.2008 Slovenian Presidency achieves consensus on signing an EU-Australia airline passenger data agreement and re-establishes the ad hoc working group on information exchange. At today's meeting, the Slovenian Presidency reached consensus on the signing of an EU-Australia airline passenger data agreement, which will enable a reciprocal exchange of data on air passengers. Minister Mate called it one of the most important achievements of the Slovenian Presidency, which, based on the negotiation mandate adopted in February this year and with the Commission's assistance, held intense negotiations with the Australian authorities. The result is a draft agreement that includes strong security mechanisms for the protection of personal data on air passengers that Australia will obtain on the basis of this agreement. The signing of the agreement will be possible at one of the forthcoming Council meetings. The agreement is an important step towards closer cooperation between the EU and Australia in the area of justice and home affairs. The EU has already signed similar agreements with the USA and Canada.
05.06.2008 Education and intercultural dialogue offer solution for the future of Europe. “Schools are becoming vehicles and centres of intercultural dialogue which must also be accepted by other sub-systems in society, in particular by families and the policy makers who shape public opinion,” said the current President of the Education, Youth and Culture Council, Slovenian Minister of Education and Sport Dr Milan Zver, at the informal meeting of European Ministers of Education in Oslo. He stressed that “in the information society era when distances and differences between people, regions and nations are shrinking, intercultural dialogue is the key to success and future of both education and the economy.”
05.06.2008 JHA Council approves conclusions on external border management, signs joint declarations on mobile partnerships with Moldova and Cape Verde and completes the integration of the Prüm Treaty into the Union's legal framework. The Justice and Home Affairs Council, meeting in Luxembourg, approved the Conclusions on managing the external borders of the EU Member States, which are the result of an interesting and fruitful discussion at the ministerial conference held in March at Brdo pri Kranju, which was based on three Commission communications. The conclusions determine short- and long-term guidelines for the development of the Frontex agency, as well as further steps as regards EU border management and the establishment of the European border control system. According to Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the JHA Council, the proposed measures will strengthen control at borders and ensure the reliable identification of persons, while allowing for openness and accessibility of the European Union.
05.06.2008 Slovenian Presidency successfully completes the procedure of adopting the return directive, ministers confirm the SIS II schedule and Schengen evaluations completed. At today’s meeting in Luxembourg, the EU interior ministers adopted the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals. Slovenian Interior Minister and President of the Home Affairs Council Dragutin Mate stated that the Slovenian Presidency, after investing great effort into harmonising the text of the Directive, had concluded a very important instrument, one which takes into full account the respect for human rights and the fundamental freedoms of the persons concerned. The Directive provides for common standards and return procedures as well as clear, transparent and fair common rules dealing with third country nationals who illegally stay in the Member States.
05.06.2008 Main points of the press conference following the EU Environment Council Meeting. At the press conference after the meeting of the Environment Council on 5 June 2008 in Luxembourg, the Council President, Slovenian Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning Janez Podobnik, and the EU Environment Commissioner, Stavros Dimas, presented the salient points of the policy debate in Council.
05.06.2008 Today sees the opening of the international conference ‘Content Online for Creativity’. The ‘Content Online for Creativity’ conference aims to shift the focus of the debate on information society in the field of culture from technical matters to matters of content. The conference, which will touch upon important issues in the areas of media, information society and culture, constitutes an important component of the Slovenian EU Presidency. In drawing up the conference programme, designating speakers and determining target groups, the Slovenian EU Presidency has been collaborating closely with the European Commission, in particular the Directorate-General for Information Society and Media, as well as with other relevant institutions and individuals in the area of audiovisual and media services.
04.06.2008 Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel discusses cooperation within Euromed with Prince Albert of Monaco. “The Principality of Monaco is welcome to join the European Union Euromed initiative which links the EU Member States and other Mediterranean countries,” the Slovenian Foreign Minister and current President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Dimitrij Rupel, assured Prince Albert during their meeting today at the EU Council headquarters in Brussels.
04.06.2008 Minister Rupel presents the EU-US Summit in the European Parliament. "Although relations between the European Union and the US are essentially bilateral in nature, the results of their work together have global effects. The Transatlantic Partnership has gone far beyond its economic dimensions. The EU and the US have cooperated closely, both bilaterally and within international organisations, on resolving outstanding issues, including the most pressing regional issues, such as Afghanistan, the Middle East, and the Western Balkans. As in all relationships, the EU and the US sometimes have different views with regard to certain issues, but we have been resolving them successfully with a constructive approach and mutual understanding." With these words the President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel started his presentation of the EU-US Summit to be held next week in Slovenia.
04.06.2008 European Crime Prevention network for a safer European Union . The two-day meeting of EUCPN during Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council was held in Ljubljana yesterday and today, chaired by Tomaž Peršolja, Head of Criminal Associations Section of Criminal Police Directorate at General Police Directorate.
04.06.2008 EU committed to active involvement in regulation of high food prices. The current President of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council, Slovenian Minister Iztok Jarc, is currently participating in the High-Level Conference on World Food Security in the light of challenges posed by climate change and biofuel production, which is being held at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation headquarters (FAO) in Rome. “The EU has decided to engage constructively in efforts towards achieving a joint international comprehensive response to the issue of high food prices and, hence, food safety,” declared Mr Jarc at the meeting, commending the FAO’s efforts to come up with a joint international response based on short- and long-term measures.
03.06.2008 Ministers of Finance discuss high food and oil prices. For the last time under the Slovenian EU Presidency, the Slovenian Minister of Finance and current President of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN), Dr Andrej Bajuk, chaired the ECOFIN Council meeting held today in Luxembourg, and wished the future President, French Minister of Finance Christine Lagarde, success in her work.
03.06.2008 Conference on new Member States’ experiences and challenges in international development aid. The international conference Development Aid Providers from New EU Member States: Experiences, Trends and Challenges is taking place in Ljubljana on 3 and 4 June 2008. The conference is a gathering of high representatives of development institutions from the new EU Member States and representatives of international organisations for the purpose of discussing the role of the new EU Member States in international development cooperation, their challenges and their advantages over other Member States.
03.06.2008 EU Troika meeting with South Africa headed by Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel. Relations between the European Union and the Republic of South Africa and an overall assessment of the situation in Africa were the key topics of the EU-South Africa ministerial meeting held today in Slovenia. The meeting, headed by the Slovenian Foreign Minister and current President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, was also attended by the Commissioner Louis Michel on behalf of the European Commission and a South African delegation headed by Dr Nkosazana Clarice Dlamini-Zuma, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Representatives of the Council Secretariat and France, the next EU Presidency country, also participated.
03.06.2008 e-justice in Portorož – from the present into the future. Information and communication technologies open up new possibilities and enable more efficient management in the field of e-justice, a field identified by the Slovenian EU Presidency as one of its main priorities in the area of justice and home affairs. Today in Portorož saw the conclusion of a conference on ‘e-Justice & e-Law 2008’. At this event, organised by the Slovenian Ministry of Justice, participants learned about the possibilities of linking up e-justice services and systems EU-wide and about trends in the computerisation of national systems. The latest achievements in the areas of e-justice and e-law were presented by many private and public sector developers.
03.06.2008 Inauguration of Euro-Mediterranean University with seat in Slovenia. After almost two years of efforts and activities on the part of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to establish a Euro-Mediterranean University based in Slovenia, the formal inauguration of the Euro-Mediterranean University with a seat in Slovenia will be held at Portorož on 9 June. The following have confirmed that they will participate in the event: José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, Janez Janša, Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Amr Moussa, Secretary-General of the Arab League, Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament, Janez Potočnik, Benita Ferrero Waldner, Joe Borg and Jan Figel, members of the European Commission, and representatives of the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region.
03.06.2008 French Presidency inaugurated a provisional version of its website. France, which will undertake the Presidency of the EU Council on July 1st 2008, has inaugurated a provisional version of its website www.eu2008.fr. It is already possible to consult the provisional calendar of the second semester 2008 as well as the calendar of events for the month of July. You can also learn more about the logo of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
02.06.2008 The EU Presidency on the elections in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The EU Presidency took note of the preliminary results of the parliamentary elections held yesterday. While the elections were largely conducted in peaceful and orderly manner, the Presidency concurred with the OSCE/ODIHR assessment and deeply deplored that violence and intimidation accompanied elections in parts of the country. It insisted that all reported incidents will be duly investigated and action taken accordingly. It supports the initiative of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and other political leaders to rerun elections in selected areas. Implementation of these initiative will contribute to guaranteeing the legitimacy of these elections.
02.06.2008 Single European currency - a political and an economic success, declares Prime Minister Janez Janša. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, today attended celebrations in Frankfurt marking the 10th anniversary of the European Central Bank and the European System of Central Banks. On 10 May 1998, the European Council adopted a formal decision introducing the euro and establishing the European Central Bank, which started to operate on 1 June 1998.
02.06.2008 Economy Minister Andrej Vizjak presents Slovenian Presidency results on internal market and consumer protection in European Parliament. Minister for the Economy Andrej Vizjak presented the Slovenian Presidency’s activities of the last few months before a meeting of the European Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO). “We were justifiably looking forward to collaborating with the IMCO Committee and would like to thank the MEPs for their constructive approach and readiness to cooperate,” said Mr Vizjak after his appearance before the committee.
02.06.2008 Chemical safety is in our hands. Minister of Health Zofija Mazej Kukovič today opened the exhibition “Chemical Lovers” in the Justus Lipsius Building in Brussels. The exhibition is intended to raise public awareness of the presence of different chemicals in our life, and to point out the fact that only we ourselves may make the best use of chemicals and reduce their possible adverse effects on the environment by our appropriate choice, use and disposal of chemicals. “Chemical safety is in our hands” was the Minister’s message conveyed at the opening ceremony.
02.06.2008 Portorož Seminar on Territorial Challenges and Cooperation in a Wider Europe. A two-day ESPON Programme seminar entitled ‘Territorial Challenges and Cooperation in a Wider Europe’ opened in Portorož today. At the seminar, EU Member States and neighbouring countries will discuss the dynamics of European territorial development and the possibilities of implementing cohesion policy and policy on balanced and sustainable development. The seminar is jointly organised by the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia and the ESPON Programme Coordination Unit.
31.05.2008 Meeting of Member States' representatives of the European Crime Prevention Network – EUCPN . On Tuesday, 3 June 2008, Tomaž Peršolja, Head of Criminal Associations Section of Criminal Police Directorate at General Police Directorate, will chair the second meeting of EUCPN during Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council. He will be assisted by Melita Globočnik Trnovšek and national delegate Tatjana Mušič Senčar.
The European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) was established on 28 May 2001 by Council decision. Its aim is to promote preventive activities in Member States, find the best ways for good practices to be presented to a broad professional and lay audience, especially as regards the prevention of "traditional" crime.
30.05.2008 Mrs Kucler Dolinar very pleased with implementation of science and research action plan. “Although many warned us about excessive ambitions, we shall nonetheless reap a fine harvest,” said Slovenian Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology and current Competitiveness Council President, Mojca Kucler Dolinar, following the meeting of the EU Competitiveness Council. “The Slovenian Presidency submitted for adoption three important legislative documents that will improve the quality of life of European citizens and the position of small and medium-sized enterprises and thus the competitiveness of the European Union. In addition, we launched the process of restructuring the European research area (ERP) that both incoming Presidency trios have already included in their Presidency programmes. Today we took practical action on implementing the ERA in the field of intellectual property and the practical application of knowledge, an area in which Europe is a poor performer compared with other developed countries,” commented the Council President.
30.05.2008 EuroMed Ministerial Meeting on Culture and Cultural Dialogue concludes: Respect for diversity among members of different cultures leads to tolerance and respect for shared values. The two-day EuroMed Ministerial Meeting on Culture and Cultural Dialogue concluded today in Athens. Organised under the auspices of the Slovenian Presidency and the Greek Government, the event offered a platform for further, more intensive steps towards developing dialogue between cultures in the Euro-Mediterranean Basin. On the basis of a fruitful exchange of opinions, experience and different initiatives, conclusions were drafted which, taking into consideration successful joint actions and projects carried out so far, lay down guidelines for further action.
30.05.2008 Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel chairs EU Troika -India meeting. The President of the EU Council for General Affairs and External Relations, Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dimitrij Rupel, chaired the EU ministerial Troika meeting with India in Delhi. The meeting focused, first, on a review of EU-Indian relations, then on international topics of current interest, mainly related to India and its neighbourhood, and an exchange of opinions on the most important global issues. It was attended by representatives of the Secretariat of the EU Council and the European Commission, France, the next Presidency country, was represented by the State Secretary for foreign affairs and human rights, Rama Yade, while the Indian delegation was headed by Pranab Mukherjee, the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
30.05.2008 Conclusions of IMPEL Network Meeting. The IMPEL Network Meeting at Brdo was carried out in two sessions: the plenary session of the IMPEL Network as an informal organisation, and the general assembly of the IMPEL organisation. Reports on the projects completed in 2007 in the area of cross-border shipment of waste, industrial accidents and fines for infringing environmental protection in EU Member States were confirmed unanimously, as were the two proposals for new projects in 2008, also involving the European Commission.
29.05.2008 Slovenian Presidency welcomes ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by the Luxembourg parliament. The Slovenian Presidency welcomes ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by the Luxembourg parliament. In common with all other ratifications by Member States so far, ratification by the Luxembourg parliament is an important step forward on the path towards the ultimate goal – the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty on 1 January 2009.
Until now, the Treaty has been endorsed by the parliaments of Hungary, Slovenia, Malta, Romania, France, Bulgaria, Poland, the Slovak Republic, Portugal, Denmark, Austria, Latvia, Lithuania and Germany. Today‘s approval by the Luxembourg parliament means that the Treaty has now been ratified by 15 Member States. To enable its entry into force at the beginning of next year, Member States will have to deposit their ratification instruments with the Italian government once all necessary formalities have been carried out.
29.05.2008 Justice and Home Affairs Council Meeting, Luxembourg, 5-6 June 2008 - announcement. The Slovenian Minister of the Interior Dragutin Mate will chair a meeting of EU home affairs ministers on Thursday, 5th June, while Dr Lovro Šturm, Slovenian Minister of Justice, will preside over a meeting of EU justice ministers on Friday, 6th June, in Luxembourg.
29.05.2008 Foreign Minister Rupel meets with Iranian Foreign Minister Mottaki. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, held a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki in Stockholm on the margins of the review conference on Iraq. They mainly discussed the situation in the region and Iran’s role in it. Minister Rupel emphasised the role Iran plays in the region and drew attention to international initiatives, including the results of the meeting of the 3+3 group in London on 2 May. The EU pays particular attention to the issue of the Iranian nuclear programme, with regard to which Minister Rupel referred to the position of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei, who has recently published a new report on the issue.
29.05.2008 Foreign Minister Rupel and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon discuss Kosovo. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, held a meeting with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in Stockholm on the margins of the review conference on Iraq.
29.05.2008 Support for efforts to improve European Patent System. The EU Competitiveness Council (industry, internal market) has concluded the first day of its meeting in Brussels. In the afternoon, among other things, the Ministers discussed improving the patent system in Europe. They were acquainted with a Presidency Report on progress in this area. The current Council President, Slovenian Minister of the Economy Andrej Vizjak declared, "Thanks to the delegations’ positive and constructive approach, good progress has been made in the specialised work. The essential elements of a future patent system have been identified within existing legal instruments, and most unresolved issues have been identified too, but the technical work has not yet been completed."
29.05.2008 Slovenian Foreign Minister Rupel addresses International Conference on Iraq. EU General Affairs and External Relations Council President, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel attended the international Iraq Compact Annual Review Conference organised in Stockholm. The conference follows an initiative of the Iraqi Government and the international community (proposed last year by Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Malki and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon) to establish a partnership whose basic role is to provide a framework for the economic reorganisation of Iraq and to speed up its incorporation into the regional and global economy. The International Compact with Iraq (ICI) is based on three pillars: politics, security and the economy.
29.05.2008 Minister Virant: Better Regulation Among the Key Priorities of the EU. Minister of Public Administration Dr Gregor Virant ponted out at today’s session of the Competitiveness Council in Brussels that »better regulation remains one of the key priorities for the European Union«. Slovenia set as its goal to transform the procedures of a better drafting of regulations, including the elaboration of assessment of the impact of regulations, the programme of reducing administrative costs, and the programme of simplifying the legislative environment, into tangible outputs. Better drafting of regulations namely increases the competitiveness of the EU economy and simplifies the operation of small and micro companies.
29.05.2008 The President of the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council, Dr Lovro Šturm, attends the 6th Ministerial Meeting on Freedom, Security and Justice between Ukraine and the EU Troika. Justice Minister Dr Lovro Šturm and representatives of the Slovenian Ministry of Justice and Ministry of the Interior today attended the 6th Ministerial Meeting on Freedom, Security and Justice between Ukraine and the EU Troika, held in Kiev, Ukraine. Also attending the meeting were Mr Ian Boag, Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine, and representatives of France, as the next Member State to hold the Presidency. The Ukrainian delegation was headed by Justice Minister Mr Mykola Onishchuk.
29.05.2008 Industry Ministers give fresh impetus to competitiveness and innovation in the European economy. In Brussels, the EU Ministers responsible for Competitiveness (internal market, industry) have adopted a set of Council conclusions under the heading ‘A Fresh Impetus for Competitiveness and Innovation of European Industry’. Current President of the EU Competitiveness Council, Slovenian Economy Minister Andrej Vizjak declared, “The objective of transforming the EU into a more innovative and dynamic economy is crucial for achieving sustainable growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion.”
29.05.2008 23rd Conference of Directors of EU Paying Agencies Starts Today. The 23rd in the series of Conferences of Directors of EU Paying Agencies is this year being organised for the first time in Slovenia by the Slovenian Agency of Agricultural Markets and Rural Development.The main aim of the conference is sharing EU Member States' opinions and experience in the implementation of the common agricultural policy (CAP). The conference in Slovenia is being attended by more than 150 participants; traditionally the Directors of the Member State paying agencies and their closest co-workers participate, along with representatives of the European Commission, the Court of Auditors of the European Communities, and candidate country paying agencies.
29.05.2008 Experts discuss energy-efficient construction and climate change in the Alpine region. At Dobrovo Castle in Goriška Brda a two-day Alpine Convention seminar entitled 'Energy-efficient construction with regard to adjustments to climate change in the Alpine region' starts today. It will be attended by experts on energy-efficient construction, climate change, and population and culture. The advantages and opportunities of energy-efficient construction in the Alpine region will be presented at the seminar. Maintaining the wealth of the Alpine region is the responsibility of the people who live there. Construction in the Alpine region is not only a challenge in view of the climate and technical aspects, but also a cultural challenge.
28.05.2008 IMPEL Network Meeting at Brdo . Representatives of the IMPEL network met at Brdo pri Kranju today, 28 May 2008. The main topic under discussion at the three-day meeting (28–30 May 2008) will be environmental protection.
27.05.2008 Development Ministers discuss Millennium Goals and situation in Burma/ Myanmar. In the context of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC), the EU ministers responsible for international development cooperation, headed by Slovenian State Secretary Andrej Šter, convened on Monday and Tuesday in Brussels. Although the main focus was on the European Union’s contribution to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), the ministers discussed also the humanitarian situation in Myanmar. “As the major donor of development aid, the EU is aware of its responsibility in achieving the MDGs, so the conclusions we have confirmed are an important step in this direction,” commented Mr Šter at the end of the meeting.
27.05.2008 A future in Europe - the only positive alternative for the Western Balkans, says Slovenian Premier Janez Janša. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the European Council, Janez Janša, today attended the Joint Parliamentary Meeting in Brussels, with delegations invited from the national parliaments of all the European Union Member States, as well as the presidents of the parliaments of all the Western Balkan countries and Turkey. The meeting focused on the ‘European perspective’ for the Western Balkans and on the key challenges ahead for the region.
27.05.2008 Agriculture Ministers suppport more effective Adaptation to new Challenges. At the informal meeting of EU Agriculture Ministers at Brdo pri Kranju, the Ministers discussed new challenges, i.e. adapting European agriculture to climate change, biofuels, environmental protection and risk management in agriculture and food safety. They agreed they had to be more ambitious in the review of the reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP). Specific measures should also be considered, as well as options for providing additional financial resources for their implementation.
27.05.2008 Slovenian Foreign Minister Rupel heads EU-Moldova Cooperation Council. The issue of Pridnestrovie (Transnistria) was the main theme of the political dialogue at the meeting of the EU-Moldova Cooperation Council held today in Brussels. The EU delegation was headed by the President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, and the Moldovan delegation by Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin.
27.05.2008 Slovenian Minister Rupel at the meeting of the European Parliament and national parliaments on the Western Balkans. "The stability of South Eastern Europe is of crucial importance for the security and prosperity of the entire European Union, which is why the process of further enlargement is one of the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency. Through this policy, the EU is extending the area of peace, stability, prosperity, democracy, human rights and the rule of law." These are the words of the President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, who on Monday afternoon started his intervention at the session of the European Parliament with the presidents of the parliaments of the EU Member States and the presidents of the Western Balkan countries, with special attention paid to the European future of the Western Balkans.
26.05.2008 Minister Rupel chairs EU Ministerial Meeting – Gulf Cooperation Council. The exchange of information, the implementation of the cooperation agreement, an exchange of views on the Middle East, Iraq, and Iran, and a discussion on human rights, intercultural dialogue, terrorism, and non-proliferation – all these topics were discussed at the 18th GCC-EU Joint Council and Ministerial Meeting, which was held in Brussels today after the session of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council. The meeting was attended by EU foreign ministers, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana, and European commissioners Benita Ferrero-Waldner and Peter Mandelson; the delegation of the Gulf states was composed of the foreign ministers of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait, the Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council, and the GCC coordinator for negotiations with the EU. The meeting was chaired by the President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel.
26.05.2008 General Affairs and External Relations Council: the Signing of the SAA with Bosnia and Herzegovina on 16 June; Satisfaction with the Elections in Serbia. The European Union will sign the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Bosnia and Herzegovina at the June meeting of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, which will be held on 16 June in Luxembourg. Such an agreement was adopted at yesterday’s GAERC meeting. The Foreign Ministers of the Member States also called upon Bosnia and Herzegovina to endeavour to start implementing the Agreement at the earliest possible opportunity. The GAERC also expressed satisfaction with the start of dialogue today regarding visa liberalisation with Bosnia and Herzegovina.
26.05.2008 EU Council on Somalia and Zimbabwe. The General Affairs and External Relations Council, headed by Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, today also addressed the situation in Somalia and Zimbabwe. The Council expressed concern about the security situation in Somalia, particularly with regard to the humanitarian situation and human rights. According to the EU, solutions should be sought through the political process and all Somali players should be persuaded to give up violence for the benefit of the population. Convinced that the Transitional Federal Charter is the only legitimate framework in the process of producing a lasting constitution for Somalia, the Council welcomed the fact that the Transitional Federal Government has initiated the process of reconciliation both at the local level and with the political opposition abroad. The Council upheld the endeavours by the UN in Somalia and the African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM), as well as condemning the acts of piracy off Somalia's coast.
26.05.2008 EU General Affairs and External Relations Council: preparations for the conference on Iraq. "The efforts of the European Union aim at a safe, stable, democratic, successful and unified Iraq," outline the conclusions on Iraq adopted today by the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council. The Council affirmed its support for efforts to build an independent, sovereign, unified and territorially integrated state; it also pointed to the central role played by the UNAMI mission in the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution No. 1770. The conclusions adopted by the EU Council provide representatives of the European Union with a platform for their contribution to the first annual review conference of the International Compact with Iraq, to be held in Stockholm on 29 May 2008, where the EU Council will be represented by its current president, the Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Dimitrij Rupel.
26.05.2008 The EU Council welcomes the Doha agreement on Lebanon and promotes the Middle-East Peace Process. The EU General Affairs and External Relations Council devoted particular attention to Lebanon and the Middle-East Peace Process at its session today.
At the outset, GAERC President, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, expressed his satisfaction with the intervention of the Qatar authorities and the Arab League, which resulted in an agreement on the restoration of democratic institutions in Doha on 21 May. According to the Slovenian Foreign Minister, the agreement opens the path to international reconciliation. Dr Rupel outlined that the long awaited election of Michel Suleiman as President of Lebanon was an important step in this direction. “We now expect Lebanon to form a national unity government and then to adopt amendments to the electoral legislation, as envisaged by the Arab League plan,” noted the Slovenian Foreign Minister.
In its conclusions, in addition to stating its satisfaction regarding the achieved results and thanking all who contributed, the EU Council expressed solidarity with the Lebanese people and support for the lawful Lebanese government.
26.05.2008 First meeting of the EU-Russia Permanent Partnership Council on Research . The President of the EU Council on Competitiveness, Slovenian Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology Mojca Kucler Dolinar, hosted the first meeting between the EU ministerial Troika and Russia on research. This is one of the four common areas of cooperation between the European Union and the Russian Federation, while the meeting was also devoted to preparation of the Russia-EU Summit to be held in June.
The meeting was attended by the Russian Delegation, led by Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko, and by Commissioner Janez Potočnik, responsible for research and technological development, and Pierre Legueltel of the incoming French EU Council Presidency.
26.05.2008 Joint Statement of EU-Russia Permanent Partnership Council on Research. The first meeting of the EU-Russia Permanent Partnership Council on Research was held in Ljubljana on 26 May 2008.
At the meeting, the Russian Federation was represented by the Minister of Education and Science and Andrey Fursenko.
The European Union was represented by Minister Mojca Kucler Dolinar of the current Presidency, Slovenia, by Commissioner Janez Potočnik responsible for Research and technological development and by Ambassador Chantal de Bourmont of the incoming French Presidency.
26.05.2008 GAERC President Rupel receives Serbian Foreign Minister Jeremić. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel had a meeting with the Serbian Foreign Minister, Vuk Jeremić, on the margins of the Council meeting in Brussels. Dr Rupel congratulated Jeremić on the victory of the pro-European forces in the recent Serbia elections and expressed the hope of the European Union that Serbia would form a government at the earliest possible opportunity. The Slovenian Foreign Ministers assessed the plans on the government outlined by the Serbian Foreign Minister as realistic. “It is particularly important that a pro-European government be established in Serbia”, said Dr Rupel, judging that such a government could significantly contribute to Serbia’s integration into the European Union.
26.05.2008 EU to double police trainers in EUPOL mission in Afghanistan . The EU General Affairs and External Relations Council has decided the EU should double the number of participants in the EUPOL mission in Afghanistan. This measure will strengthen efforts towards police reform. The decision, adopted at today's meeting chaired by the Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, underlined that security and the rule of law are essential for progress in Afghanistan. The consolidation of the rule of law, which is particularly weak in the areas where safety is not guaranteed, is of crucial importance for consolidating the democratic process in Afghanistan, also in terms of the presidential elections in 2009 and parliamentary elections in 2010. In the future, the operation of the EUPOL mission will also be closely coordinated with other international actors, mainly the United States, taking into consideration the Afghan regime.
26.05.2008 EU General Affairs and External Relations Council welcomes study on children in armed conflicts. Within the European Security and Defence Policy, the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council today welcomed a study on children in armed conflicts. In this context, the President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, underlined the general importance of this subject. "It is not only that children are the most vulnerable group or that their tragic destiny most affects our conscience; these very children, our future generations, are also our greatest hope for peace, stability and development," said Dr Rupel. The Slovenian Presidency thus has devoted special attention to the further development of instruments in the area of development policy, human rights and crisis management, as well as to the mutual and complementary use of these instruments by strengthening "inter-pillar" cooperation.
26.05.2008 EU General Affairs and External Relations Council assesses elections in Georgia. In Brussels the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, chaired by the Slovenian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, assessed Georgia's parliamentary elections held on 21 May. Dr Rupel, who recently visited Georgia, said that according to the OSCE/ODIHR, the elections "offered an opportunity for the Georgian people to choose their representatives from amongst a wide array of choices. The authorities and other political stakeholders made efforts to conduct these elections in line with OSCE and Council of Europe commitments." However, the Slovenian Foreign Minister pointed out that numerous problems were nevertheless identified, which means that fulfilment of these requirements is difficult and inadequate.
26.05.2008 EU Council of Ministers approves mandate for negotiating new framework agreement with Russian Federation. The EU General Affairs and Foreign Relations Council today adopted a mandate to negotiate a new framework agreement between the EU and the Russian Federation. President of the Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel underlined that the Presidency had invested substantial efforts at the highest level within the last two months with a view to overcoming obstacles and confirming the negotiating mandate following a standstill of almost two years.
25.05.2008 Adjustment of Common Agricultural Policy – an Incentive for Response by Other EU Policies. A three-day informal meeting of the agriculture ministers of the EU Member States started today in Maribor. The ministers will conclude their visit to Slovenia with a plenary session on Tuesday, 27 May 2008, at Brdo pri Kranju. On the initiative of the Slovenian Presidency, at the meeting the ministers will discuss climate change, biofuels, environmental protection, risk management in agriculture and food safety. For the first time, the agriculture ministers will also exchange views on the legislative proposals relating to the “review” of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which will be presented by the European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Mariann Fischer Boel.
23.05.2008 Slovenian Presidency welcomes the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by the German parliament. Slovenian Presidency welcomes the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in the German parliament. Until now, the Treaty has been endorsed by the parliaments of Hungary, Slovenia, Malta, Romania, France, Bulgaria, Poland, the Slovak Republic, Portugal, Denmark, Austria, Latvia and Lithuania. Today, it was also approved by the Upper House of the German parliament. Thus, it has been ratified by one half of the Member States.
23.05.2008 50th meeting of Directors-General in Charge of Public Administration of the EUPAN network - INFORMATION FOR MEDIA. On 28 and 29 May 2008, the 50th meeting of Directors-General in Charge of Public Administration of informal EUPAN network will be held at Brdo pri Kranju, organised by the Ministry of Public Administration within the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council. The participants will present the results of the EUPAN working groups. The discussions will focus in particular on the necessary organisational changes of EUPAN in the light of the reformed Treaty of the European Union.
23.05.2008 Enlarged General Affairs and External Relations Council meets on 26 and 27 May. The June General Affairs and External Relations Council will meet in the so-called "jumbo format", with EU defence and development ministers meeting alongside the EU foreign ministers.
The General Affairs Council, chaired by Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, will focus on the preparations for the June meeting of the European Council. It will briefly examine an annotated draft agenda prepared by the presidency, where the main subjects are the review of the ratification process and progress made in preparatory work on the Lisbon Treaty; freedom, security and justice; policy implications of high food prices; and economic, social and environmental issues, as well as the Western Balkans and other aspects of EU external relations.
The annotated draft agenda will serve as the basis for draft European Council conclusions to be prepared by the presidency.
23.05.2008 European Union’s Agriculture Ministers about the Challenges of Common Agricultural Policy. On Sunday, a three-day informal meeting of the Agriculture Ministers of the EU Member States and candidate countries will start in Maribor. The Ministers will conclude their visit to Slovenia with a plenary session on Tuesday, 27 May 2008, at Brdo pri Kranju. The core theme of the meeting will be discussion on the new legislative proposals relating to the ‘review’ of the reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP), which will be presented for the first time to the Ministers by the European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Mariann Fischer Boel. The President of the EU Council, Slovenian Minister of Agriculture Iztok Jarc, will particularly highlight the new challenges to which CAP should respond more actively. During their three-day stay, the guests will visit various places in Slovenia, taste traditional Slovenian food and quality Slovenian wines, and be presented with the particular characteristics of Slovenia’s countryside, including Lipizzaner horses.
23.05.2008 The President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council Lovro Šturm to attend Justice, Freedom and Security Ministerial Meeting between Ukraine and the EU Troika. Slovenian Minister of Justice Lovro Šturm will attend Justice, Freedom and Security Ministerial Meeting between Ukraine and the Troika of the European Union, which will start on 28 May 2008 in Kyiv with a working dinner and a discussion on strengthening the judiciary. The meeting will continue on 29 May with an official session and conclude with a press conference. Besides the president of the EU Council, the meeting will be attended by representatives of the Commission and of the incoming French Presidency.
23.05.2008 G8 Environment Ministers on the key challenges of their cooperation. A meeting of G8 Environment Ministers will be held from 24 to 26 May 2008 in Kobe, Japan. Also taking part in the meeting will be ministers from emerging economy countries (Australia, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Korea and South Africa) and Slovenian Minister Janez Podobnik in his capacity as President of the EU Council of Environment Ministers. Environment and climate change issues will be the key theme of the G8 Summit of Heads of State being held in Japan in July. The meeting of Environment Ministers will prepare the subject matter of the Summit.
23.05.2008 Competitiveness Council to meet in Brussels on 29 and 30 May 2008. On Thursday 29 May 2008, the Ministers for Competitiveness competent for industrial policy and the internal market are to convene in Brussels. The morning session of the meeting will be chaired by Slovenian Economy Minister Andrej Vizjak, the first afternoon session by Public Administration Minister Gregor Virant, and the second afternoon session again by Andrej Vizjak.
23.05.2008 Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) meeting - announcement. The June Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) meeting, the last under the Slovenian Presidency, will have a celebratory note as two anniversaries will be commemorated: the 10th anniversary of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), and the 50th anniversary of the European Investment Bank (EIB). The usual Eurogroup meeting will also take place, as well as the EIB Governors’ Annual Meeting.
22.05.2008 Europe closer to providing mobile satellite services. The Slovenian Presidency welcomes the vote in the European Parliament on 21 May in favour of the proposal for a Decision on the selection and authorisation of systems providing mobile satellite services, supported by the great majority of MEPs (652 votes). This is the first official step towards adoption of the Decision at first reading. The text of the Decision harmonised with the Slovenian Presidency is expected to be approved by the EU ministers competent for telecommunications at the next meeting of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council on 12 June.
22.05.2008 Agreement on the Return Directive reached in the Council. Today at the level of Permanent Representatives Committee (COREPER), the Slovenian Presidency has secured agreement on the compromise proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals (the "Return Directive"). The Presidency will inform the European Parliament, hoping that an agreement in the first reading will be possible.
22.05.2008 EU Troika-Ukraine meeting discusses topical regional and international affairs and strengthening EU-Ukraine relations. Regional and international issues, conditions within Ukraine, negotiations on a New Enhanced Agreement between the EU and Ukraine and cooperation in the fields of the EU common foreign and security policy were the main subjects discussed at the EU Troika's meeting with Ukraine. The meeting was chaired by the President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel. It was also attended, for the European side, by EU Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Helga Schmid, representing the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU, and Jacques Faure, representing the next EU Presidency country, France. The Ukrainian delegation was headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Volodymyr Ogryzko.
22.05.2008 European Competition and Consumer Day. The Slovenian EU Council Presidency dedicated the European Competition and Consumer Day, held today at Brdo pri Kranju, to energy issues, highlighting two important aspects of the topic: the protection of competition and of consumers. The conference participants were welcomed by the Slovenian Economy Minister Andrej Vizjak, European Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes, European Consumer Protection Commissioner Meglena Kuneva, and MEPs Pervenche Berès and Eluned Morgan.
22.05.2008 Heads of SIRENE National Bureaux Meet at Brdo pri Kranju. Organising a meeting of heads of SIRENE (Supplementary Information Request at National Entry) national bureaus is one of our obligations as part of our country's presidency of the EU Council. At the same time, it is also an opportunity to show our colleagues from the EU Member States and other countries that are users of the Schengen Information System how the Slovenian Police is organised and how it operates.
22.05.2008 Innovation and creativity in education – the key factor for Europe’s future competitiveness. "I hope that we have finally become aware that investment in education, knowledge and young people is the most profitable investment for the future," the current President of the Education, Youth and Culture Council, Slovenian Minister of Education and Sport, Dr Milan Zver, said today. Speaking on the fringe of the EYC Council meeting, he added that "the creative and innovative potential of European citizens represents the key pillar on which not only the future European economic prosperity, but also its cultural development, will be based." At the session today, the ministers adopted Council conclusions on promoting innovation and creativity through education and training. With these conclusions, the Slovenian Presidency has successfully fulfilled the main priority in this area and has brought another successful outcome to set alongside today’s adoption of the Decision designating 2009 the European Year of Creativity and Innovation. The Decision now needs only to be adopted by the European Parliament.
22.05.2008 European Police Chiefs (EPCTF) for better operational cooperation between police forces. Aleksander Jevšek, Head of Criminal Police Directorate, together with Rajko Kozmelj, Assistant Director of Criminal Police Directorate, chaired a one-day operational meeting of the European Police Chiefs Task Force in The Hague today.
“The COSPOL Project, which is a multilateral law enforcement instrument created under the guidance, support and direction of the EPCTF with the aim of achieving tangible operational results in terms of arresting top level criminals and dismantling crime groups and terrorist networks by making use of analytical support of Europol, must be regularly evaluated, as this gives us an indication of the extent to which we are achieving the set goals.” stated Aleksander Jevšek, Head of Criminal Police Directorate.
22.05.2008 “The full enjoyment of the rights of persons with disabilities is an important contribution towards a fairer society,” says Slovenian Minister Marjeta Cotman.. The full enjoyment of the rights of persons with disabilities is an important contribution towards a fairer society, pointed out the President of the EU Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, Slovenian Minister Marjeta Cotman, at the conference on the human rights of persons with disabilities, organised under the Slovenia EU Council Presidency by the Slovenian Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs in cooperation with the European Commission. The core theme of the conference is the political implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, focusing on the progress made by European policy in its implementation.
22.05.2008 Slovenian Presidency reaches agreement on Directive on the protection of the environment through criminal law. Within the EU Council and under the co-decision procedure with the European Parliament, the Slovenian Presidency has succeeded in reaching agreement at first reading on the Directive on the protection of the environment through criminal law. “The adoption of the Directive is a great success for the Slovenian Presidency, as well as for the Member States and the European Parliament. Consensus on this exacting legislative act has already been achieved, at first reading. The adoption of the Directive is very important as it represents the first legislative act under the first pillar which contains penal provisions and, thus, provides a model for the instruments which will follow,” said Slovenian Justice Minister, EU Justice and Home Affairs Council President Lovro Šturm.
21.05.2008 Opening of the meeting of the Education, Youth and Culture Council: Culture finally confirmed as a development factor. Today, as part of the first meeting of the Education, Youth and Culture Council, the ministers of the EU competent for culture and audiovisual policy headed by the President of the Council and Slovenian Minister of Culture, Dr Vasko Simoniti, were presented the fact that the inclusion of culture in the Lisbon Strategy in the framework of activities of the Slovenian Presidency constituted an important step towards the recognition that culture has important development potentials.
Minister Simoniti said that it was only due to united efforts that culture and creativity were included in the conclusions of the March European Council.
21.05.2008 Slovenian Minister of Education and Sport, Milan Zver, addresses EU Culture Ministers. The EU’s Ministers of Culture, chaired by the Slovenian Minister of Culture, Vasko Simoniti, invited the Slovenian Minister of Education and Sport and current President of the Education, Youth and Culture Council, Dr Milan Zver, to attend the meeting of the Council of Ministers for Culture, at which conclusions on intercultural competencies would be adopted. “Intercultural competencies cover the knowledge and skills needed to communicate with others. It is all meaningless, however, if there is no true desire, no will and no readiness for dialogue,” commented Dr Zver in Brussels today. Due to the wide scope of the meaning of intercultural competencies, the culture professionals decided to take a cross-sectoral approach.
21.05.2008 Formal Meeting of the SIS-Tech Working Party. In Ljubljana, a formal meeting of the SIS-Tech Working Party chaired by Andrej Bračko, Head of the Information and Telecommunication Office of the General Police Directorate of the Republic of Slovenia, was held from 19 to 21 May 2008. The meeting was attended by approximately 70 delegates and experts from the EU Member States, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland, the General Secretariat of the EU Council, the European Commission and representatives of the Centre of the Schengen Information System (C.SIS) in Strasbourg. The working party deals mainly with operational and technical issues associated with the functioning of SIS. It meets once a month in Brussels and each country holding the EU Council Presidency organises one meeting on its territory during its six-month term of office.
21.05.2008 European Police College (CEPOL) Governing Board discusses 2007 Work Report. Meeting from 19 to 21 May 2008 in Bled, the CEPOL Governing Board discussed the 2007 Work Report and submitted an evaluation of CEPOL activities. The meeting was attended by Nevenka Tomovič, Chair of the CEPOL Governing Board, her associates from the European Police College, 76 representatives of European police education and training institutions from EU Member States and associated countries, two representatives from the Commission and the Head of the Association of the European Police Colleges.
21.05.2008 EU reaches agreement on negotiating positions for Russia agreement. The European Union reached an agreement today at the level of ambassadors (COREPER) on negotiating positions for the new partnership and cooperation agreement with the Russian Federation, which has to be endorsed by the foreign ministers at the GAERC meeting in Brussels on Monday. GAERC President and Foreign Minister Rupel thanked all Member States for their cooperation. The Slovenian Presidency has been actively engaged in reaching a compromise on the mandate for the launch of negotiations on the new partnership and cooperation agreement with Russia, which will significantly strengthen EU-Russia relations.
21.05.2008 Janez Podobnik debates scientific facts of climate change at European Parliament. Slovenian Minister for the Environment and Spatial Planning, Janez Podobnik, took part in a European Parliament debate on the scientific facts of climate change. With the European Council conclusions of March 2007, the European Union decided in favour of decisive large-scale action on energy and climate change policy. The next step in these endeavours was the European Commission proposal for the climate-energy package in January 2008; one of Slovenia’s key tasks in the area of environmental protection during its EU Council Presidency has been ensuring the swift adoption of this package.
20.05.2008 Adjustment of Common Agricultural Policy a response to challenges . Slovenian Presidency welcomes the legislative proposals by the European Commission in its review of the Common Agricultural Policy. "With these adjustments, the CAP will be more efficient, while agriculture will have to adapt to new global market conditions and challenges," President of the EU Agriculture Council Iztok Jarc said. "All changes must be balanced in order to ensure a stable environment for the producers that will not threaten the European model of agriculture and its competitiveness."
20.05.2008 Europol Management Board Meeting Held at Brdo. On 20 and 21 May 2008, Brdo is hosting a meeting of the Management Board of Europol, i.e. the European Police Office, which helps the EU Member States in their fight against terrorism, organised and cross-border crime by providing them with information and analyses. This, 62nd meeting of Europol Management Board, the highest body of the European Police Office, which is chaired by Robert Črepinko, Assistant Director of the Criminal Police Directorate at the General Police Directorate, is attended by members of twenty-seven delegations of Member States, representatives of Europol led by its director Max-Peter Ratzel and representatives of the European Commission.
20.05.2008 Minister Žerjav: Slovenian Presidency making every effort to help consolidate and round off the single road transport market. This was the point emphasised by Slovenian Transport Minister Radovan Žerjav in his address at today’s plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The items on the agenda of today’s plenary session of the European Parliament included three proposals for road transport Regulations, namely on access to the international road haulage market, the conditions to be complied with to pursue the occupation of road transport operator, and access to the international market for coach and bus services, on which the MEPs will vote tomorrow.
20.05.2008 EU Troika meeting with Nigeria on topical issues of security, energy, climate change, migration and human rights. Conflict management and prevention, combating the illicit stockpiling of and trade in small arms and light weapons, climate change, energy security, the fight against terrorism, migration and human rights were the main themes of today’s meeting between the EU Troika of Foreign Ministers and Nigeria at Brdo pri Kranju in Slovenia. The session was chaired by the President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitrij Rupel, while the Nigerian delegation was headed by the Nigerian Foreign Minister, Ojo Maduekwe.
20.05.2008 Prosperity of the EU inextricably bound up with the sea, says Prime Minister Janez Janša. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Janez Janša, today took part in the formal signature in Strasbourg of the Joint Tripartite Declaration establishing a ‘European Maritime Day’. In his address, the Prime Minister noted that the prosperity of the 27 European Union Member States was inextricably bound up with the sea, since 22 Member States – including Slovenia – have coasts and access to international waters. Some 90% of the European Union’s external trade and 40% of its internal trade goes by sea.
20.05.2008 Ministers of Justice meet in Portorož on the future of European justice policy. A meeting of the 'Future' High-Level Advisory Group on the future of European justice policy concluded in Portorož today. At the meeting organised by the Slovenian Presidency and the European Commission the Ministers of the current EU Presidency trio, those of the upcoming trio Presidency and those from the subsequent trio addressed the challenges of joint European justice policy after the expiry of the Hague programme in 2010.
19.05.2008 Agriculture Ministers Discuss Pesticides Regulation and High Food Prices. At the meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council, chaired by Slovenian Agriculture Minister Iztok Jarc, EU Ministers discussed the proposal for a Regulation concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market. Mr Jarc gave a report on the progress achieved by the Slovenian Presidency on this dossier, and returned the dossier to the working level. The Ministers also discussed high agricultural product and food prices and the possibility of adopting additional measures to stabilise agricultural markets.
19.05.2008 Announcement of the meeting of the Education, Youth and Culture Council. A meeting of EU ministers responsible for culture and audiovisual policy will be held on 21 May, chaired by the Slovenian Minister for Culture, Dr Vasko Simoniti. In the audiovisual section, the ministers will discuss the proposed Council conclusions on a European approach to media literacy in the digital environment, proposed Council conclusions on establishing a multi-annual Community programme on protecting children using the internet and other communication technologies, and the Commission Communication to the European Parliament, Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on ‘Creative Content Online in Europe’s Single Market’.
19.05.2008 Fourth Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context. The Meeting of the Parties, at its 4th session, will review the implementation of the Convention and its previous intersessional workplan before considering a number of decisions, including the adoption of a new workplan and budget. One decision addresses compliance with the Convention, with the Meeting expected to consider recommendations by the Convention’s Implementation Committee. Some of these recommendations arose from the Committee’s consideration of a submission by Romania raising concerns about Ukraine’s compliance with its obligations under the Convention with respect to the Bystroe Canal Project and in the light of the opinion of the inquiry commission on the environmental impact of the project.
19.05.2008 LAC countries are the EU’s allies in combating climate change, says Premier Janez Janša. The Slovenian Prime Minister and President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, concluded his participation in the Fifth EU-LAC Summit in Lima by taking part, in his capacity as co-chairman, in six 'mini-summits'. He assessed the Summit as very successful thanks both to major steps forward that had been taken at the Summit and the fact that the standpoints of Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries had to a large extent been brought closer into line.
17.05.2008 Major steps forward taken against poverty and climate change, says PM Janez Janša. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, assessed yesterday's EU-LAC Summit in Lima as very successful thanks to the major steps forward taken at the Summit. These steps are also reflected in the ‘Lima Declaration’, which to a large extent has brought standpoints, especially those of Latin American and Caribbean countries, closer into line.
16.05.2008 Informal Meeting of Directors of Veterinary Services in the EU. The Informal Meeting of Directors of Veterinary Services in the EU, which has been taking place in Slovenia since 13 May is due to conclude today. Apart from directors from the EU Member States, delegations from the Swiss Confederation, Norway and the Russian Federation participated in the event. At the meeting, the directors of veterinary services harmonised the positions which the Member States will defend at the General Assembly of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), due to take place in Paris on 26–30 May.
16.05.2008 Joint Statement. Representatives of the European Community and its Member States met with representatives of the United States 15-16 May in Brdo, Slovenia, for the initial round of negotiations toward a second stage Air Transport Agreement, in accordance with Article 21 of the Agreement.
16.05.2008 Ministerial Meeting of the Salzburg Forum on migration and the future of European home affairs policy. State Secretary Zvonko Zinrajh attended the Ministerial Meeting of the Salzburg Forum, which is composed of the ministers of the interior of Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Romania. At the traditional meeting, which was held on 15 and 16 May 2008 in Prague, the ministers discussed the future of European home affairs policy, the French initiative on a future EU migration pact, the external dimension of the Salzburg Forum, future steps in preventing road traffic accidents and remedying their consequences, and the future of the Schengen system. At the conclusion of the meeting, the presiding country of the Salzburg Forum, the Czech Republic, presented the priorities of its EU Council Presidency, while the ministers also discussed the conclusions and recommendations of the working parties operating within the Salzburg Forum.
16.05.2008 Meeting of the European Police Chiefs Task Force – announcement. Jože Romšek, Director General of the Police, together with Aleksander Jevšek, Head of the Criminal Police Directorate, and Rajko Kozmelj, Assistant Head of the Criminal Police Directorate, will chair a two-day meeting of the European Police Chiefs Task Force (EPCTF) in the Hague on Wednesday, 21 May 2008.
16.05.2008 Together we have the resources and the knowledge to find effective, sustainable and equitable responses to the challenges of the twenty-first century, declares Prime Minister Janez Janša. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, has been taking part, in his capacity as co-chairman of the Summit, in the Fifth Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the European Union and 33 Latin American and Caribbean countries, held in the Peruvian capital, Lima. EU-LAC Summit meetings are held every two years in Europe and Latin America on an alternating basis. This year’s Summit is devoted to the fight against poverty, social exclusion and inequality, and to the challenges of sustainable development, climate change and energy.
16.05.2008 Foreign Ministers Reach an Agreement on Final Declaration. “The final and most important document of the Summit is the Lima Declaration. It is my great pleasure to announce that the Foreign Ministers have agreed to forward it to their respective Prime Ministers and Presidents for its final adoption,” the President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council and Slovene Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel announced after the Foreign Ministers’ meeting.
16.05.2008 Second phase of negotiations on the Open Skies Agreement between the EU and USA successfully underway. At the meeting held yesterday and today at Brdo, the EU and US delegations presented their positions for the second-phase of negotiations on the EU-US Open Skies Agreement. Both sides used the opportunity to present their preliminary proposals as a basis for the preparation of practical solutions and negotiation modalities, and to determine the timeframe for negotiations. They agreed that the next round of negotiations would be held in September 2008 in Washington.
16.05.2008 Slovenian Premier Janez Janša to take part in signing of Joint Tripartite Declaration creating ‘European Maritime Day’. On Tuesday 20 May 2008, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, will take part in the formal signature in Strasbourg of the Joint Tripartite Declaration establishing a ‘European Maritime Day’. The ceremony - in which the President of the European Parliament, Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering, and the President of the European Commission, Mr José Manuel Barroso, will also participate - will be held alongside the European Parliament’s May plenary part-session.
At the ceremony for the formal signature of the Declaration, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša will also, in his capacity as President of the European Council, give an address to the representatives of the European Parliament and other participants.
16.05.2008 Minister Marjeta Cotman: "A social Europe should not allow social exclusion". Let us work towards a social Europe which does not allow social exclusion! This was the call issued by the President of the EU Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, Mrs Marjeta Cotman, at the 7th European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty. The Slovenian Presidency together with the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) has, with the support of the European Commission and the Belgian Ministry of Pensions and Social Integration, organised this annual meeting that gives people with experience of poverty an opportunity to present their views and establish a dialogue with European and national policy- and decision-makers.
16.05.2008 Presidency Press Statement on the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue, Slovenia, 15 May 2008. The European Union and China held the 25th round of the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue in Brdo, Slovenia, on 15 May 2008. The dialogue was preceded by a legal seminar on 13-14 May, which focused on the right to health and children's rights. This was the first such seminar since 2006 and it provided a platform for constructive discussions among Chinese and European academics and officials as well as international NGOs specialised in these topics.
16.05.2008 Economic growth is the most powerful weapon in the fight against poverty, says Prime Minister Janez Janša. “In recent weeks and months, during preparations for the EU-Latin America and Caribbean Summit, Slovenia and Peru have established very close cooperation. We have, in fact, become friends during that time,” said the Slovenian Prime Minister and President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, after today’s meeting with the President of the Republic of Peru, Mr Alan García Pérez. He highlighted the exemplary cooperation to date between the two countries and expressed the hope that the Summit would represent a step forward in the cooperation between the European Union and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
15.05.2008 Heads of SIRENE National Bureaus to Meet at Brdo pri Kranju - Announcement. A meeting of heads of SIRENE national bureaus will take place from 20 to 22 May 2008 at Brdo pri Kranju. Heads of SIRENE national bureaus will focus on the functioning of the Schengen Information System and training of SIRENE bureau operators. They will also discuss the Second-generation Schengen Information System (SIS II), which should be established in 2009.
15.05.2008 Territorial Cohesion and Urban Development Directors-General conclude two-day meeting. The EU’s Directors-General responsible for territorial cohesion and urban development today concluded a two-day meeting at Brdo pri Kranju.
On the first day of the meeting, the Directors-General competent for Territorial Cohesion discussed the interim report on the implementation of the First Action Programme for the implementation of the Territorial Agenda of the European Union and exchanged views about the future of the territorial cohesion process. On the second day, the Directors-General responsible for urban development took note of the report on the state of implementation of the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities.
15.05.2008 EU and USA open second-stage negotiations on EU-US Open Skies Agreement today. The European Union and the United States of America today opened the second phase of negotiations on the ‘Open Skies Agreement’ – an agreement liberalising air traffic between the EU and the USA. In addition to Slovenian Transport Minister Radovan Žerjav, the current President of the EU Transport Council, the opening of the event was also attended by Zoltán Kazatsay, the Deputy Director-General of the European Commission’s DG Energy and Transport, Clayland Boyden Gray, the Special Envoy of the US to the EU, more than 90 representatives of EU Member States, the European Commission, the United States as well as representatives of the European and US aviation industries.
15.05.2008 Strategic Meeting of Eurojust in Slovenia. With the support of the Slovenian Presidency of the European Union, Eurojust is organising a Strategic Meeting on Trafficking in Human Beings and Witness Protection. The Strategic Meeting will be held on 19 and 20 May 2008 in Portorož (Slovenia) at the Grand Hotel Bernardin.
As highlighted in the Draft Council Conclusions setting the European Union priorities for the fight against organised crime based on the OCTA Report 2007, smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings linked to illegal immigration, should be considered as one of the main priorities to be tackled and reflected on.
15.05.2008 Plenary session of Foreign Ministers at Fifth EU-LAC Summit opened by Slovenian Dimitrij Rupel. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Dr Rupel, opened the plenary session of Foreign Ministers at the EU-LAC Summit. In his opening speech, he expressed the conviction that a strategic partnership between the European Union and Latin America can be established on the basis of an understanding of mutual interests, needs and positions.
14.05.2008 State Secretary Zvonko Zinrajh addresses Inaugural Conference of European Organisation for Security (EOS). Zvonko Zinrajh, State Secretary at the Slovenian Ministry of the Interior, was one of the key speakers at the inaugural conference of the European Organisation for Security in Brussels today. He expressed support for the establishment of the EOS and presented his vision of progress in the implementation of European security measures within the framework of the new Treaty. “The fight against modern forms of organised crime and terrorism demands intensified cooperation between Member States. Cooperation between public and private sectors is also on the increase, since modern technologies developed by the private sector will be greatly needed in the future,” said Mr Zinrajh.
14.05.2008 ECOFIN Council of Finance Ministers adopts conclusions on financial supervision and provision of financial stability in the EU. Slovenian Finance Minister and current ECOFIN President Andrej Bajuk today chaired a meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) at which EU Finance Ministers, among other things, adopted conclusions following discussions held at the Informal ECOFIN Meeting of 4 and 5 April at Brdo pri Kranju. The Ministers also confirmed the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines and thus launched a new three-year cycle. Member States will draw up their national reform programmes by the autumn.
14.05.2008 Jože Plečnik Exhibition opening tonight in Brussels. At 7 p.m. today, 14 May 2008, on the premises of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts at rue du Musée 9 in Brussels, the Slovenian Minister of Culture, Dr Vasko Simoniti, will open the exhibition ‘Plečnik Project’, part of the cultural promotion programme during Slovenia’s EU Council Presidency. The work of the Slovenian architect, town planner and designer Jože Plečnik (1872-1957), whose creations are spread between Vienna and Prague and Ljubljana, has in recent decades - with the arrival of post-modernism and the associated re-examination of architectural development - become something of a revelation for Europe and the whole world.
14.05.2008 Directors-General Meeting on Territorial Cohesion and Urban Development. Today, a two-day meeting of the Directors-General on Territorial Cohesion and Urban Development commenced at Brdo pri Kranju. On the first day, the Directors-General on Territorial Cohesion will discuss the interim report on the implementation of the First Action Programme for the implementation of the Territorial Agenda of the European Union (Azores, November 2007). As the country holding the EU Council Presidency, Slovenia has also assumed the important task of co-ordinating and monitoring the implementation of activities defined in the Action Programme, and preparing the first report on its implementation. The meeting will also be devoted to the presentation of the current state of the process and the debate on the future of territorial cohesion.
13.05.2008 Extraordinary GAERC meets to discuss humanitarian situation in Burma/Myanmar and China. EU development ministers met today in an extraordinary General Affairs and External Relations Council meeting in order to assess the state of play regarding the humanitarian situation in Burma/Myanmar after the devastation caused by the cyclone Nargis, and review the response of the EU member states and the European Commission. They also discussed the tragic earthquake that shook China's Szechuan province on Monday. The Council, chaired by Slovenian State Secretary Andrej Šter, today repeated its expression of sympathy with the people of Burma/Myanmar, especially the families of the victims of the deadly cyclone.
13.05.2008 Debate on the digital future of Europe - how to respond to increasingly intense competition on the global market?. More than 250 million Europeans regularly use the internet, 80% of them have broadband connections. At the two-day conference ‘Information Society at the Crossroads’, which opened at Brdo on 13 May 2008, participants agreed that information and communication technology (ICT) is one of the most important driving forces behind economic and social modernisation. The conference, organised jointly by the Slovenian Presidency and the European Commission, is dedicated to the interim report on the i2010 Strategy (i2010 - A European Information Society for growth and employment), launched in 2005 as the first comprehensive policy framework for an integrated European information society, which proposed the following three priorities: establishment of a single European information space, strengthening innovation and investment in ICT, and achieving an inclusive European information society (that promotes growth and jobs in a manner consistent with sustainable development and prioritises better public services and quality of life).
13.05.2008 Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel receives the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering. Dr Dimitrij Rupel, Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs, received the President of the European Parliament, Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering, who attended the conference entitled "New Paradigms, New Models – Culture in the EU External Relations" organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia. Dr Rupel and Mr Pöttering touched on the situation in the Western Balkans and developments in Georgia, and the EU's role in resolving both issues.
13.05.2008 ‘Future Group’ ministers meet on the future of European justice policy. A meeting of 'Future Group' Ministers, chaired by Slovenian Minister of Justice Dr Lovro Šturm and European Commission Vice-President Jacques Barrot, will be held in Portorož, Slovenia, on 19 and 20 May 2008.The meeting will address the priorities and the future of European justicepolicy after the five-year Hague programme set to expire at the end of 2009.The Group is composed of the Ministers for Justice of the current EU Presidency trio, those of the upcoming trio Presidency, one Justice Minister from the subsequent trio, and one Justice Minister from one of ‘common law’ countries, in cooperation with the General Secretariat of the EU Council and the European Commission.
13.05.2008 EU Presidency calls on peaceful election campaign in former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The EU Presidency strongly condemns a series of incidents that occurred in the past few days in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Violence has no place in election campaign. The Presidency therefore urges the relevant authorities to investigate the incidents and to prosecute the perpetrators. It calls upon all political parties in the country to honour the pledges made by signing the Code of Conduct for Free and Fair Elections, and to demonstrate their full commitment to free, fair, and peaceful elections.
12.05.2008 Developement ministers to discuss humanitarian situation in Burma/Myanmar. EU development minister will meet on Tuesday in Brussels on the extraordinary GAERC to discuss the humanitarian situation in Burma/Myanmar after the devastation caused by the cyclone Nargis, that has left tens of thousands people dead and even more without homes and basic means of survival.
12.05.2008 EU ministers in Georgia for a peaceful resolution of conflicts and endorsement of its territorial integrity and sovereignty. Five EU foreign ministers headed by GAERC President and Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel (with the foreign ministers of Sweden, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia) are meeting in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, today to familiarise themselves with recent developments in the country and the region. They met with the new Georgian Foreign Minister, Eka Tkeshelashvili, President Mikheil Saakashvili, and Prime Minister Lado Gurgenidze, as well as with the Head of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG), Jean Arnault.
12.05.2008 Slovenian Premier Janez Janša at the Fifth EU-LAC Summit in Lima. From 15 to 17 May 2008, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, will attend the Fifth EU-Latin America and Caribbean Summit to be held in the Peruvian capital, Lima. This, the largest EU summit with non-EU countries to be held during the Slovenian EU Presidency will bring together 60 leaders from both sides. On his visit to Lima, the Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša will be accompanied by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, and the Minister for the Economy, Mr Andrej Vizjak.
11.05.2008 EU Presidency Statement on General Elections in Serbia. The EU Presidency warmly welcomes the clear victory of pro-European forces at the Serbian general elections. It welcomed the peaceful and orderly conduct of the elections, which were, according to the first assessment, carried out in a free and democratic manner.
11.05.2008 Agreement on start of negotiations for new Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Russian Federation. “We have reached a good agreement, which respects the needs of Lithuania while also taking into account the interests of the EU as a whole.” This is how, in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius on 11 May, the President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitrij Rupel, described the consensus reached by the EU Council Presidency, the European Commission and Lithuania on a mandate for the European Commission to start negotiations on a new partnership and cooperation agreement with the Russian Federation. The Slovenian Presidency will submit the agreement to the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council for approval at its next meeting.
09.05.2008 Dragutin Mate and the Montenegrin interior minister sign a protocol between the governments of Slovenia and Montenegro on readmission of persons residing without authorisation. Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, met with Jusuf Kalamperović, Montenegrin Minister of Interior Affairs and Public Administration, in Podgorica today. They signed the Protocol between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of Montenegro implementing the Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Montenegro on the Readmission of Persons Residing without Authorisation. According to Minister Mate, "Montenegro is on the right path towards the EU. Today it signed its first protocol with an EU Member State on the basis of the readmission agreement with the EU. Bilateral cooperation has already been stepped up and talks on visa liberation are continuing. Slovenia will assist Montenegro in meeting the requirements."
09.05.2008 Conference and Informal Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Persons with Disabilities “Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – From Words to Reality?”. The informal meeting of ministers responsible for persons with disabilities and the conference entitled "Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – From Words to Reality?", organised under the Slovenian EU Council Presidency by the Slovenian Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs in co-operation with the European Commission, will be held on 22 and 23 May 2008 in Kranjska Gora. The central topic of the meeting will be the political implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; most attention will be given to progress made in European policy regarding its implementation, which is the responsibility of Member States and the EU as a whole.
08.05.2008 EU Presidency Statement on signature of the Code of Conduct for Free and Fair Parliamentary Election in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The Presidency of the EU would like to express its full support following today's signing ceremony of the Code of Conduct for Free and Fair Parliamentary Election, salted for 1 June 2008 in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The Code that was prepared by the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, Citizen's Association MOST and the Macedonian Women's Lobby and signed by more than 30 political parties under the slogan "We Can and We Must – Fair Election 2008".
08.05.2008 Information on the 5th Summit between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean, 16 May 2008. The 5th European Union-Latin America and the Caribbean (EU-LAC) Summit will be organised in Lima, the capital of Peru, on 16 and 17 May 2008.The EU-LAC Summit is one of the major events during the Slovenian Presidency and will be attended by representatives from 60 countries.The summit will be co-chaired by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Janez Janša, and by the president of Peru, Alan García. The aim of the summit is to strengthen the strategic partnership between the regions based on mutual respect and trust, as well as on shared values, economic, political, cultural, historical and, last but not least, on human bonds.
07.05.2008 e-Health for greater patient involvement and better quality healthcare. Today in Portorož, the two-day 2008 e-Health conference ‘e-Health Without Frontiers’, organised under the Slovenian EU Council Presidency by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia in cooperation with the European Commission, concluded with confirmation of the Portorož Declaration. As the basis for future work by the EU and its Member States in the field of e-health, the Declaration will contribute to improving the quality of health and social care for over 500 million Europeans. In the Declaration, the Member States and the European Commission undertake to develop advanced information services in the health and social care sectors.
07.05.2008 We cannot avoid the problems of the future but we can affect the scale of their impact, says Prime Minister Janez Janša. Today at Brdo pri Kranju, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the European Council, Janez Janša, attended the ordinary meeting of the XXXIX Conference of Community and European Affairs Committees of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC). In his address, the Prime Minister highlighted environmental conservation, the provision of possibilities for continued sustainable development, the success of the fight against poverty, and peace and security in the world as the principal global issues. He stressed that these issues were interlinked.
07.05.2008 Slovenian Foreign Minister Rupel at Council of Europe Committee of Ministers meeting. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, today attended the meeting of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe at which Slovakia handed over the chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers to Sweden.
07.05.2008 Dimitrij Rupel discusses regional situation with Georgian Vice-PM Giorgi Baramidze. In the margins of the meeting of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, today met the Georgian Vice-Prime Minister, Giorgi Baramidze, in Strasbourg.
07.05.2008 Slovenian Presidency expresses satisfaction at Slovak Republic’s fulfilment of criteria for introducing the euro. Dr Andrej Bajuk, the Slovenian Finance Minister and current President of the EU Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN), has expressed satisfaction that, in the Convergence Reports published today by the European Commission and the European Central Bank (ECB), the Slovak Republic was assessed as having successfully fulfilled the criteria permitting it to introduce the euro on 1 January 2009.
06.05.2008 Regional Seminar on Arms Exports Control. Jable Castle in Loka pri Mengšu saw the conclusion, today, of a two-day regional seminar on arms exports, organised for the Western Balkan countries by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and the Centre for European Perspective. The seminar was organised as part of EU endeavours to spread the principles and criteria contained in the European Union Code of Conduct on Arms Exports and was attended by experts from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, EU Member States, and Norway.
06.05.2008 Ankara: Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel heads EU Troika-Turkey meeting. President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, headed the ministerial EU Troika meeting with Turkey in Ankara today. The Turkish delegation was led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, Ali Babacan. The Troika meeting was also attended by European Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn and Jean-Pierre Jouyet, Secretary of State for European Affairs, representing the next EU Council Presidency holder, France.
06.05.2008 Informal Transport Council: Meeting the EU's future mobility and environmental needs. Growing environmental, social and energy-related concerns in the face of increasing demand for transport services – this was the challenge chosen by the Presidency as the main focus of the informal meeting. The discussion revolved around two priority subjects in particular: completion of the Trans-European network and the greening of the transport sector. The aim of the discussion was to gather some first impressions concerning the European Commission’s proposals in this area.
05.05.2008 Presidents of Commission, Council and Parliament discuss climate change and reconciliation with European faith leaders. On the initiative of the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, an informal dialogue took place on 5 May in the headquarters of the European Commission, bringing together around twenty high-level representatives of Christianity, Judaism and Islam in Europe. The meeting was co-chaired by European Commission President Barroso, Slovenian Prime Minister and current President of the European Council, Janez Janša, and the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering. This year's meeting focused on two major challenges facing the European Union: Climate Change and Reconciliation.
30.04.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša to attend traditional meeting with religious leaders in Brussels. On Monday 5 May 2008, the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Janez Janša, will, together with the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, and the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, attend a meeting with religious leaders. The aim of the meeting is to maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue between the European Union and religious communities. The discussion will focus primarily on an exchange of views regarding the possibilities offered by intercultural dialogue in facing current challenges such as climate change and the issue of reconciliation. These topics are in line with the priorities to which Slovenia, as the country holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, is paying special attention.
30.04.2008 Minister Rupel heads EU Troika-New Zealand meeting. Dr Dimitrij Rupel, President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council and Slovenian Foreign Minister, chaired a meeting of the EU Troika with New Zealand today in Brdo pri Kranju. The Troika meeting was attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand, Winston Peters, and by a representative of the Commission and of the Secretary-General of the EU Council. Dr Rupel began by assessing the excellent bilateral relations between the EU and New Zealand. In September 2007, the European Union and New Zealand agreed on a Joint Declaration on European Union-New Zealand relations, which should regulate their mutual relations for at least five subsequent years. Minister Rupel said that on the basis of this Joint Declaration, we have already succeeded in deepening and broadening our close relationships.
30.04.2008 EU Presidency statement on the changes in Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code. The Presidency of the European Union welcomes the action taken today by the Turkish Parliament in legislating for changes in Article 301 of the Penal Code. This is a constructive step forward in ensuring freedom of expression and we look forward to its effective implementation.
30.04.2008 The European Union and South-East Europe: A common vision for connecting people. In the field of transport in the Western Balkans, the Slovenian Presidency of the EU is working hard to ensure that the European Commission is given a mandate to open negotiations on an EU ‘Transport Community Treaty’ with the countries of South-eastern Europe. The Transport Ministers discussed guiding principles for a transport agreement at the EU Transport Council meeting in April. The proposed guidelines are aimed at establishing an integral market for road, rail and maritime and inland waterway transport with the countries of South-Eastern Europe. The proposal is based on investigative talks on cooperation in the field of transport initiated in 2007 with EU neighbouring countries.
29.04.2008 Dr Rupel heads EU Troika-Russia meeting. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, chaired a ministerial meeting between the EU Troika and the Russian Federation in Luxembourg. Apart from Dr Rupel, the EU delegation included the EU High Representative for the common foreign and security policy, Javier Solana, and European Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner, while the Russian delegation was headed by the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov.
29.04.2008 Conclusion of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council meeting. Today's EU General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) meeting, presided over by Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, addressed a number of other international issues.
As regards Burma/Myanmar, the GAERC Council positively assessed the calling of a constitutional referendum; however, it expressed concern regarding the content of the draft constitution and the intimidation in the country. The EU supports the initiative of the UN and its Special Envoy Gambari; the recently adopted restrictive measures have been extended for 12 months.
29.04.2008 Foreign Minister's address on the occasion of the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement with Serbia. “This is a strong signal from the European Union to Serbia and the Serbian people.” With these words, President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) and Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel addressed the representatives of all EU Member States and Serbia at the celebration on the occasion of the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement with Serbia on the margins of the EU Council meeting in Luxembourg today.
29.04.2008 EU Foreign Ministers Troika – New Zealand . The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitrij Rupel, will lead tomorrow's meeting of the EU Troika with New Zealand. The Troika meeting will be attended by Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand Winston Peters and by a representative of the Commission and of the Secretary-General of the EU Council.
29.04.2008 EU General Affairs and External Relations Council: the Western Balkans. The Western Balkans was one of the main topics of today’s meeting of the General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC). The GAERC President, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, expressed great satisfaction at today’s Council conclusions, which open up new prospects for the stability of the Western Balkans. Specifically, the Council adopted a conclusion on the EU’s signing a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Serbia, welcomed the adoption of the police reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will help expedite the conclusion of a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with this country, and made a very favourable evaluation of the Commission Communication on the Western Balkans, confirming the commitment to implementing the communication in full.
29.04.2008 EU General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC): Zimbabwe, Uzbekistan. The General Affairs and External Relations Council, chaired by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, meets today in Luxembourg. At the beginning of the meeting, the Council examined the situation in Zimbabwe. In the conclusions of today’s Council meeting, the EU Foreign Ministers judged that it was “unacceptable and unjustifiable” not to have declared the results of the presidential elections four weeks after the ballot. The EU therefore calls for the election results to be announced immediately, as delay creates suspicion as to the credibility of the election process. The EU moreover condemns the post-election violence in Zimbabwe, assessing that the serious incidents in question are directed against those in favour of democratic changes in the country; recent arrests have shown that the Government of Zimbabwe intends to enable the electoral commission to perform its work properly. In the Council conclusions, the Ministers also emphasised the need to respect the right to demonstrate and the media freedom necessary to ensure free and fair elections. The Ministers also confirmed, in their conclusions, that weapons that could be used against demonstrators would not be sold to Zimbabwe by EU countries. The EU will certainly continue to monitor the situation in this African country very closely.
29.04.2008 Informal Transport Ministers’ meeting to focus on increasing traffic flows and the environment . On 6 May, the Transport Ministers of the EU Member States will convene in Brdo, Slovenia, for an informal Council meeting, chaired by the current EU Transport Council President, Slovenian Minister of Transport Radovan Žerjav. The meeting will address the challenge of a sustainable transport system complying with the four principles of sustainable development: cost-efficiency, society, environment and ethics. By taking these four aspects into account, a social optimum can be achieved in the work of the transport sector.
29.04.2008 Networking Meeting of Competent Authorities for Pricing and Reimbursement of Pharmaceuticals. Delegations of 27 EU/EEA Member States established a network of Competent Authorities for Pricing and Reimbursement of Pharmaceuticals at the meeting held at Brdo, Slovenia. The event was jointly organized by the Slovenian EU Presidency Program and the European Commission. Minister of Health of the Republic of Slovenia Mrs. Zofija Mazej Kukovič and Mr. Heinz Zourek, Director General, DG Enterprise, European Commission, addressed the meeting as the high representatives of the organizers. They stressed the importance of the formation of the network in the view of maintaining the balance among the three important goals in the field: enabling the access to medicines to patients, managing the budgets for medicines, providing for the reward for innovation, as well as the necessity to improve the access to medicines to the EU/EEA national markets.
28.04.2008 Dr Dimitrij Rupel leads EU-Croatia Association Council meeting. The president of the EU's General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian foreign minister Dr Dimitrij Rupel, today led a meeting of the EU-Croatia Association Council in Luxembourg. The Croatian delegation was led by foreign minister Gordan Jandroković. The meeting looked at relations between the EU and Croatia and Croatia's progress in its preparations for EU membership. After reviewing the state of the negotiations, Dr Rupel confirmed, in line with the conclusions the European Council of December 2007, that the Union is maintaining its commitments to countries in the enlargement process and underlined that the progress of enlargement negotiations will be guided by the progress that Croatia has made so far – and will make in the future – with regard to the benchmarks for the opening and closure of chapters, and by the meeting of requirements from the negotiation framework, including the satisfying of Croatia's obligations under the Stabilisation and Association Agreement.
28.04.2008 EU-Egypt Association Council and EU Troika-Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) meetings today in Luxembourg. In the context of the April meeting of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, the EU-Egypt Association Council meeting and the Troika meeting between the EU and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) were held today in Luxembourg. At this, the fourth meeting of the EU-Egypt Association Council, the participants discussed relations between the European Union and Egypt and issues in the common interest of both partners.
28.04.2008 Minister Rupel meets Serbian Foreign Minister Jeremić. Dr Dimitrij Rupel, President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, met the Serbian Foreign Minister, Vuk Jeremić, in Luxembourg today.
28.04.2008 Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel chairs meeting of EU Troika with OSCE delegation. Kosovo, the South Caucasus, the Transnistrian region and Afghanistan were the main topics of the meeting between the EU Troika and the OSCE chaired by the President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitrij Rupel. The OSCE delegation was led by Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb, who presides over this organisation this year. Minister Rupel highlighted that both the EU and the OSCE endeavour to ensure peace and stability in all these areas, and that cooperation between the organisations is of utmost importance; regular meetings contribute to this objective.
28.04.2008 Ljubljana - venue for discussion on open issues regarding Common Frame of Reference on European Contract Law project . Robert Marolt, State Secretary at the Slovenian Ministry of Justice, and Dr Marko Ilešič, Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Communities in Luxembourg, today opened the Conference on the academic Draft Common Frame of Reference at the District Court in Ljubljana, organised by the Academy of European Law (ERA) and the Slovenian EU Council Presidency.
25.04.2008 General Affairs and External Relations Council, 28 and 29 April 2008, Luxembourg. The April meeting of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) chaired by Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, will – out of respect for the Orthodox Easter holiday – be held on Tuesday 29 April 2008, while the EU’s meetings with non-EU countries will take place on Monday.
The EU Foreign Ministers will begin their Tuesday session with a discussion on the situation in Zimbabwe, where the delay in announcing the result of the presidential elections held at the end of March is a cause of concern, as are the reports of intimidation, human rights abuses and violence, which are considered to be politically motivated attacks against supporters of democratic change.
25.04.2008 State Secretary Šter meets Ghanaian Foreign Minister Osei-Adjei. On the occasion of the twelfth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD XII), the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Andrej Šter, today met with Ghanaian Foreign Minister Akwasi Osei-Adjei.
25.04.2008 State Secretary Šter attends the XII UNCTAD Conference on Strengthening UNCTAD – Enhancing its Impact and Institutional Effectiveness. State Secretary Šter, who is attending the XII UNCTAD Conference in Ghana, was one of the panellists at the round table regarding UNCTAD's reforms. He said that reforming UNCTAD has been a clear priority area for the EU. “We need to ensure that UNCTAD adopts the necessary institutional reform measures to enable it to deliver and equally ensure that UNCTAD's future work is compatible with overall UN efforts on coherence and reform and be recognised as the priority international partner in trade and development,” he said.
25.04.2008 EU Presidency statement on the People’s Republic of China’s announcement of dialogue with a representative of the Dalai Lama. The Slovenian EU Council Presidency welcomes the People’s Republic of China’s announcement of a planned meeting with a representative of Tibet’s spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama. The decision was announced on the occasion of the visit to Beijing by European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and other Commissioners. The readiness to hold talks was explicitly stated in a letter sent on 16 April by the Premier of the People’s Republic of China, Wen Jiabao, to the European Council President, Janez Janša.
25.04.2008 Joint Statement of the EU-Russia Permanent Partnership Council*. The eighth meeting of the EU-Russia Permanent Partnership Council (PPC) on Freedom, Security and Justice was held in St. Petersburg on 24-25 April 2008. At the meeting the Russian Federation was represented by the Aide to the President of the Russian Federation Viktor Ivanov, Minister of the Interior Rashid Nurgaliyev and Minister of Justice Vladimir Ustinov.
25.04.2008 Presidents of Justice and Home Affairs Council Dr Lovro Šturm and Dragutin Mate attend 8th EU-Russia Permanent Partnership Council Meeting on Freedom, Security and Justice . Slovenian Minister of the Interior Dragutin Mate and Minister of Justice Dr Lovro Šturm, representing the EU Troïka, attended the eighth EU-Russia Permanent Partnership Council Meeting on Freedom, Security and Justice in St Petersburg, Russia, today. Besides the Slovenian ministers, the EU was represented by Jacques Barrot, Vice President of the European Commission, and representatives of France as the next country holding the presidency. The Russian Federation was represented by Viktor Ivanov, Aide to the President of the Russian Federation, Rashid Nurgaliyev, Minister of the Interior, and Vladimir Ustinov, Minister of Justice. According to Minister Mate, the meeting addressed important topics of extensive cooperation between the EU and Russia in the field of justice and home affairs, which contribute to the dynamics of the strategic partnership between the EU and Russia.
25.04.2008 Slovenian Minister Marjeta Cotman: "Our common interest is to increase youth employment". The Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, in co-operation with the European Commission, organised a conference called "Jobs for Youth – Prosperity for All". The aim of the conference was to contribute to the discussion on successful integration of young people into the labour market, which is one of the most important challenges we are facing in the EU. The president of the EU Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, Mrs Marjeta Cotman, emphasised that "the European Union is not just an economic project. We have to bear that in mind when conceiving measures aimed at promoting youth employment".
24.04.2008 Slovenian Presidency welcomes the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by the parliaments of Denmark and Austria. The Slovenian Presidency welcomes the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in the Danish and Austrian parliaments. This important Treaty, a foundation for further efficient functioning of the European Union and joint confrontation of all Member States with the challenges of globalisation and the 21st century, was thus endorsed in two Member States at the same time.
24.04.2008 Slovenian Presidency welcomes the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by the Portuguese parliament. The Slovenian Presidency welcomes the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in the Portuguese parliament. By doing this, Portugal joined the other Member States that have already ratified the Treaty – Hungary, Slovenia, Malta, Romania, the French Republic, Bulgaria, Poland and the Slovak Republic. Thus, the ratification procedures have been completed by one third of EU national parliaments.
23.04.2008 Slovenian Presidency Achieves Agreement on Return Directive in Political Trialogue with European Parliament. The Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council, chaired by Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the JHA Council, managed to harmonise the compromise text of the Return Directive in the political trialogue with the European Parliament in Strasbourg today. The trialogue was conducted with Manfred Weber, Member of the European Parliament and European Parliament's rapporteur for the Return Directive, with MEPs from other political groups and with representatives of the European Commission.
23.04.2008 Workshop 'Conflict Prevention and Climate Change'. On 24 and 25 April 2008, a workshop entitled 'Conflict Prevention and Climate Change' will be organised in Brussels by the Madariaga European Foundation and the Folke Bernadotte Academy with the support of the Slovenian EU Presidency and in close cooperation with the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, the European Commission and the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO).
23.04.2008 Slovenian President addresses Members of the European Parliament. Today, the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Danilo Türk, left for an official visit to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, where he was received by the Parliament’s President, Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering. The central topic of their talks were issues regarding the establishment of the Union for the Mediterranean, the continuation of the Barcelona Process and the initiative for setting up a Euro-Mediterranean University with a seat in Slovenia.
23.04.2008 The great anthological exhibition of Slovenian Impressionists opens tonight in Ljubljana. Today, 23 April at 20:00, Minister of Culture Dr Vasko Simoniti will open the exhibition Slovenian Impressionists and their Time 1890–1920 at the National Gallery in Ljubljana. The exhibition, prepared on the initiative of the Ministry of Culture, marks the current Slovenian Presidency of the European Union Council and the 90th anniversary of the National Gallery, enabling the public to become reacquainted, after quite a few decades, with the widely popular and appreciated originals of the four masters of Impressionism – Jakopič, Jama, Grohar and Sternen – as well as become familiar with or renew their fondness for the numerous well-known contemporaries of Impressionism, such as Anton Ažbe, Ivana Kobilca, Ferdo Vesel, Ivan Vavpotič and many others.
23.04.2008 EU and Japan committed to further strengthening strategic partnership, says Slovenian PM Janša. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, together with the President of the European Commission, Mr José Manuel Barroso, today attended the 17th EU-Japan Summit in Tokyo. In a statement after the meeting, the Slovenian Prime Minister said that at today’s EU-Japan Summit a very broad consensus had been reached on a number of important issues, which could be summarised as three areas: the global fight against climate change, promotion of international peace and security and commitment to achieving greater prosperity and quality of life. Both sides took the opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to further strengthening the strategic partnership between the EU and Japan.
23.04.2008 Dragutin Mate, President of the JHA Council, reports to the European Parliament on talks with the USA on the visa-free regime. Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the JHA Council, reported to members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg today on the meeting of the troika of justice and home affairs ministers of the EU with representatives of the United States of America, which was held on 12 and 13 March 2008 at Brdo pri Kranju. Minister Mate presented the talks on visa reciprocity in detail, including the reform of the American Visa Waiver Programme and said: "At the Troika meeting we made great progress, as we managed to agree with the US representatives to continue the talks on the visa-free regime. We all support efforts to include all EU Member States in the Visa Waiver Programme as soon as possible, so that all EU citizens can travel to the USA without visas in the same way that US nationals can travel to all EU Member States. Namely, common EU visa policy is a high political priority for all Member States."
23.04.2008 Today’s European Parliament ‘yes’ vote - a decisive step forwards in the EU’s implementation of the Galileo project. The Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council welcomes the result of today’s plenary session vote in the European Parliament in Strasbourg in favour of adopting the text of the ‘Galileo Implementing Regulation’, which lays down the legal basis for the implementation of both European Global Navigation Satellite Systems, defines the amount required for financing the EGNOS and Galileo programmes and establishes a management structure for the project. The European Union has thereby taken a decisive step forwards in establishing its own satellite navigation system.
23.04.2008 The 17th Japan-EU Summit Joint Press Statement Annex; Japan-EU Cooperation on Consumer Safety and Protection. Progress in liberalization of the world economy has accelerated movement of goods and services across borders. In this context, reaffirming and having due regard for their WTO commitments, Japan and the EU will work towards strengthening, at international and bilateral levels, cooperation on consumer safety and protection in the following fields:
23.04.2008 17th Japan-EU Summit: Joint Press Statement. Mr Yasuo Fukuda, Prime Minister of Japan, and Mr Janez Janša, Prime Minister of Slovenia, in his capacity as President of the European Council, and Mr José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, met in Tokyo on 23 April 2008 for the 17th Summit between Japan and the European Union (EU). Summit leaders are determined to further promote the Japan-EU strategic partnership, based upon the longstanding cooperation and shared fundamental values and principles, such as democracy, the rule of law, human rights, good governance and a market-based economy. Reiterating also the importance of the Action Plan for Japan-EU Cooperation adopted in 2001 as the basis of the current fruitful dialogue and cooperation between both sides, they tasked the Action Plan Steering Group to ensure effective and satisfactory implementation of the Action Plan.
22.04.2008 At the Twelfth session of UNCTAD Minister Turk emphasized gender equality and women’s empowerment. On the margins of the Twelfth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD XII) in Ghana, Dr Žiga Turk, the Slovenian Minister for Growth, and Andrej Šter, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, held a meeting with representatives of the European Parliament's Committee on International Trade (INTA) and Committee on Development (DEVE). They discussed the UNCTAD conclusions , migration and development. Dr Turk commented, "We have to strive for good governance, rule of law, transparency, respect for human rights, gender equality and the empowerment of women." The Slovenian Minister also attended the roundtable 'Globalization, development and poverty reduction: their social and gender dimensions'.
22.04.2008 Janez Lenarčič: Our Common Endeavours and Good Cooperation with the European Parliament have already borne Fruit. "Our common endeavours and good cooperation have already borne fruit. Much of what we set out to do has already been done" – with these words the State Secretary for European Affairs Janez Lenarčič thanked the European Parliament for its creative cooperation at today's meeting with the Conference of Committee Chairmen. The purpose of today’s meeting with the Committee Chairmen was to review and evaluate the first half of the Slovenian Presidency, and to discuss the concrete plans foreseen by the Presidency for the rest of its term.
22.04.2008 Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel presents EU stance at Conference of Neighbouring Countries of Iraq in Kuwait. At the expanded Conference of Iraq’s Neighbours, held today in Kuwait, the President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Dimitrij Rupel, said that the European Union affirms its support for efforts to build a safe, stable, democratic, successful and unified Iraq and confirms its commitment to an independent, sovereign, unified and territorially integrated Iraq.
22.04.2008 President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Danilo Türk, on official visit to European Parliament in Strasbourg. On Wednesday 23 April 2008, the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Danilo Türk, will pay an official visit to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, where at 11.25 a.m. he will be received by the President of the European Parliament, Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering (European Parliament, Louise Weiss building, Espace Mariana de Pineda). At 12.00, the Slovenian President will address the Members of the European Parliament at their plenary session. Dr Türk will speak about the role of the European Union as a global player, with emphasis on EU leadership in addressing global warming and the protection of human rights. The President will also touch on the urgent need to shape an effective immigrant integration policy and the need for further EU enlargement.
21.04.2008 Changes in youth policy urgently needed. The Meeting of Directors-General for Youth, chaired by Zorko Škvor, the Slovenian Director-General for Youth, concluded today, 21 April 2008. The main topics of the meeting were future youth policy and young people with fewer opportunities.
20.04.2008 Young people want more opportunities. The Youth Event ‘Promoting the Participation of Young People with Fewer Opportunities in Society’ ended today, 20 April 2008. The event was attended by more than 150 young participants from EU Member States, EFTA countries and Western Balkans countries. The young people taking part in the various workshops in Slovenia held a lively debate focusing on the subject of young people with fewer opportunities and the role of young people in intercultural dialogue. Speaking about youth mobility, they drew attention to the rather rigid non-harmonised EU visa system that often hinders youth mobility. They also stressed the importance of the participation of young people in decision-making and proposed that dialogue with young people be further strengthened and structured.
20.04.2008 Development of youth policy. The Meeting of Directors-General for Youth, chaired by Zorko Škvor, the Slovenian Director-General for Youth, started today, 20 April 2008. The meeting is being attended by Directors-General of European Union Member States and of Western Balkan countries and representatives of the European Commission. The Directors-General today heard young people present the conclusions of the Youth Event drawing attention to the poor situation of young people with fewer opportunities and to the role of the young in intercultural dialogue. In their discussion, the Directors-General and the young people jointly established that it is especially important for the development of youth policy that development guidelines take account of proposals from young people as well as those coming from the political sphere.
18.04.2008 Formal Opening of the Youth Event. The Youth Event entitled ‘Promoting the Participation of Young People with Fewer Opportunities in Society’ opened today, 18 April 2008, at Fužinski castle. The event will be attended by more than 150 young participants from EU Member States, EFTA countries and Western Balkans countries.
18.04.2008 Minister Dimitrij Rupel received a Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China Guan Chengyuan. Dimitrij Rupel, President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council and Slovenian Foreign Minister, in Ljubljana received Ambassador Guan Chengyuan, Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China, who apprised him of the letter sent by the Chinese Prime Minister to the President of the Council of the European Union, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša. The letter contains the position of the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the latest developments in Tibet and developments in EU Member States related to Tibet.
18.04.2008 Justice and Home Affairs Council adopts measures to combat terrorism more effectively. At today’s meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Luxembourg chaired by Dr Lovro Šturm, the EU Ministers of Justice reached consensus on the text of the proposal to amend the 2002 Council Framework Decision on combating terrorism. The proposal will introduce new criminal offences into EU law: public incitement to commit terrorist acts, recruiting for terrorism and training for terrorism. This will make the fight against global terrorism within the area of freedom, security and justice more efficient.
18.04.2008 EU Interior Ministers Reach Political Consensus on Europol and Enhancing the Security of Explosives and Approve the Commission's Mandate to Negotiate with the USA. At today's meeting in Luxembourg, chaired by Dragutin Mate, President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, the EU interior ministers reached a political consensus on the Council decision establishing Europol. Minister Mate pointed out: "Today's decision represents an extremely important step towards enhancing the security of residents of the EU and beyond. Efforts to harmonise the text of the Decision have been under way since the beginning of the existing Trio Presidency, and the achievement of political consensus was foreseen to take place by the end of the Slovenian Presidency. And we have succeeded."
18.04.2008 Dragutin Mate, President of the JHA Council, to report on the EU-US Ministerial Troika at the Plenary Session of the European Parliament, and to discuss the Return Directive at the continuation of the political trialogue. On 23 April 2008 Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the JHA Council, will report to the Members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg on the meeting of the troika of justice and home affairs ministers of the EU with the representatives of the United States of America, which was held on 12 and 13 March 2008 at Brdo pri Kranju. Afterwards Minister Mate will attend the continuation of the political trialogue between the Presidency, European Commission and European Parliament, on the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally-staying third country nationals (Return Directive).
18.04.2008 Cross-sectoral cooperation necessary for the management of antimicrobial resistance. In the second part of today’s session held within the informal ministerial meeting at Brdo pri Kranju, EU Health Ministers discussed antimicrobial resistance, which, on account of the improper use of antibiotics, poses a serious public health risk in Europe and throughout the world. “The objective of the Slovenian Presidency is additionally to encourage activities to manage the issue by devoting political attention to it, especially at the cross-sectoral level,” emphasised the Council President, Slovenian Minister of Health Zofija Mazej Kukovič.
18.04.2008 Ministers support structured cooperation to help implement strategic EU health goals . The morning session of the today’s Informal Meeting of Ministers of Health, chaired by the Slovenian Health Minister, Zofija Mazej Kukovič, has just concluded. The EU Ministers discussed structured cooperation between the Council and the European Commission as the key to achieving EU Health Strategy goals and to resolving other strategic EU health issues. In cooperation with the Member States, the Presidency drafted a proposal for a structure to enable strategic cooperation. As Mrs Mazej Kukovič pointed out, “This is the path to success which will confer on health and healthcare systems the necessary visibility and significance in the context of EU policy. It will enable Member States to participate more actively in creating a strategic vision and defining activities giving greater added value to all.”
17.04.2008 Presidency press statement on EU/Russian Federation human rights consultations. The European Union and the Russian federation today held the seventh round of human rights consultations. The human rights consultations between the EU and the Russian Federation took place for the first time in March 2005. Today’s meeting was conducted in a frank manner with constructive engagement in the area of childrens’ rights.
17.04.2008 Future youth policy. On Sunday 20 April 2008, the Meeting of Directors-General for Youth, chaired by Zorko Škvor, Head of the Office for Youth at the Slovenian Ministry of Education and Youth, will convene in Brdo pri Kranju. The meeting will be attended by the Youth Directors of the EU Member States, the European Commission and the Council of Europe.
17.04.2008 Alcohol – a significant risk factor for cancer, many chronic diseases and injuries. In the second part of today’s session of the Informal Meeting of Ministers for Health at Brdo pri Kranju, the Slovenian Health Minister, Zofija Mazej Kukovič, chairing the meeting, acquainted the ministers with the conclusions of the third European Alcohol Policy Conference, which was organised under the Slovenian Presidency by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia in cooperation with Spain. At the opening session, the Slovenian Minister stressed that alcohol was a significant risk factor for cancer as well as for many other chronic diseases and injuries, going on to say that “harmful and dangerous alcohol consumption causes more than 7% of the premature morbidity and mortality in our countries.” The annual costs stemming from this have been estimated at as much as EUR 125 billion for the EU as a whole. However, the harm caused by alcohol is still underestimated.”
17.04.2008 Overall strategy needed for successful cancer management. The ministers of health who met today at an informal meeting in Brdo pri Kranju have just concluded a debate on reducing the burden of cancer, the main topic of today's session. Slovenia as the presiding country raised this issue of cancer on the political level after a successful conference at the professional level. In this manner, we would like to make a significant contribution to the reduction of the cancer burden and inequalities in morbidity and survival rates for patients with cancer among the Member States and within them. "In order to successfully manage cancer, it is necessary to design an overall strategy and an action plan encompassing all the relevant elements: prevention of disease, early detection, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care, as well as research. Without a comprehensive approach, the disease cannot be successfully managed," pointed out the presiding Slovenian Minister of Health, Zofija Mazej Kukovič.
17.04.2008 International conference Jobs for Youth – Prosperity for All (Brdo pri Kranju, 24 and 25 April 2008). We, the young people of European, want more work opportunities, a larger number of secure jobs and better prospects for personal development. We are willing to work and to contribute with the inspiration, energy and creativity of youth to the development of companies and institutions. Experts and politicians – extend a helping hand to us!
The ‘Jobs for Youth – Prosperity for All’ conference, organised under the Slovenian EU Presidency by the Slovenian Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs in cooperation with the European Commission, will be held on 24 and 25 April 2008 at Brdo pri Kranju. The conference discussions will focus on the employment of young people and problems encountered by young people entering the labour market.
17.04.2008 Young people with fewer opportunities. The youth event ‘Promoting the Participation of Young people with fewer opportunities in the society’ will start on 18 April 2008 in Ljubljana. The meeting is a traditional European meeting of young people, at which 150 participants from all the European Union Member States, EFTA States and the Western Balkan countries are expected. The central purpose of the meeting is to provide opportunities for young people to meet and share opinions on possibilities for greater social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities and the importance of intercultural dialogue for young people.
16.04.2008 Dragutin Mate, President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, with Czech Interior Minister Ivan Langer on Europol and visa waiver negotiations with the USA. Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, met with Czech Minister of the Interior Ivan Langer in Prague today and participated in the joint session of the Foreign Affairs Committee and EU-Affairs Committee of the Czech Senate. The discussion focused on outstanding issues regarding the draft Council Decision establishing Europol and the European Commission’s mandate to negotiate visa-free access for several Member States with the USA. Minister Mate stated: “Today I presented to the Czech Senate the latest version of a compromise text prepared by Slovenia. In our opinion it offers solutions concerning the positions taken by the Czech Parliament. I believe that now the senators will see the document in a more positive light.”
16.04.2008 With today’s informal meeting of Ministers for competitiveness, the Slovenian Presidency contributed to the development of the Small Business Act initiative and action plans on sustainable industrial policy. The second day of the Informal Meeting of Ministers for Competitiveness at Brdo pri Kranju was devoted to discussions on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and sustainable industrial policy. Ministers agreed that the dynamic energy and flexibility of small and medium-sized enterprises are key forces driving economic growth and improving competitiveness. The Slovenian Economy Minister Andrej Vizjak, chairing the informal meeting, among other things commented, “A change is needed in the European Union. The Slovenian Presidency firmly believes that we should forge ahead and do more not only to increase the number of enterprises but also to enhance their quality and growth.”
16.04.2008 Twelfth ministerial conference of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD XII) in Accra (Ghana) – Information. In Accra, Ghana, the 12th ministerial conference of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD XII) will be convened between 20 and 25 April 2008. The session will be attended by heads of state or government, ministers for development and the economy from 193 UNCTAD member states, high representatives of the UN and other international organisations (WTO, UNIDO, ITC), and representatives of development agencies and non governmental organisations. The Slovenian delegation will be headed by Žiga Turk, Minister of Development, and Andrej Šter, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
15.04.2008 Launch of ‘Ljubljana Process’ to revive the European Research Area. The Informal Meeting of the Competitiveness Council, bringing together the EU Ministers competent for Research, started today at Brdo pri Kranju. The Meeting was chaired by the Slovenian Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology, Mojca Kucler Dolinar, who commented that Europe had as yet not fully exploited its research potential – its human resources, institutions and, in particular, the operational synergy between them. This is also the reason why, on scales measuring competitiveness and innovation, the United States and Japan, for example, often rank higher than Europe, while China is about to catch up with all three. “The European Research Area, when fully implemented, should provide the research-friendly environment vital for achieving the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy, which responds to these challenges,” pointed out Mrs Kucler Dolinar.
14.04.2008 Ministers discuss Combating ‘Pirate’ Fishing. At the meeting of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council, chaired by the Slovenian Minister of Agriculture, Iztok Jarc, Ministers for the first time discussed specific solutions to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU). They agreed that an effective system should be set in place to prevent this type of fishing. Nevertheless, the following issues still remained unresolved: the validity of the proposed rules on Community vessels, the system for the certification of fisheries products, and administrative sanctions. At the Council meeting, the minsters unanimously adopted the Council Regulation providing for the adaptation of cod fishing quotas to be allocated to Poland in the Baltic Sea and the Commission presented a plan for the recovery of five cod stock areas.
“The EU must take a step towards efficiently combating the kind of fishing that threatens more than 25% of the world’s fish stocks. We thereby wish to set an example to the international community and prove that pirate fishing does not pay," explained Minister Jarc. In this regard, he added: "The key message is that the Ministers are determined to stamp out IUU fishing in the European Union."
The Ministers discussed three key outstanding issues, i.e. the proposed scope of the Regulation, the certification system and the coordination of sanctions against IUU fishing.
12.04.2008 EU Ministers of Environment Discuss Relationship between Biodiversity and Climate Change. The priorities of the Slovenian Presidency in the field of the environment are combating climate change and caring for biodiversity, so today’s informal meeting was an opportunity for the synthesis of both, said Janez Podobnik, President of the EU Environment Council and Slovenian Minister of the Environment. The topic of the meeting coincides with important EU decisions in the context of the climate and energy package. In the past, Europe has been seriously affected by forest fires and storms, which can also cause the loss of human lives and property, as well as great environmental damage. Healthy and sustainably managed forests represent a valuable opportunity for mitigation in the fight against climate change, through the provision of vital environmental services. The Minister therefore outlined to the other ministers the centuries-long experience of good forest management in Slovenia.
12.04.2008 Informal Meeting of Environment Ministers - Presidency conclusions. Forest biodiversity: Challenges and opportunities for climate change adaptation and mitigation
1.Forest habitats and biodiversity are key to the functioning of the biosphere, and forests play a crucial role in stabilising the Earth’s climate as important carbon sinks, in mitigating desertification, and in providing essential services, such as preventing soil and water erosion and regulating local weather; forests are multifunctional.
2.Climate change impacts forests in many ways, such as through changes in productivity, increases in water or biodiversity stress, desertification processes, and storm and fire risks. Forest fires, floods, droughts and storms seriously affect Europe, causing loss of human life and property, as well as environmental damage; climate change therefore presents a major challenge to the long-term sustainability of forests.
11.04.2008 European Police Chiefs (EPCTF) in favour of better cooperation between police forces. On 11 April 2008, Jože Romšek, Director-General of the Slovenian Police, together with Aleksander Jevšek, Head of the Criminal Police Directorate, and Rajko Kozmelj, Assistant Director in the Criminal Police Directorate, chaired a one-day strategic meeting of the European Police Chiefs Task Force at the Council building in Brussels . "We must step up efforts to improve the situation as regards interoperability of public safety mobile radio systems, with a view to enhancing the efficiency of cross-border communications between the police forces of the Member States. It is of the utmost importance that we focus efforts at EU level on identifying and coordinating the technical requirements of police forces which will enable us in time to meet the operational expectations of our officers in the field," said Jože Romšek, Director-General of the Slovenian Police, at the meeting.
11.04.2008 Announcement – Informal Meeting of Ministers for Health (Brdo pri Kranju, 17-18 April 2008). As part of Slovenia’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia will host an Informal Meeting of Ministers for Health at Brdo pri Kranju on 17-18 April 2008. On Thursday 17 April 2008, the central topic of the meeting will be reduction of the burden of cancer. The ministers’ discussion will focus in particular on the areas and activities where, in their opinion, Community support affords the most significant added value. The ministers will also discuss the key elements of preventing and controlling cancer.
11.04.2008 EU Presidency on the adoption of the police reform laws in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Presidency of the EU warmly welcomes yesterday's adoption of the laws on police reform by the Parliament of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The agreement on police reform is the crucial step for BiH, which should allow the country to further progress on the path towards EU integration.
10.04.2008 Slovenian Presidency welcomes the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by the Slovak parliament. The Slovenian Presidency welcomes the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in the Slovak parliament. The Slovak Republic is the eighth Member State to ratify the Treaty of Lisbon. Thus it joined the group of countries that have ratified it so far: Hungary, Slovenia, Malta, Romania, France, Bulgaria and Poland.
10.04.2008 Innovation and Creativity – crucial elements for the future of education and training. The conference entitled 'Promoting Innovation and Creativity – Schools' Response to the Challenges of Future Societies' concluded today at Brdo pri Kranju. It was attended by over 150 experts from Europe and Slovenia who are engaged in the field of education, research, the economy and planning of research and education policies. The central topic under discussion was the increasingly important role of innovation and creativity in education as a response to the key challenges of current social processes in Europe, such as globalisation, demographic trends and migration, ever-increasing cultural diversity, fundamental questions of energy consumption and production as well as associated climate change issues.
10.04.2008 RABIT exercise ― Joint exercise of the Slovenian and other European police forces at the external Schengen border. This week, from 7 to 11 April 2008, an exercise is being conducted by the members of Rapid Border Intervention Teams (RABIT), organised by the Slovenian Police and the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the EU Member States (Frontex). Today a press conference was held at the Podlehnik police station, where representatives of the Slovenian Police and the Frontex agency presented the purpose and course of the exercise, as well as the activities of Rapid Border Intervention Teams.
10.04.2008 Event announcement: Informal Meeting of EU Ministers for Competitiveness will be held at Brdo on 15 and 16 April 2008. The Informal Meeting of Ministers for Competitiveness will start on 15 April 2008 with a meeting of the EU ministers competent for research, chaired by the Slovenian Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology, Mrs Mojca Kucler Dolinar.
The second part of the Informal Meeting of Ministers for Competitiveness from EU Member States and EFTA countries, held on Wednesday 16 April 2008, will be chaired by the Slovenian Minister for the Economy, Andrej Vizjak.
10.04.2008 Minister Rupel heads Central Asia-EU Troika plenary session. Human rights, education, the rule of law, energy and environment, water resources, climate change, drug trafficking, Afghanistan and Iran were the main topics of today’s plenary session of the EU Troika and the countries of Central Asia at the ministerial level. The EU delegation was headed by the President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, and also included French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner as the next president, European Commissioner Benita Ferrero Waldner, and EU Council Secretariat representative Pierre Morel, while the countries of Central Asia were represented by their foreign ministers: Marat Tazhin of Kazakhstan, Ednan Karabayev of Kyrgyzstan, Hamrokhon Zarifi of Tajikistan, Rashid Meredov of Turkmenistan and Vladimir Norov of Uzbekistan.
10.04.2008 Slovenian Foreign Minister Rupel heads EU Troika-Kazakhstan meeting. Headed by the President of the EU Council for General Affairs and External Relations, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, the second day of the EU Troika meeting with representatives of the countries of Central Asia opened with a bilateral meeting with the representatives of Kazakhstan. The meeting was particularly important as Kazakhstan is preparing for its presidency of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in 2010. In talks with his Slovenian counterpart, the Kazakh Foreign Minister, Mr Marat Tazhin, thus particularly focused on Dr Rupel’s experience of presiding the OSCE. In general, the President of the EU Council emphasised his wish for on-going dialogue between the European Union and Kazakhstan in the area of human rights. He also expressed the hope that Kazakhstan would adopt the political reforms announced by the President of the Republic last year.
10.04.2008 Barcelona Process: EuroMed’s senior officials discuss transformation to "Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean". The 75th EuroMed Senior Officials Meeting and the 74th EuroMed Committee Meeting took place at the Council of the European Union in Brussels on 8 and 9 April 2008. This was their third meeting under Slovenia’s Presidency and again focused on political dialogue and a discussion on technical cooperation in various areas such as combating terrorism, culture, intercultural dialogue, tourism, information society, the role of women in society, and higher education. Particular attention was devoted to the discussion of EuroMed Senior Officials on the transformation of the current cooperation framework in the Mediterranean into a partnership called the ‘Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean’.
09.04.2008 New Period of Education and Training. The conference ‘Promoting Innovation and Creativity – Schools' Response to the Challenges of Future Societies' marks a new period of education and training linked in with social and economic processes in Europe according to the European Commission and the Slovenian Presidency. The conference, chaired by Mirko Zorman of the Slovenian Ministry of Education and Sport (president of the Education Committee), was opened by the Slovenian Minister of Education and Sport, Dr Milan Zver, with keynote speeches from Esko Aho, Jeremy Rifkin and David Istance.
09.04.2008 President of the JHA Council Dragutin Mate attends political trialogue on the Return Directive . Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the JHA Council, attended a political trialogue on the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals (Return Directive) in Brussels today. The political trialogue was conducted with MEP Manfred Weber, the European Parliament's rapporteur on the Return Directive, together with members of other political groups, and with representatives of the European Commission.
09.04.2008 Two-day EU Troika meeting with Central Asian countries opens in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. A two-day meeting between the European Union and the countries of Central Asia chaired by the current President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, began today in the Turkmen capital of Ashgabat. The meeting will be attended by representatives of Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Today was devoted to bilateral meetings; tomorrow will be given over to a plenary meeting.
09.04.2008 Slovenian Minister Rupel received by Turkmen President Berdimuhamedov. Today, with his reception in Ashkhabad by Mr Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, President of Turkmenistan, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs and current President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, began a series of meetings to be held with representatives of States of Central Asia, which in addition to Turkmenistan also include Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
09.04.2008 National Archives of Slovenia host DLM Forum. The DLM Forum, a multi-disciplinary community of public archives and interested parties in archive, records and document and information life-cycle management throughout the EU, today concludes two days of meetings held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The DLM Forum meeting was hosted by the National Archives of Slovenia. Representatives of organisations from over 30 European countries attended the two-day meeting comprising discussions and presentations on topics of particular interest in the information management and archive fields.
09.04.2008 International conference ‘Europe, World and Humanity in the 21st Century’ opening tomorrow. The international conference ‘Europe, World and Humanity in the 21st Century’ will be the central event in honour of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. The three-day conference will focus on finding answers to two key questions: ’What message can the Europe of today send to the world about understanding global issues, given its own humanistic tradition?’ and ‘What does globalism, which we still cannot comprehend fully, have to say to Europe?’
08.04.2008 EU Presidency Statement on the Presidential elections in Montenegro. The Presidency applauds the high turnout in the, according to the preliminary assessment, free and fair elections. It congratulates Filip Vujanović for his reelection for the second term in the office.
07.04.2008 EU Transport Council holds a key discussion on Maritime Safety Package. The EU Transport Council held a key debate on the Third Maritime Safety package in the light of a constant increase in maritime transport. "Raising standards together with a stricter implementation of international maritime safety conventions and a better care for the maritime environment are our responsibilities for the future generations. This is why further discussions on the Third Maritime Package and its timely adoption is the priority of the Slovenian Presidency," said the President of the EU Council, the Slovenian Transport Minister, Radovan Žerjav, during the debate. In the last three months, the Slovenian Presidency has invested substantial efforts in efforts to find a compromise on the two remaining and toughest legislative proposals out of the seven which make up the package – Compliance with flag State requirements and civil liability of shipowners.
07.04.2008 EU Transport Ministers adopt conclusions on the Single European Sky and grant a mandate to the Commission to open negotiations with Israel. EU transport ministers today adopted conclusions on the implementation of the Single European Sky regulations, based on the report of the Commission. This report and today's conclusions provide a legal basis for the preparation of further legislation in this field. “The ministers agreed to the progress made and we are aware of the importance of further development. In the future, our measures need to focus on preventing negative influences of dispersed European airspace, increasing safety control and taking into account SESAR as the basis for further work”, said the President of the Council, the Slovenian Transport Minister Radovan Žerjav. The conclusions call upon Member States to actively participate in the implementation of the Single European Sky, but the importance of expanding the single European sky over EU borders is also stressed.
07.04.2008 Key international conference on education and training with renowned experts. From 8 to 10 April 2008, an international conference entitled ‘Promoting Innovation and Creativity – Schools’ Response to the Challenges of Future Societies’ will be held at Brdo pri Kranju. With this conference, the Slovenian EU Council Presidency aims to speed up the changes in schools and kindergartens necessary to promote creative and innovative potential from the very beginning of the learning process. The objective of the conference, which will be chaired by Mirko Zorman (President of the Education Committee), is to exchange views on the role of school and education in promoting creativity and innovation, as well as on the conditions to be met in order to trigger the necessary changes.
07.04.2008 EU Transport Ministers adopt several decisions in the aviation field. EU transport ministers today discussed the proposal for a directive on airport charges and reached a political agreement regarding this issue. The solutions proposed by the directive– which will apply to all airports handling more than 5 million passengers per year and to the largest airport in each Member State – encompass the basic principles to be respected by airport operators when they determine their airport charges.
07.04.2008 Slovenian Finance Minister Bajuk at Brussels Tax Forum 2008 “Taxation policy plays an important role in growth in Europe”. Dr Andrej Bajuk, Slovenian Minister of Finance and current President of the Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) Council, today addressed participants at the Brussels Tax Forum, organised by the European Commission, taking place on 7 and 8 April on the theme 'Taxation policy: enhancing competitiveness and growth in a European way'. In his address, Dr Bajuk outlined possible ways in which taxation policy can contribute to growth in Europe, highlighting five aspects of tax policy in particular.
07.04.2008 Europe takes steps towards further realisation of the Galileo project. Today, the European Union took a decisive step forward in the realisation of the Galileo project, which represents the greatest technological challenge in the history of the Union in terms of ensuring its own satellite-navigation system. It is also a major boost to the European industry in this field. EU Transport Ministers today supported the text of the proposal of the so-called Galileo Implementation Regulation, which represents the legal basis for the implementation of the budget and sets out a new management structure for the project.
07.04.2008 19th Meeting of the Committee of Competent Authorities (CCA) for the Implementation of the Seveso II Directive. Today, the 19th Meeting of the Committee of Competent Authorities for the Implementation of the Seveso II Directive starts at Brdo pri Kranju. The Council Directive on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances is more commonly known to the wider professional public under its unofficial name – the Seveso II Directive. This Directive requires Members States to establish a regime for monitoring the operation of industrial installations in which large quantities of dangerous substances are handled and major accidents are therefore likely to occur, the consequences of which could harm humans or the environment and damage property.
07.04.2008 Conference on the Future of Cohesion Policy for a Cohesive and Competitive EU with Simplified and Effective Policies. At the Conference on the Future of Cohesion Policy taking place in Maribor within the framework of the Slovenian Presidency, all major stakeholders involved in the area of cohesion policy gathered. The introductory session, at which a number of EU institutions as well as social partners and civil society representatives expressed their views, showed strong support for the solidarity principle and for cohesion policy as one of the integrative policies which not only reduces development disparities but also strengthens the competitiveness of the EU as a whole. At the same time, some representatives called for the modernisation of cohesion policy, particularly as regards delivery mechanisms. The debate by the Member States, which will continue until tomorrow afternoon, will highlight the extent to which this view is shared by the Member States, especially as regards the scope and objectives of cohesion policy.
05.04.2008 Social dialogue the essence of European social development, according to Slovenian Premier Janez Janša. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, this morning held a meeting with representatives of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) to discuss current issues relevant to all EU residents: the minimum wage, the share of salaries in GDP, the equitable distribution of income and the pay gap between men and women. ETUC General Secretary John Monks took the opportunity to thank the Slovenian Government headed by the Prime Minister for the work carried out so far in the field of social dialogue and congratulated Slovenia on its successful chairing of the March Tripartite Social Summit meeting and its Presidency of the Council of the European Union. He added that Slovenia set a good example to the countries that had joined the European Union in 2004.
05.04.2008 The preparation of the Spring IMF Meeting. Ministers prepared the EU’s position on the Spring IMF Meeting. They agreed to support the resolution of the IMF’s Executive Board on quotas and voice reform that will achieve a significant shift in the representation of dynamic economies, many of which are emerging market countries, and give poorer countries a greater say in running the multilateral institution. The EU is optimistic that a successful outcome can be delivered. EU Members are fully committed to reach an outcome that enhances the legitimacy of the IMF by ensuring a fair and adequate representation for all members.
05.04.2008 Quality of public finances: increasing the efficiency of social transfers in the EU. Ministers discussed the reforms needed to deliver more efficient and sustainable welfare systems in the European Union. EU Member States spend between 13% and 33% of their GDP on social expenditures. It therefore represents a major share of total government expenditures. One of the most urgent challenges facing the Member States is to deliver greater efficiency of social transfers spending given the scale of social spending in Member States budgets and the challenges ahead such as globalisation and demographic change.
05.04.2008 EU financial markets infrastructures. The Ministers and Governors discussed progress with actions aimed at improving the infrastructure for clearing and settlement for securities transactions with a view to ensuring that securities can be exchanged as efficiently and safely as possible within the EU. Overall, Ministers considered that while substantial progress has been made both by the private and the public sector, efforts must be continued as follows:
04.04.2008 Slovenian Presidency on supervision and crisis management. Today, at the Informal Ecofin meeting in Brdo pri Kranju, the Ministers and Governors agreed on further steps to develop financial stability arrangements in the EU. At the press conference, the President of the ECOFIN Andrej Bajuk summarized the outcomes as follows:
First, on financial stability, we today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will replace the corresponding MoU signed in 2005. This strengthens co-operation mechanisms around cross-border groups and commits all signatories to co-operate across border, both in normal times, and in crisis situations. This is an important step forward, as the Memorandum reflects the commitment of all EU authorities to deepen cooperation in concrete ways and to ensure that coordinated actions can be taken in cross-border financial crisis situations.
04.04.2008 The EU Presidency called on the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia not to lose sight. The EU Presidency called on the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia today not to lose sight of its strategic national goal of joining the Euro-Atlantic integrations, which is essential for country's future, as
well as of great importance for the entire region. According to the Presidency, the decision at Bucharest NATO summit should not put that future under question.
04.04.2008 Memorandum of Understanding on co-operation between the Financial Supervisory Authorities, Central Banks and Finance Ministries of the European Union on cross-border financial stability. As part of their continued efforts to develop EU arrangements for financial stability and deepen the co-operation between relevant authorities, and in light of the agreements reached by the ECOFIN Council in October 2006 and October 2007, the Financial Supervisory Authorities, the Central Banks and the Finance Ministries of the European Union (EU) have agreed on a new Memorandum of Understanding on co-operation in financial crisis situations (hereinafter referred to as the “Memorandum”). Ministers and Governors initiated the procedure for signing the Memorandum today.
04.04.2008 Statement of Ministers and Governors on the ongoing tensions in international financial markets and the appropriate policy response. Ministers and Governors discussed the ongoing tensions in international financial markets and the appropriate policy response.
Since last August, financial markets have been in turmoil and some negative spill-overs to the real economy have started to emerge. Tensions in interbank markets have increased once again since the end of February and central banks have reacted promptly to provide liquidity as needed.
04.04.2008 Presentation of the ECDPM study “Enhancing the EU Response to Women and Armed Conflict with Particular Reference to Development Policy“. In their endeavours to promote discussion on how to advance EU work in this area, the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU has organised today at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union in Brussels the presentation of the ECDPM study entitled “Enhancing the EU Response to Women and Armed Conflict with Particular Reference to Development Policy”. The study has been prepared for the Slovenian Presidency in close cooperation with Austrian and German partners.
04.04.2008 President of the JHA Council Dragutin Mate to attend political trialogue on the Return Directive . Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the JHA Council, will attend a political trialogue on the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals (Return Directive) at the European Parliament in Brussels on 9 April 2008.
04.04.2008 Event announcement: Meeting of the European Police Chiefs Task Force. Jože Romšek, Director General of the Police, together with Aleksander Jevšek, Head of the Criminal Police Directorate, and Rajko Kozmelj, Assistant Head of the Criminal Police Directorate, will chair a strategic meeting of the European Police Chiefs Task Force (EPCTF) in Brussels on Friday, 11 April 2008. The EPCTF is a forum consisting of the highest representatives of police organisations from the EU Member States. The task force meetings are attended by police chiefs as heads of delegations and therefore the task force represents the highest level of decision-making, where strategic decisions on the future of police forces in the Member States are taken. The EPCTF discusses challenges and difficulties facing the police in the EU and attempts to find adequate solutions. The composition of the task force is a guarantee that the decisions adopted will be put into practice without reservations.
03.04.2008 Ministers of Health about the reducing alcohol related harm. Minister of Health, Zofija Mazej Kukovič, attended the European alcohol policy conference entitled "Alcohol Policy Conference - Building Capacity for Action" held today under the Slovenian EU Council Presidency in Barcelona under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia in cooperation with Spain. At the opening session she stressed that alcohol is an important risk factor for cancer as well as for many other chronic diseases and injuries, and continued that “harmful and hazardous alcohol consumption causes more than 7 per cent of early morbidity and mortality in our countries.”
03.04.2008 Importance of promoting the development of Mediterranean tourism emphasised by Euromed tourism ministers in Morocco. In Morocco, the Slovenian Minister for the Economy and current President of EU Competitiveness Council, Andrej Vizjak, together with the host, the Moroccan Minister responsible for tourism, Mohamed Boussaid, is co-chairing the first Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Tourism. This is the first EuroMed Conference of ministers responsible for tourism with which the 39 Member States of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership are laying new foundations for closer cooperation between partner countries in the area of tourism.
03.04.2008 Statement on the opening of the Ledra Street crossing. The Presidency of the EU welcomes the opening of Ledra street today. This is a practical and symbolic measure, bringing the two communities closer together and contributing to the building of mutual trust.
03.04.2008 EU-Japan Summit to be held in Tokyo on 23 April. Japan, as the host country of the 17th EU-Japan Summit, has officially announced that the Summit will be held in Tokyo on 23 April. The Japanese delegation will be headed by Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, while the EU delegation will be led by Slovenian Prime Minister and President of the European Council Janez Janša, and President of the European Commission José Manuel Durão Barroso.
At the meeting, the participants will exchange views on key issues in EU-Japan relations, including political and economic issues, and current events in the international community.
03.04.2008 Slovenian Foreign Minister Rupel to lead the EU-Central Asia Troika – information. The Slovenian EU Council Presidency is to prepare an EU Troika meeting with the Foreign Ministers of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in the Turkmen capital, Ashgabat, on 9 and 10 April 2008. The EU delegation will be headed by the Slovenian Foreign Minister and current President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Dimitrij Rupel, and will also include the European Commissioner for External Relations, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, EU Special Representative for Central Asia, Pierre Morel, and French Foreign Minister, Bernard Kouchner, representing the next Presidency country.
02.04.2008 Slovenian Presidency welcomes the adoption of the ratification bill on the Lisbon Treaty by Poland’s Parliament. Slovenian Presidency welcomes the yes-vote on the Lisbon Treaty by Poland’s Parliament being a big step to Poland’s ratification of the Treaty. Yesterday’s approval of the ratification bill by Sejm followed today’s approval by Senat. After the signature of the bill by the President Poland will join those Member States - Hungary, Slovenia, Malta, Romania, France and Bulgaria, which have already ratified the Lisbon Treaty.
02.04.2008 Giving a stronger voice to civil society in the European neighbourhood. At the conference held in Brdo, around 150 participants from NGOs, national governments and EU institutions discussed the position of the civil society in the Western Balkan countries, Eastern European ENP partner countries, Turkey and the Russian Federation, the involvement of the civil society in the implementation of EU projects, the monitoring of the implementation of EU policies and the possibilities of enhancing development aid effectiveness.
02.04.2008 “Investment in human capital of key importance for EU competitiveness”, says Slovenian Finance Minister Bajuk. A conference on the ‘Quality of Tertiary Education and the Economic Policy Agenda’ is being organised today by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia in cooperation with Bruegel and the regional Centre of Excellence in Finance. In his opening address, Slovenian Finance Minister Dr Bajuk emphasised, “There are two main reasons that prompted us to organise this conference: first, the fact that investment in human capital is one of the key priorities of the Slovenian Presidency and, secondly, the fact that globalisation and ageing of populations represent key challenges to the sustainability of public finance.”
The Minister pointed out that the challenges of globalisation and population ageing can be addressed by a strategy that includes growth in productivity and employment, which in turn calls for the quality of education to be improved. Investment in human resources is also a crucial factor for growth, structural adjustment and social inclusion.
01.04.2008 Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitrij Rupel in the European Parliament on Gymnich. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel reported today to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament on the EU foreign ministers' informal meeting (Gymnich), which was held at the Brdo Congress Centre in Slovenia on 28 and 29 March. The Slovenian Foreign Minister talked about the main topics of the 2-day discussion in which the ministers addressed a number of important issues. The ministers discussed the Middle East Peace Process with a special emphasis on the role of Syria, the relations between the European Union and the Russian Federation, the European perspective regarding the Western Balkans, and intercultural dialogue, and in this context, Tibet and the relations with Islam.
01.04.2008 Minister of the Interior and JHA President Dragutin Mate at the Meeting of the Future Group on European Asylum Policy, Integration and Police Cooperation . Dragutin Mate, Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, co-chaired the Meeting of the High-Level Advisory Group on the Future of European Home Affairs Policy at Brdo pri Kranju today. The interior ministers of the current and upcoming trio presidency, one minister of the subsequent trio presidency from early 2010 to June 2011, Vice-President of the European Commission Jacques Barrot, and representatives of the General Secretariat of the EU Council discussed the future of asylum policy, integration and police cooperation.
Minister Mate stated: “Today’s discussion confirmed that we are on the right track and that we share common views on future asylum policy, police cooperation and integration. Since its official establishment last year, the Future Group has met four times, while today’s meeting of the Future Group has been the first to be held under the Slovenian Presidency. At the January informal ministerial meeting we discussed the interim report on the work of the group and received positive responses by the Member States, which is an important signal for our future work.”
01.04.2008 Alcohol Policy Conference – Building Capacity for Action - Event Announcement. The Slovenian Minister of Health, Zofija Mazej Kukovič, will attend the European alcohol policy conference entitled "Alcohol Policy Conference – Building Capacity for Action", to be held in Barcelona on 3 April 2008 as part of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency, under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Health of the Government of Catalonia.
The conference is part of the Building Capacity project in the area of alcohol, which is managed by Slovenia and is partly financed by the European Commission. The project includes 41 partnership organisations and is based on the EU strategy to support Member States in reducing alcohol-related harm. The aim of the project is to reduce inequalities between the Member States and to achieve the Lisbon objectives in the sense of reducing social exclusion due to alcohol abuse and emphasising the significant role of alcohol policy for a more capable and economically productive Europe.
31.03.2008 Schengen regime for greater security in air traffic as well. After lifting the checks at the internal land and sea borders on 21 December 2007, when Slovenia and eight other Eastern and Central European countries entered the Schengen area, border checks were also lifted at air borders one minute after midnight yesterday, 30 March 2008. At today’s press conference at the Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport, the representatives of the Ministry of the Interior, the Police and Aerodrom Ljubljana underlined the historic significance of this event for Slovenia as well as other Schengen countries, particularly in providing security in the Schengen area. Further, they explained the advantages that the introduction of the Schengen regime at the Slovenian airports brings for air passengers in practice.
31.03.2008 Event announcement: Informal Meeting of Ministers for Economics and Finance will be held at Brdo pri Kranju on 4 and 5 April 2008. On Friday and Saturday, 4 and 5 April, the Informal Meeting of EU Finance and Economics Ministers will convene at Brdo pri Kranju, chaired by Dr Andrej Bajuk, Slovenian Minister of Finance and current President of the Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) Council. As usual, the meeting will be attended by the Finance ministers of the EU Member States and Central Bank Governors.
The Informal Meeting will commence on Friday 4 April with a ministerial working lunch dedicated to a debate on the financial situation of the countries of the Western Balkans, also to be attended by Mr Maystad, President of the European Investment Bank, and Mr Lemierre, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
31.03.2008 State Secretary Lenarčič: The Slovenian Presidency delivers everything that the European Union expects and needs. At the end of the first half of Slovenia's Presidency of the European Council, the State Secretary for European Affairs Janez Lenarčič presented the Presidency’s main activities and achievements at a press conference. In his estimation, the Slovenian Presidency has delivered in terms of both substance and organisation. Slovenia has set itself realistic objectives. It has focused on current issues and has tackled them successfully. "The Slovenian Presidency is delivering everything that the European Union expects and needs" stated Janez Lenarčič.
31.03.2008 Press Release by Foreign Ministers of France, Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and the United Kingdom. We, Foreign Ministers of France, Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and the United Kingdom held an informal meeting in Paris on March 31st 2008. We addressed with particular concern the situation in Zimbabwe after the general elections held on March 29th 2008. We commend the Zimbabweans who turned out to vote despite the difficult circumstances.
29.03.2008 Gymnich: Ministers discussed the situation in Tibet. The 27 ministers of Foreign Affairs of the EU at the Informal meeting (Gymnich) at Brdo have together with the European Commission discussed the situation in Tibet.
They reiterated their strong concern over the events in the autonomous Chinese region of Tibet. The EU condemns all violence and pays its respects to the victims.
It calls for an end to the violence and asks that arrested persons be treated in conformity with international standards.
29.03.2008 Gymnich: Ministers reacted to "Fitna" Movie. The 27 ministers for Foreign Affairs of the EU, the SG/HR and the Commission, with participation of their colleagues from the candidate countries, discussed the movie recently produced and released through the internet by a member of the dutch parliament , Mr Wilders.
29.03.2008 Intercultural Dialogue the Focus of a Working Lunch. The last topic discussed at today’s informal meeting of EU foreign ministers held at the congress centre in Brdo, Slovenia, was intercultural dialogue. At the end of the meeting, GAERC President and Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel said that the discussion had focused on the latest developments in Tibet and Islam, also with regard to the film recently released by Dutch MP Wilders.
29.03.2008 Brdo Presidency Statement: New focus on the Western Balkans. The representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Union, the candidate countries, the potential candidate countries of the Western Balkans, the Secretary General of the Council/High Representative, the European Commissioner for Enlargement and the European Commissioner for External Relations met in Brdo on the 29 March 2008 at the occasion of the informal Foreign Ministers’ meeting. The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Kosovo, the EU Special Representative for Kosovo, the OHR/EUSR for Bosnia and Herzegovina, the EUSR/HoD for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Secretary General of the Regional Co-operation Council were also present.
29.03.2008 EU Foreign Ministers Discuss the Western Balkans. The renewal of the Thessaloniki Agenda – which in 2003 guaranteed all Western Balkan countries a European future – was the focus of today’s informal meeting of EU foreign ministers held at the congress centre in Brdo, Slovenia. The first part of the meeting was attended by the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union and High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, the European Commissioner for Enlargement, Olli Rehn, and EU special representatives for the region. The second part was also attended by the foreign ministers of the Western Balkan countries or their representatives.
28.03.2008 Middle East and Russia on the first day of Gymnich. The first day of the EU foreign ministers' informal meeting at Brdo pri Kranju was centred on the Middle East Peace Process and relations between the European Union and the Russian Federation. The meeting is also being attended by the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union and High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, and the European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner. At the press conference after today's meeting, GAERC President and Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel commented that the ministers had held a detailed discussion on the Middle East and also addressed the issue of EU relations with other countries in the region, particularly Syria. The ministers assessed that negotiations between Palestine and Israel are progressing, although slowly. Certain key issues are yet to be addressed, such as Israeli settlements in the West Bank, refugees, and the status of East Jerusalem. The participants agreed that as a member of the Quartet, the EU should endeavour to resolve outstanding issues. Much has been said about the added value that the EU could provide at this stage: in addition to the work successfully realised by Tony Blair, the EU should encourage economic activities in the West Bank, consolidate health, education, and social institutions, and assist the Palestinian authorities in establishing the judiciary and the police.
27.03.2008 "Security in the Western Balkans affects security in the European Union" – Conclusion of the conference on strengthening cooperation in the fight against serious crime. The Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council, in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior, organised a conference entitled "Strengthening cooperation in the fight against serious crime – Contribution of regional OCTAs to security in Europe", which was held on 26 and 27 March 2008 in Vienna. The conference, which is part of the project "Organised Crime Threat Assessment for South Eastern Europe (SEE OCTA)", was attended by senior officials of EU Member States and representatives of police forces of the Western Balkans.
27.03.2008 President of JHA Council Dragutin Mate Presents Conclusions of Ministerial Conference and EU-US JHA Troika to the European Parliament. Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council of the EU, presented today the conclusions of the Ministerial conference on the challenges of the EU external border management and the EU-US Justice and Home Affairs Troika, held at Brdo from 11 to 13 March 2008, to the European Parliament LIBE Committee in Brussels, and answered MEPs' questions. According to Minister Mate, the main topic of the conference was "how to develop a technology-supported system of border surveillance in the future. The key goals are effective border control in order to prevent illegal immigration, fast and efficient passenger checks to ensure accessibility and openness of the Union, and the possibility of control over foreigners who enter the European Union legally and then overstay their visas. The topics discussed at the ministerial conference are extremely important for further identification of ways to improve external border management of the EU."
25.03.2008 The final step of Schengen enlargement – controls at internal air borders to be abolished in late March. After the lifting of checks at internal land and sea borders with the Schengen area Member States on 21 December 2007, when Slovenia and eight other EU Member States[1] entered the common area of free movement without internal border controls based on a decision by the EU interior ministers, border checks will also be lifted at air borders on 30 March 2008. This will represent the final step in the abolition of controls at internal borders. Based on its assessment that all nine candidates for enlargement of the Schengen area, including Slovenia, were ready for full application of the provisions of the Schengen acquis, the JHA Council on 6 December 2007 adopted the Council Decision on the full application of the Schengen acquis in the Czech Republic, Republic of Estonia, Republic of Latvia, Republic of Lithuania, Republic of Hungary, Republic of Malta, Republic of Poland, Republic of Slovenia and Slovak Republic. With Slovenia's entry into Schengen, border controls at the borders with Austria, Italy and Hungary were abolished, while at the same time border controls at the border with Croatia were reinforced, since this is now an EU external border. The entry into force of the Council Decision allowed for the lifting of checks at internal land and sea borders on 21 December 2007 and at air borders on 30 March 2008.
25.03.2008 European Council President Janez Janša to present spring European Council conclusions in European Parliament. The conclusions of the spring European Council meeting held on 13 and 14 March 2008 will be presented by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and the current President of the European Council, Janez Janša, at an extraordinary part-session of the European Parliament in Brussels on Wednesday 26 March 2008.
With the adoption of decisions in three key areas, the Slovenian Presidency is convinced that Europe’s leaders have given the European Union the wherewithal to continue to tackle global challenges and have again demonstrated the EU’s leading role in combating climate change.
25.03.2008 Meeting of the High-Level Advisory Group on the Future of European Home Affairs Policy (Future Group). On 31 March and 1 April 2008, Dragutin Mate, Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, will co-chair the Meeting of the High-Level Advisory Group on the Future of European Home Affairs Policy, which consists of the interior ministers of the current trio presidency, the interior ministers of the upcoming trio presidency and one minister of the subsequent trio presidency from early 2010 to June 2011.
25.03.2008 Informal Meeting of Foreign Ministers (Gymnich) - Announcement. On Friday 28 and Saturday 29 March, the Informal Meeting of EU Foreign Ministers – the Gymnich – will convene at the Brdo Congress Centre, chaired by the current President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, the Slovenian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr Dimitrij Rupel. The meeting will open with an in-depth discussion on the Middle East, in which the Ministers will examine the Middle East peace process and the situation in Lebanon, the role of Syria, Iran and the activities of terrorist organisations. Dr Rupel will launch the debate with a report on his visit to the region between 17 and 20 March.
25.03.2008 Conference on strengthening the cooperation in the fight against serious crime – contribution of regional threat assessments to security in Europe. One of the priorities of the Slovenian EU Presidency in the field of home affairs is to focus on the Western Balkans. This is why the Slovenian Presidency, in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior, will organise a two-day conference entitled Strengthening the cooperation in the fight against serious crime – contribution of regional threat assessments to security in Europe, which will be held in Vienna on 26 and 27 March 2008. The Conference, which is part of the project "Organised Crime Threat Assessment for the South-Eastern European Area”, will be attended by high representatives of the EU Member States and representatives of the police forces of the Western Balkans.
21.03.2008 Slovenian Presidency welcomes ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in Bulgaria. Slovenian Presidency welcomes ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by Bulgaria's Parliament. We are pleased that Bulgaria has next to Hungary, Slovenia, Malta, Romania and France taken a step to the entry into force of the Treaty which is fundamental for the common European future.
21.03.2008 Statement by Slovenian Foreign Minister Rupel on the Christofias-Talat meeting on Friday 21 March 2008. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, welcomed the first meeting between the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Demetris Christofias, and the Turkish Cypriot leader, Mehmet Ali Talat, which took place on Friday 21 March 2008. “This meeting has clearly placed action aimed at encouraging trust between the two sides on the island on a more solid foundation.
20.03.2008 Slovenian Foreign Minister Rupel on visit to Israel. The current President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, rounded off a three-day tour of the Middle East in Israel today. The purpose of the visit was to collect information and evaluate the Middle East peace process, which will be one of the issues on the agenda of the informal meeting of EU Foreign Ministers in Slovenia next week. Dr Rupel was accompanied on the tour by the EU Special Representative for the Middle East peace process, Marc Otte.
20.03.2008 Statement by Slovenian Presidency on the Call to Boycott the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games . At their informal meeting in Slovenia on Monday 17 March, the Sports Ministers of the European Union expressed their deep concern at events in Tibet, called for peace and dialogue and, in their conclusions, underlined that the Olympic Games can contribute significantly to strengthening intercultural dialogue and establishing an environment in which human rights are respected. In the unanimously-adopted Ljubljana Declaration, the Sports Ministers, together with the Presidents of the National Olympic Committees of the EU Member States, the Western Balkan countries and Norway, emphasised the importance of the Olympic ideal and values in promoting and supporting human rights.
19.03.2008 Conference on police cooperation with the Western Balkan countries in the field of education and training of police officers . Considering the long-term efforts of the European Union to provide peace, stability and prosperity in the Western Balkans, and the fact that this region as a whole is one of the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency, the European Police College (College européen de police (CEPOL)) organised a conference on police cooperation with the Western Balkan countries in the field of education and training of police officers. The conference took place on Slovenia's initiative and was held from 17 to 19 March 2008 in Bled. It was devoted to making contacts and establishing relations between the European Union and the Western Balkan countries in the field of education and training of police officers.
19.03.2008 Minister Rupel visits Palestinian territories. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council and Slovenian Foreign Minister, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, began today's visit to the Palestinian territories with a talk with the foreign minister of the Palestinian Authority, Mr Riad Malki, and with a meeting with the president, Mahmoud Abbas. As expected, the discussions focused on continuation of the peace process. Minister Rupel affirmed the readiness of the European Union to help accelerate the negotiations and expressed his expectation that an agreement would be reached before the end of this year. Minister Rupel also visited the Yasser Arafat mausoleum and paid his respects to the former Palestinian president.
19.03.2008 Minister Rupel in Ramallah: “Negotiations are the only solution for the Middle East”. Today in Ramallah, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, the Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs and current President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, met Palestinian Government representatives. At the press conference after the meeting, Dr Rupel noted that the representatives of the Palestinian Government and he had agreed that the only way to settle the Middle East peace process is through negotiation. There is also consensus on this in the European Union, which wishes to contribute to the best of its ability to reviving the peace process which was started at the Annapolis conference at the end of the last year and recently slowed down due to an increase in tensions, added the Minister.
18.03.2008 Minister Rupel on a three-day Middle East tour. Dimitrij Rupel, President of the EU General Affairs and Foreign Relations Council (GAERC) and Slovenian Foreign Minister, started his Middle East tour today by visiting Cairo. The purpose of the tour, which continues tomorrow in Palestinian territory and concludes on Thursday in Israel, is to collect information on the situation, taking into account the EU’s desire to re-invigorate the Middle East Peace Process, which is also one of the topics of the informal meeting of EU Foreign Ministers at Brdo, Slovenia next week. Apart from the Middle East Peace Process, which is the main topic of the present visit, Minister Rupel has also devoted his attention to other issues relevant for the region, especially the situation in Lebanon.
18.03.2008 Minister Rupel starts his three-day tour of the Middle East by visiting Egyptian President Mubarak. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, today visited Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, thus starting his three-day tour of the Middle East, which falls within the preparations for an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers to be held next week at Brdo pri Kranju.
18.03.2008 EU working meeting on territorial cohesion and urban development. An EU working meeting on territorial cohesion and urban development is to be held in Brdo today and tomorrow (18 and 19 March). On day one, the meeting of the Network of Territorial Cohesion related Contact Points will be held, including presentations and a discussion on the First Action Programme for the implementation of the EU Territorial Agenda and individual activities under that programme. Some of important activities in this area, on which Slovenia as the presiding country is focusing, are the promotion of Action Programme implementation, coordination of related activities, monitoring and reporting on implementation, as well as dissemination of information and awareness raising.
17.03.2008 Nigeria-EU Senior Officials Meeting on Political Dialogue. Senior officials of EU and Nigeria met today in Abuja to prepare for the Ministerial Troika between both parties that will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in May/June this year. The EU team was composed of the Slovenian Presidency, the European Commission and the General Secretariat of the Council and the incoming French presidency, while the Nigerian Delegation consisting of officials of the Foreign Ministry, Ministry of Finance, National Planning Commission, Ministry of Energy, EFCC, ICPC, office of NSA, NDLEA, Human Rights Commission was led by Ambassador E E Onobu, (Director Regions MFA).
17.03.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša declares overcoming mutual differences and boundaries the key to long-term development. Today in Ljubljana, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, attended the opening of the 15th session of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, one of the important events held during the Slovenian EU Presidency. At the meeting, he emphasised the importance of strengthening dialogue between different cultures, highlighting the improved cooperation between African, Caribbean and Pacific states (ACP) and the European Union. He devoted particular attention to the negotiations aimed at the conclusion of comprehensive regional partnership agreements with the ACP countries and adapting to the climate change and energy challenges.
17.03.2008 Ministers of Agriculture Increase National Milk Quotas. “The decision is based on the favourable EU and world market situation, affording realistic possibilities for increased milk production. It is important that the Commission has undertaken to consider the 2% quota increase in the context of the so-called ‘soft landing’ approach to the abolition of milk quota in 2015,” stressed Mr Jarc, and added, “We have on several occasions pointed out the need to protect sensitive areas where the abolition of milk quotas could affect milk production and, thus, their long-term dairy production.”
17.03.2008 EU Sports Ministers and National Olympic Committee Presidents adopt Joint Declaration. The Sports Ministers and Presidents of the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) of the EU Member States and the countries of the Western Balkans, the President of the European Olympic Committee (EOC) and the representatives of the Executive Committee of the European Olympic Committees adopted today, 17 March 2008, a Joint Declaration on ‘Social Significance and Dialogue in Sport’.
17.03.2008 EU Agriculture Ministers adapt Common Agricultural Policy . At the meeting of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council, chaired by Slovenian Minister of Agriculture Iztok Jarc, the Ministers adopted Council conclusions regarding the Commission communication on the ‘health check’ of the CAP reform. Review of the common agricultural policy is one of the Slovenian Council Presidency priorities in the area of agriculture.
17.03.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša outlines spring European Council highlights at conference of parliamentary foreign affairs committee chairpersons. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, today outlined the highlights of the spring European Council meeting and the Slovenian Presidency’s further plans in his address at the two-day Conference of Foreign Affairs Committee Chairpersons of the parliaments of the Member States, candidate countries and the European Parliament, which opened today in Ljubljana.
16.03.2008 EU Sports Ministers and Olympic Committee Presidents in Planica. Ministers for Sport and Presidents of National Olympic Committees (NOCs) of the EU Member States and the countries of the Western Balkans enthusiastically supported their national ski jumpers today, 16 March 2008, at the final day of competition of the 2007/2008 season World Cup Ski Jump Finals in Planica, Slovenia. The Ministers and NOC Presidents enjoyed the competition at Planica, an event showcasing all the positive aspects of sport.
15.03.2008 Slovenian Presidency expresses deep sympathy. The Slovenian Presidency wishes to express its deepest sympathy following the news of a yet undisclosed number of casualties and over 150 wounded, including civilians, in an explosion in a military depot near Tirana, Albania earlier today. The Presidency wishes to offer its sincere condolences to the Albanian authorities and to the families of the deceased.
14.03.2008 The European Council has agreed on a timeframe and key principles for the energy and climate change package. With today's adoption of the European Council conclusions, the EU leaders confirmed commitments in three important areas and gave the EU adequate tools to meet the challenges currently facing the EU-27. "We have put in motion a modern and concrete new three-year cycle of the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs. We have adopted an ambitious timeframe and confirmed key principles for the adoption of the energy and climate change package. We have addressed current concerns regarding the stability of the financial markets" said the Slovenian Prime Minister and President of the European Council Janez Janša at the end of the European Council meeting.
14.03.2008 Informal Meeting of EU Ministers responsible for Sport – Event Announcement. Dr Milan Zver, the Slovenian Minister for Sport and Education and current President of the EU Education, Youth and Culture Council, will chair the informal meeting of Sports Ministers from the EU Member States, Norway and the Western Balkan countries entitled ‘Towards a more structured dialogue in sport’ to be held at Brdo pri Kranju on 17 March 2008.
14.03.2008 EU leaders confirm Climate and Energy Package adoption timeline and key principles. At the spring European Council, the EU heads of State and Government have confirmed the commitment with which EU a year ago established its position as a leading force in the fight against climate change. They confirmed an ambitious schedule for the adoption of the package and fundamental principles as a basis for agreement. "The climate and energy package represents a major step forwards and an appropriate starting point for an agreement with which Europe can prove it still has a leading role in international negotiations on a global agreement for the post-2012 period," underlined the Slovenian EU Presidency.
14.03.2008 European Council on the provision of stability in international financial markets. The heads of state or government of the EU Member States attending today’s session of the European Council devoted part of their discussion to the recent turmoil in international financial markets, as well as responding to it and preventing such crises in the future. They also addressed the future of sovereign wealth funds. The European Council stressed that immediate disclosure of risks (of exposures to distressed assets and off-balance sheet vehicles) and losses of banks and other financial institutions is essential to restore confidence in financial markets; it called upon the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) to focus on the following four areas when taking regulatory and supervisory actions: enhancement of transparency for investors, markets and regulators; improvement of valuation standards, in particular the valuation of illiquid assets; reinforcement of the prudential framework and risk management in the financial sector; and improvement of market functioning, including the role of ratings agencies.
14.03.2008 EU Competitiveness Council President, Slovenian Economy Minister Andrej Vizjak, speaks in Brussels on the importance of efficient legal redress for consumers. “Existing judicial and administrative protection of consumers is inadequate; alternative ways to settle consumer disputes need to be established,” declared the Slovenian Minister of the Economy, Andrej Vizjak, at the European Consumer Day conference in Brussels. At the invitation of the President of the Economic and Social Committee, Minister Vizjak attended the conference on the legal protection of consumers as a keynote speaker in his capacity as current President of the EU Competitiveness Council.
13.03.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša donates Slovenia's EU Council Presidency gift to Justus Lipsius building. Slovenian Prime Minister and European Council President Janez Janša today presented the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union, Javier Solana, with the donation of Slovenia to permanently mark its EU Council Presidency. The donated gift – a replica of a long-case clock designed by Slovenia's greatest architect, Jože Plečnik – will from now on stand in the Council's Justus Lipsius building.
13.03.2008 Premier Janez Janša outlines Slovenian Presidency expectations at spring European Council. “The most important topic will be the energy and climate change package,” Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša told journalists as he arrived at the meeting venue. The package is important, according to PM Janša, not just for the European Union but also for forthcoming negotiations with the EU’s partners throughout the world – China, Brazil and the US. “We would like to reach a global agreement for the post-Kyoto period,” stressed the Prime Minister, expressing his conviction that the European Union would in future retain its leading role on environmental issues.
13.03.2008 Common Press statement of EU and US representatives meeting in Brdo on 13 March 2008*. EU and US representatives agreed to pursue discussion on visa waiver issues on the following basis:
Common goal
Their common goal is to achieve secure visa-free travel, in full compliance with applicable laws, between the Member States of the EU and the USA as soon as possible.
13.03.2008 Ministers Mate and Šturm consult with U.S. representatives on Visa Waiver Program, border security, Western Balkans and mutual legal assistance agreements . The presidents of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, Dr Lovro Šturm, Slovenian Minister of Justice, and Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior, chaired the justice and home affairs ministerial Troika meeting with representatives of the United States of America today. Besides the two ministers, the EU was represented by Franco Frattini, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner responsible for justice, freedom and security, and Brice Hortefeux, French Minister of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Co-development, as a representative of the next presidency. The American delegation was led by Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff and Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey.
13.03.2008 PM Janša: More synergy needed between economic, social and environmetal aspects of our activities. Brussels today, before the start of the spring European Council, was also the venue for the traditional Tripartite Social Summit (TSS), an opportunity for discussion with European social partners at the highest level. Talks today focused on two areas: the Lisbon Strategy and climate and energy issues. Discussions with social partners are important in helping to guide the debate within the European Council, enabling it to take the interests of European business, workers and citizens into consideration.
12.03.2008 Successful Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra concert in Brussels – official Slovenian EU Council Presidency event. The Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra gave a concert this evening at the Bozar Palace of Fine Arts in Brussels. The concert is a preamble to the spring meeting of the European Council, which will be chaired on Thursday and Friday by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, who also attended the concert. The concert was also attended by the European Commissioner for Science and Research, Dr Janez Potočnik and many members of the diplomatic corps.
12.03.2008 Minister Mate on the application of modern technologies in the surveillance of external borders. Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, today chaired the Ministerial Conference* on the Challenges of the EU External Border Management at Brdo pri Kranju. At the conference, the ministers also discussed the third Commission Communication on the establishment of the European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR). Minister Mate emphasised that “this is a decisive step towards the gradual introduction of a common European system for integrated border management. We discussed recommendations for short- and medium-term objectives involving future border control technologies supported by scientific research.”
12.03.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša: Our joint task is to promote the European collective experience. In his address, Prime Minister Janez Janša compared the Europe of fifty years ago with present times, stressing that a look taken at the path travelled and at the flourishing of European democracy over the past half century can indeed fill us with pride and a feeling of gratitude to the founding fathers responsible for the European ideal. “Twenty-seven Heads of State and Government, more than a third of whom were living under totalitarian regimes less than twenty years ago, will be taking decisions tomorrow around the same table. Practically all of wider Europe now also lives in freedom and democracy. This is an achievement worth embracing and celebrating,” said the Slovenian Prime Minister.
12.03.2008 Minister Mate on surveillance of the EU external borders to protect citizens while ensuring openness and accessibility. Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, chairs the Ministerial Conference on the Challenges of the EU External Border Management at Brdo pri Kranju today. At the opening of the conference he emphasised: “Slovenia, which is situated at the Union’s external land and maritime border, is hosting an important event – the first political discussion on the challenges of future EU external border management. We are faced with rapid demographic changes, requiring deliberate and decisive action, while on the other hand we wish to preserve the internal security of Europe and its citizens.”
12.03.2008 "Globalisation and an ageing population will be the EU’s main challenges in future". This was the main emphasis of the address by the Slovenian Minister of Finance and current President of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN), Dr Andrej Bajuk, at the international EU-LAC (Latin America and Caribbean) forum entitled "Fiscal Policies for Social Cohesion and the Fight Against Poverty". Dr Bajuk focused on challenges and the response of EU policy aimed at boosting prosperity and maintaining social cohesion in the context of sound fiscal policy, observing, "The main challenge is to carry out reforms that maintain and improve on our fine social achievements."
12.03.2008 Presidency Presented the Preparations for the European Council to the European Parliament. "The Spring European Council will be about delivery. The Presidency would like to advance the work on making Europe the most competitive economy." In these words, State Secretary for European Affairs Janez Lenarčič summarised the main topics of tomorrow's European Council he was presenting to the European Parliament at its plenary session held today. Following the tradition of spring summits, the meeting is to focus on economic issues. Heads of State and Government of the EU Member States will discuss the Lisbon Strategy, climate change and energy, as well as financial stability. State Secretary Janez Lenarčič pointed out that constructive cooperation with the European Parliament would contribute to the achievement of the set goals.
12.03.2008 Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra concert in Brussels today – official Slovenian EU Council Presidency event. The Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra will give a concert at the Bozar Palace of Fine Arts in Brussels at 20.00 today. The concert is a precursor to the spring meeting of the European Council which will be chaired on Thursday and Friday by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, who will also attend the concert.
11.03.2008 Senior Euro-Mediterranean media gather in Ljubljana to discuss media role and input in Euro-Mediterranean matters. The Euromed and the Media Task Force, a consultative body to the European Commission, met in Ljubljana on 10 and 11 March to discuss its work programme, and also to prepare input for the Euromed ministerial meeting on culture and intercultural dialogue and the follow-up conference to the Dublin conference on ‘Reporting Terrorism’. During its two-day meeting, they also participated in a public information session and debate with the local media and diplomatic corps organised by the Slovenian Presidency of the EU, and were guests at a special reception hosted by Slovenia’s President Danilo Türk at the Presidential Palace.
11.03.2008 EU-Albania Troika meets on the margins of the GAERC meeting. Representatives of the EU and Albania met today on the margins of the General Affairs and External Relations Council. The EU-Albania Troika meeting focused on relations between the EU and Albania in relation to the Stabilisation and Association Process, as well as in the context of regional cooperation. The Troika also discussed political developments in the Western Balkans and the current situation in Albania.
11.03.2008 Lifelong learning as a key factor in a knowledge-based society. Lifelong learning is an increasingly topical issue – it is one of the European Union’s priority guidelines and, as a foundation for establishing a knowledge-based society, also an integral part of the Lisbon strategy and the Bologna process. The conference entitled "Universities and Lifelong Learning" organised by the Slovenian Presidency featured presentations by some leading experts on lifelong learning. The conference was also attended by representatives of the EU Member States, the Western Balkans countries, higher education institutions, ministries, various international associations and networks, and student organisations.
11.03.2008 Minister Jarc presents increase in Milk Quotas and Review of CAP Reform to European Parliament. The Slovenian Minister Iztok Jarc, Chairman of the EU Council for Agriculture and Fisheries, today presented to MEPs at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg the EU Council proposal to increase national milk quotas as well as the key emphases of the discussions to-date on the review of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
11.03.2008 Minister Rupel heads EU-Ukraine Cooperation Council. Today in Brussels, the current President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dr Dimitrij Rupel, chaired the EU-Ukraine Cooperation Council; the Ukrainian delegation was headed by Prime Minister Julia Tymoshenko. The two delegations discussed cooperation between the European Union and Ukraine and exchanged their views on burning political issues.
11.03.2008 Balanced nutrition and regular physical activity are crucial to improving health. The Slovenian Minister of Health, Zofija Mazej Kukovič, today gave an address opening the two-day Conference on “Cross-Sectoral Policies for Nutrition and Physical Activity – Implementation and Monitoring” in Radenci, Slovenia. At the conference, representatives from the EU Member States discussed the importance of healthy and balanced nutrition and regular physical activity in promoting health and better quality of life in all age groups of the population.
10.03.2008 EU-Algeria Association Council chaired by Minister Rupel. The President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel chaired the EU-Algeria Association Council in Brussels today. In opening, Minister Rupel stressed that “Algeria is a strategic partner of the European Union” and that it plays an important role in the Euro-Mediterranean area, in the Arab League and in Africa in general.
10.03.2008 Minister Rupel attends a quadripartite meeting between the EU and the Council of Europe. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian .Foreign Minister Dr Dimitrij Rupel, participated in the quadripartite meeting between the EU and the Council of Europe, which was also attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic and Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Jan Kubiš, the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, Terry Davis, and the Deputy Director General for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy at the European Commission, Karel Kovanda.
10.03.2008 Western Balkans and Middle East at centre of EU General Affairs and External Relations Council discussion. Today’s meeting of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, chaired by Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, discussed a range of international issues. The Council adopted resolutions on several matters; today's meeting was, however, also a preparation for the European Council meeting on Thursday and Friday. The Western Balkans was one of the important topics on the agenda of the European Council meeting; the discussion on this subject started with an exchange of opinions on recent developments in Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia. As far as Kosovo is concerned, Dr Rupel assessed that there have been no major outbreaks of violence, which is a very important consideration; in places, the situation is better than expected, elsewhere the process is slower; however, this was expected. In any case, the EU wants UNMIK to assure protection of the border between Kosovo and Serbia during the transition period.
10.03.2008 Doha Development Agenda (DDA) negotiations – the main topic of the informal meeting of trade ministers. Last night Andrej Vizjak, Minister of the Economy of the Republic of Slovenia, chaired the informal meeting of the EU Member States' trade ministers. The discussions, held during an informal dinner, focused in particular on the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) negotiations. Minister Vizjak pointed out that the negotiations need to proceed successfully, as the so-called "window" is an opportunity subject to serious time limitations. He further said that "a breakthrough in trade negotiations would raise confidence in the world economy, which is currently undergoing a financial shake-up and facing increasing environmental problems, and would bring new guidelines and incentives for the solution of these problems".
10.03.2008 General Affairs and External Relations Council discusses preparations for the European Council. The first part of the General Affairs and External Relations Council meeting, presided over by Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, centred on preparations for the European Council meeting, which is due to take place on Thursday and Friday, 13–14 March 2008. The European Council will discuss a number of important and priority issues of the Slovenian EU Presidency, among which Dr Rupel highlighted the revival of the Lisbon Strategy and environmental package involving measures for preventing the consequences of climate change. As regards climate change, Dr Rupel underlined that the needs of the Member States should be taken into consideration, while the EU should undertake efforts to achieve the set objectives, as reducing greenhouse gas emissions is in the interest of all parties. Energy safety and the stability of financial markets will also be addressed at the European Council.
07.03.2008 March General Affairs and External Relations Council Meeting to Focus on European Council Preparations. The EU General Affairs and External Relations Council will take place on 10 March, chaired by the President of the Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dr Dimitrij Rupel. The main topic on the General Affairs agenda will be the conclusions that will go forward to the European Council meeting at the end of the week. Under the External Relations heading, the ministers will discuss the situation in the Western Balkans, the Middle East, Iran, Zimbabwe and Georgia.
07.03.2008 EU-US Troika of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers. Presidents of the Justice and Home Affairs Council Dr Lovro Šturm, Slovenian Minister of Justice, and Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of Home Affairs, will chair a meeting of justice and home affairs ministers of the EU with their US counterparts, which will be held on 13 March 2008 at Brdo pri Kranju.
07.03.2008 Ministerial Conference on the Challenges of the Eu External Border Management – Announcement. Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, will host a conference on the future management of the EU external borders, which will be held at Brdo pri Kranju on 12 March 2008 and attended by interior ministers of the EU, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The conference will be based on three Communications issued by the European Commission in mid-February 2008:
07.03.2008 Minister Mate visits Albania as it begins dialogue on visa liberalisation. Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, visited Tirana today and joined Franco Frattini, Vice-President of the European Commission and European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security, to begin dialogue on visa liberalisation with the Republic of Albania. In November 2006 the Council authorised the Commission to open negotiations with Albania on visa facilitation. The negotiations were concluded in April 2007, while the agreement was signed in September. For all Western Balkan countries, including Albania, visa facilitation agreements entered into force this year. The agreements envisage the possibility of initiating dialogue on a visa-free regime, which can be done by the European Commission on its own initiative. So far the Vice-President of the European Commission, Franco Frattini, has announced the beginning of dialogue on visa liberalisation with Serbia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro.
07.03.2008 Slovenian Experts to Evaluate Switzerland's Preparedness for Joining the Schengen Area. Slovenian experts from the police, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Information Commissioner will lead the team of experts from the EU and EEC Member States which will evaluate the preparedness of Switzerland for entering the Schengen area. With the entry into force of the Agreement between the European Union, the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on the Swiss Confederation's association with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis on 1 March 2008, all legal requirements were met for Switzerland to join the passport-free zone. As it is not an EU member and therefore not bound by the Schengen standards, Switzerland's interest in joining the area of the Schengen states is convincing proof of just how important the enlargement of the Schengen area is in Europe.
07.03.2008 Announcement: SLIC – Senior Labour Inspectors Committee Meeting (Brdo pri Kranju, 10-11 March 2008). During Slovenia’s Presidency of the EU Council, the Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia is organising a Meeting of the Senior Labour Inspectors Committee (SLIC), dedicated to the ageing of the workforce. The plenary session will be held on 10 and 11 March 2008 at the Brdo Congress Centre.
06.03.2008 EU-US Ministerial Troika Meeting chaired by EU General Affairs and External Relations Council President, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Dimitrij Rupel, chaired a meeting of the EU Troika with the United States of America. The EU was also represented at the meeting by the European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, and the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana. The American delegation was headed by the United States Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice. In addition to the Western Balkans, the forthcoming EU-US Summit and the US visa-waiver program for EU Member States, the talks also focused on Russia, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Iran, Israeli-Palestinian relations and crisis areas in Africa.
06.03.2008 Developed research infrastructure – the first precondition for achieving Lisbon objectives. Participants at the conference held yesterday and today at Brdo, entitled "Research Infrastuctures and their Structuring Dimension within the European Research Area", addressed the question of how Europe can make better use of its scientific potential, strengthen the European research area and thus achieve the Lisbon objectives through systematic regional, national and European coordination. Mojca Kucler Dolinar, Slovenian Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, and Co-President of the EU Competitiveness Council, noted that "only through active regional partnership can the European Union become the most competitive economy in the world." Ms Danuta Hübner, the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Dr Janez Potočnik, the European Commissioner for Science and Research, and Dr Žiga Turk, the Slovenian Minister for Growth, took part in the conference.
05.03.2008 The EU-Canada Ministerial Troika on the Western Balkans and the situation in Afghanistan. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, chaired a Ministerial Meeting of the EU-Canada Troika in Brussels. The EU delegation, in addition to Minister Rupel, consisted of the EU Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Dr Benita Ferrero-Waldner, and the representative of the EU Council Secretariat, Robert Cooper. The Canadian delegation was led by Canadian Foreign Minister Maxime Bernier. Minister Rupel said that the meeting was devoted to the following topics: Kosovo and the situation in the Western Balkans, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the Middle East Peace Process.
05.03.2008 Presidency Statement on the Presentation of the European Commission Communication “Western Balkans: Enhancing the European perspective”. The Presidency warmly welcomes today’s presentation of the Communication on the Western Balkans in which the Commission takes stock of the progress made and proposes a number of concrete measures that would further deepen the relations between the EU and the countries from the region and encourage the necessary reforms. The document points the way forward for following up on the Thessaloniki agenda and the Salzburg Communication, in line with the Commission’s November 2007 enlargement strategy paper.
04.03.2008 “Issues of financial stability are among ECOFIN’s priorities in future months”. This is what the Slovenian Minister of Finance and current President of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN), Dr Andrej Bajuk, stressed during the Council meeting. He added, “The informal ECOFIN meeting in Ljubljana on 4 and 5 April will constitute an important milestone in work in the area of financial stability. Examination of progress on supervision, particularly in terms of cooperation between national supervisory authorities, agreements on ensuring financial stability and cross-border financial crisis management, will be the main topics of the meeting.” At today's meeting, the Finance Ministers focused primarily on preparations for the spring European Council on 13 and 14 March, in the context of which they also adopted the interim report on the current situation on the financial markets.
04.03.2008 First ever meeting of environment ministers from EU and Latin America and Caribbean countries held in Brussels . Climate change adaptation, renewable energy, biodiversity loss and deforestation were at the top of the agenda of the first meeting between EU and Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) environment ministers which was held in Brussels today. These issues are especially significant given their importance for the economic well-being of EU and Latin American and Caribbean countries. The issues raised at the meeting will provide the basis for the EU-LAC Heads of State and Government Summit in Lima this May. More than two dozen ministers from the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean attended.
04.03.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša receives the President of the Committee of the Regions. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, today met the President of the Committee of the Regions, Mr Luc Van den Brande. The Prime Minister took the opportunity to stress the importance of cities and regions in the implementation, monitoring and assessment of the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs.
04.03.2008 Minister Turk opens the annual Lisbon Council Summit: "Towards a more innovative, creative and active Europe". With his opening address the Slovenian Minister for Growth, Dr Žiga Turk, today opened the annual Lisbon Council Summit, a Brussels-based think tank which has this year been devoted to risk management and European leadership issues within the Lisbon Strategy. In the week leading up to the spring European Council, when the new 2008–2010 Lisbon Strategy cycle will be launched, some 200 leading economists, strategists, media editors and journalists, leaders of non-governmental organisations and other opinion makers today convened for this Summit. The discussions focused in particular on challenges for the success of the new Lisbon Strategy cycle and the Strategy’s key role during that period. After the opening address given by the Slovenian Minister for Growth, the participants were also addressed by José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, Enrico Giovannini, Chief Statistician at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and Michael Heise, Chief Economist of Allianz Group and Dresdner Bank, and others.
04.03.2008 Directors general enthusiastic about the reform of Slovenian vocational education. “The meeting presented the Slovenian reform of vocational education and training, its achievements and challenges, and inspired the participants,” said Slava Pevec Grm, MSc, the President of the meeting of directors general for vocational education and training, which took place on 3 and 4 March at Brdo pri Kranju. She stressed that the Slovenian reform placed the greatest emphasis on “strengthening social partnership, linking school and education, and curriculum reform which aims to improve the competences of pupils.” The participants pointed out that Slovenia has achieved a lot, while Slovenia’s development and vocational education and training model may serve as an example of good practice for other countries.
04.03.2008 Minister Mate to visit Albania and attend the Announcement of the Beginning of Dialogue on Visa Liberalisation – Announcement. Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, will join Franco Frattini, Vice-President of the European Commission and European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security, who will announce the beginning of dialogue on visa liberalisation with the Republic of Albania during his visit to Tirana on 7 March 2008.
04.03.2008 Territorial Dialogue conference held in the context of cohesion policy and Lisbon Strategy. The conference “Territorial Dialogue 2008” is taking place today at Brdo pri Kranju. On behalf of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the conference is co-hosted by the Slovenian Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy, led by Minister Ivan Žagar, PhD. The conference is also attended by the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Danuta Hübner, and the President of the Committee of the Regions, Luc Van den Brande.
03.03.2008 Environment Ministers re-affirm commitment to further action against climate change. At today’s meeting of the EU Environment Council chaired by the Slovenian Minister for Environment and Spatial Planning, Mr Janez Podobnik, EU Ministers for the Environment re-affirmed their commitment to adopting the climate-energy legislation package in spring 2009. To this end, in Council conclusions which will be forwarded to the EU Heads of States and Government, the Ministers undertook to reach political agreement on the package at the level of the Council. This should enable the European Parliament to approve the package during its current term of office.
03.03.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša and the newly-elected Russian President discuss Russian Federation cooperation with the EU. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, after last night offering his congratulations to the winner of the presidential elections in Russia, Mr Dmitry Medvedev, on his election success, today had a telephone conversation with the Russian President-elect, in which the two leaders exchanged views on cooperation in both the bilateral and the European context.
The incoming Russian President stressed that he was committed to advancing dialogue between the European Union and the Russian Federation and was looking forward to the EU–Russian Federation Summit to be held in Hanti-Mansiisk in June. The Slovenian Prime Minister and the Russian President-elect agreed that, given the strategic importance of partnership between the European Union and Russia, a stable legal framework for cooperation was essential. The Slovenian Prime Minister gave assurances that he would strive to ensure that the European Union’s negotiation positions were coordinated at the earliest possible opportunity.
03.03.2008 Foreign Minister Dr Rupel speaks at the 7th Session of the UN Human Rights Council. Today in Geneva, the current President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Dimitrij Rupel, attended the high-level segment of the 7th session of the UN Human Rights Council. The key challenges of this session, which opened today and will conclude on 28 March, will be evaluating the mandates of UN special rapporteurs on individual areas of human rights and taking decisions on the renewal of these mandates, as well as addressing serious human right violations in the world in an appropriate fashion.
02.03.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša declares: The EU offered Serbia a helping hand some time ago; now the ball is in Serbia's court. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, today attended – at the invitation of the Austrian Federal Chancellor, Mr Alfred Gusenbauer – the 11th European Forum held in Lech, an Austrian ski resort. Talks at the Forum focused mainly on energy and climate issues and the future of the Western Balkans.
The Forum participants agreed that the Western Balkan countries must have a future in Europe. The Slovenian Prime Minister said that, this time, the European Union had responded to the situation in the Western Balkans in a timely and appropriate way, in contrast to its response in the 1990s. In PM Janša’s view, the prospect of a future in Europe is a strong incentive for the countries of this region, bringing with it real potential for further development and prosperity. The European Union must therefore remain firmly committed to resolving the situation in the Western Balkans. A final settlement to the situation has to be found, after which attention can be devoted to the European Union’s other neighbours. The Slovenian Prime Minister added that the European Union was being confronted with a very difficult situation in the Western Balkans, but one that was nevertheless gradually calming down. He also said he hoped that the region would be much more stable in a few months’ time, allowing the countries to redirect their efforts to their respective paths towards European accession.
29.02.2008 Comprehensive ethical and scientific consideration required. The two-day meeting of the 11th Forum of National Ethics Councils was concluded today at Brdo pri Kranju, where the members of national forums and the European Group on Ethics (EGE), an advisory body to the European Commission on ethical questions in science and biotechnology, addressed the issue of ethics and science. "The development of science, the medical profession and society as a whole presents us with ever new ethical issues which require comprehensive ethical and scientific consideration, interdisciplinary debate, explanation of standpoints and open dialogue, because only such action can lead to the best possible results for the patient, doctor and society at a given moment," pointed out the host of the meeting, Health Minister Zofija Mazej Kukovič, in her opening address.
29.02.2008 Priority must be given to investing in people and modern labour markets, declares Slovenian Minister Marjeta Cotman.. A meeting of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) chaired by Minister Marjeta Cotman was held today in Brussels. The EU Ministers had a political discussion on key results and challenges in the labour market and in the fight against poverty. “Although we expect to create five million more jobs by 2009, efforts need to be continued. There are still too many Europeans without employment, particularly young people. Europe has to continue in the direction of modernising the labour market and improving employment. The unemployed and people in precarious employment need our special attention. Priority must be given to investing in people and modern labour markets,” declared Marjeta Cotman, Slovenian Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs.
28.02.2008 More efficient anti-terrorism laws and more support for alternative dispute resolution. At today's meeting of the EU Council on Justice and Home Affairs, the Ministers discussed a proposal amending the Framework Decision on combating terrorism. The 2002 Framework Decision criminalises terrorist offences prepared or committed with the aim of seriously damaging a country or international organisation. The criminalised acts must be carried out with the aim of intimidating people or seriously altering or destroying political, economic or social structures.
28.02.2008 Energy Ministers confirm Strategic Energy Technology Plan. At today's meeting of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy (TTE) Council, EU Energy Ministers endorsed the Strategic Energy Technology Plan. "'I am extremely pleased that we have confirmed the conclusions prepared by Slovenia on the basis of the Commission's report on the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan), and I am also very satisfied with the constructive debate on the climate change and energy package and with the progress in the area of the single energy market," said the President of the TTE Council, Andrej Vizjak, at the close of the meeting.
28.02.2008 EU Interior Ministers confirm Framework SIS II Timetable and agree on EUROPOL. EU interior ministers, led by Dragutin Mate, President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, discussed the proposal for a Council decision establishing the European Police Office (Europol) in Brussels today. Consensus was reached on all key questions. Some Member States requested additional explanation on budgetary expenditure and the Presidency will attempt to provide it by the April meeting of the Council. As Minister Mate pointed out, "The adoption of the decision is important, as we need a strong European police office which will support Member States with information and analysis in the fight against organised crime and terrorism."
27.02.2008 Information and communication technology promotes competitiveness and an open economy, and contributes to a better quality of life, says Ms Mojca Kucler-Dolinar. In their final declaration, the ministers of the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership emphasised the contribution of the information society, research and innovation to business competitiveness, to new job creation and to tackling the challenges of globalisation. They recognised the role of the public and private partnership in developing the ICT sector and highlighted the requirement for further liberalisation and the opening up of the electronic communications markets. They re-affirmed their commitment to the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.
27.02.2008 Minister dr. Rupel took part in the final meeting of the Regional Table of the Stability Pact in Sofia. The Slovenian Foreign Minister and President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Dimitrij Rupel, today took part in the final meeting of the Regional Table of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe and the inaugural meeting of the Regional Cooperation Council, through which the Western Balkan countries are taking responsibility for regional cooperation. “With the formation of the Stability Pact nine years ago, the countries of South-Eastern Europe accepted responsibility for developing a common strategy for the growth of the region within the international community and in mutual cooperation with donors and with their assistance,” said Minister Rupel, going on to express his satisfaction that the countries of the region are now able to work for lasting peace, stability and success through cooperation on their own account.
26.02.2008 Implementing the Future of Medical Devices. The 21st Meeting of Competent Authorities (CA) for Medical Devices under the Slovenian EU Presidency took place in Brdo on 25 and 26 February, 2008. Following the revision of medical devices directives, CA's discussed several outstanding issues to be further clarified through guidelines and the required actions (e.g. meetings, trainings, publications) to be taken for proper implementation of Directive 2007/47/EC. Interface of the Medical Devices Directives with other legislation, particularly borderline issues were discussed and need for further clarification concerning interpretation of definitions was pointed out. The meeting also agreed that further consideration was needed on the new provisions on clinical investigations and software.
26.02.2008 Minister Turk speaks on creativity at Regions for economic change conference in Brussels. The Slovenian Minister for Growth, Dr Žiga Turk, today addressed the second annual conference organised under the Regions for economic change – sharing excellence initiative. The participating experts discussed how European regional policy and its instruments contribute to the exchange of experience.The event is organised by the Commission's Regional Policy Directorate General in cooperation with the Committee of the Regions.
25.02.2008 Minister Rupel welcomes Bosnia and Herzegovina Foreign Minister Alkalaj. The President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, met today in Ljubljana with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sven Alkalaj. Their discussion centred on the alignment of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the European Union. In this regard, Minister Rupel emphasised the importance of the initialling of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement in December 2007; the adopted measures for the proper functioning of Bosnia and Herzegovina's government and parliament contributed to this. "The establishment of well-functioning state institutions is an indispensable condition for the faster alignment of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the European Union," emphasised the Slovenian Foreign Minister, who also mentioned that Slovenia would consider the signature of the agreement during the Slovenian Presidency as a great success.
25.02.2008 State Secretary Marko Starman, LLM, attends second conference of Regions for Economic Change in Brussels . Marko Starman, State Secretary in the Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy, spoke today to participants of the second annual conference at the initiative of Regions for Economic Change, where participants from all regions of Europe discussed the contribution of European regional policy and its instruments to exchange experience among regions. The President of the European Commission, Mr José Manuel Barroso, and the Commissioner for Regional Policy, Ms Danuta Hübner, also attended the conference.
25.02.2008 EU Ministers agree on joint action for energy research that will contribute to lowering greenhouse emissions. The Member State Ministers responsible for research reached an agreement on the last from the Joint Technological Initiatives package which foresees an establishment of a Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking. According to the Council President, Mojca Kucler Dolinar, the Slovenian Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, the Regulation will make a significant contribution towards strengthening the European Research Area and EU competitiveness. Joint Technological Initiatives were presented by the seventh framework programme as a new method of establishing public-private partnerships. "The joint undertaking will be a Community body which will support our joint efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the use of innovative technology. It will thus contribute towards achieving the EU’s strategic objectives and meeting Kyoto Protocol commitments," said the Minister.
25.02.2008 “Despite progress, efforts must continue towards obtaining an unqualified Statement of Assurance in all areas of the budget,” says the Minister Bajuk.. Today in Brussels, the Slovenian Minister of Finance and current President of the Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) Council, Dr Andrej Bajuk, presented to the Committee on Budgetary Control of the European Parliament the recommendations adopted by the ECOFIN Council on 12 February 2008 on the discharge to be given to the European Commission for the implementation of the EU budget for 2006. He also presented the recommendations on the discharge to be given to the directors of 22 specialised EU agencies for the implementation of their budgets for 2006.
25.02.2008 EU Competitiveness Council adopts paper on key issues within the Lisbon process. The first session of the Council of EU Ministers on Competitiveness this morning in Brussels addressed the internal market and industry policy. The main item on the agenda of this morning’s session, chaired by the Slovenian Minister of the Economy, Mr Andrej Vizjak, was the adoption of the key issues paper (KIP) in the context of the Lisbon economic reform process.
22.02.2008 Euro-Mediterranean Ministers convene in Cairo to discuss “Building an Enabling Environment for the EUROMED Information Society”. Ministers will gather in Cairo on 26-27 February 2008 for the EUROMED Ministerial Conference on the Information Society entitled “Building an Enabling Environment for the EUROMED Information Society”, held under the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU in cooperation with the European Commission and hosted by Egypt’s Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. Bringing together over 250 participants, it is aimed at building an effective EUROMED Information Society based on win-win partnerships and public-private investments and encouraging improved dialogue between EUROMED partnership countries.
22.02.2008 Strengthening of EU military capabilities and cooperation with strategic partners. On the second day of the informal meeting of EU defence ministers, discussion focused on military capabilities and their further development. The Progress Catalogue 2007 identified both deficiencies and surpluses in the field of military capabilities, and the ministers agreed that it was necessary to continue activities for eliminating the deficits. It is necessary to improve all mechanisms currently available in order to ensure the necessary forces for EU operations.
21.02.2008 EU Troika meeting with Afghanistan. President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dr Dimitrij Rupel headed a meeting between the Foreign Ministers of the EU Troika and Afghanistan held at Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia. Apart from Dr Rupel, the EU was represented by Benita Ferrero-Waldner, European Commissioner for External Relations, Francesc Vendrell from the EU Council General Secretariat, and Rama Yade, French Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Human Rights. The delegation of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was headed by Foreign Minister Dr Rangin Dadfar Spanta.
21.02.2008 Minister Mate on Security as a Common Good and on Visa Liberalisation with Montenegro . Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, attended the fifth annual ministerial conference on cooperation on border security in the Western Balkans, held in Budva, Montenegro and organised by the Ministry of the Interior and Public Administration of Montenegro and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF).
21.02.2008 The EU Defence Ministers discussed European Security and Defence Policy missions. At today’s session of the informal meeting, the EU Defence Ministers discussed European Security and Defence Policy missions. The discussion focused mainly on the Althea mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina; the Ministers agreed that it should be continued. Starting from a realistic assessment of the security situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the wider region, with particular reference to Kosovo, progress needs to be evaluated so as to provide a basis for making a decision on whether to continue or abandon the mission.
20.02.2008 CEPOL Governing Board adopts 2009 work programme and draft budget . At its two-day meeting at Brdo pri Kranju, the Governing Board of the European Police College (CEPOL) discussed and adopted the 2009 work programme and draft budget.
Besides Nevenka Tomovič, Chair of the CEPOL Governing Board, and her colleagues from the Police College, the meeting was attended by representatives of police training institutions in Member States, a representative of the Commission, a representative of Europol, and the president of the Association of European Police Colleges.
20.02.2008 Minister Mate visits The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to attend the Announcement of the Beginning of Dialogue on Visa Liberalisation. Today Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, visited Skopje, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, to join Franco Frattini, Vice-President of the European Commission and European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security, who announced the beginning of a dialogue on visa liberalisation between the European Commission and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The Visa Facilitation Agreement between the EU and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia entered into force on 1 January 2008.
19.02.2008 Slovenian State Secretary Šinkovec on EU-Lebanon Association Council. Today’s meeting of the EU-Lebanon Association Council in Brussels was chaired by the State Secretary at the Foreign Ministry, Matjaž Šinkovec, on behalf of the Slovenian Presidency. The two sides – the Lebanese delegation was headed by Tarek Mitri, Foreign Minister ad interim – discussed the situation and outlook as regards EU-Lebanese relations, matters of common interest and regional and international issues.
19.02.2008 Minister Rupel to head meeting between EU Troika and Afghanistan – information and programme. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, will head the meeting between the EU Troika and Afghanistan on 21 February 2008 at Brdo pri Kranju. The EU Troika will be represented by the Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Dr Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the French State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Human Rights, Rama Yade, and the EU Special Representative for Afghanistan, Francesc Vendrell; from the Afghani side the meeting will be attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rangin Dadfar Spanta.
19.02.2008 Slovenian Economy Minister Vizjak states, “Agreement on the Goods Package means safe products on the EU market and a high level of consumer protection.”. Andrej Vizjak, the Slovenian Economy Minister, is today attending the debate on the Goods Package during the plenary part-session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Last week, the Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper) reached agreement on the three texts which make up the “Goods Package”, a decisive step towards crowning the success of the efforts of the Council, Parliament and the Commission to reach agreement at first reading.
18.02.2008 Agriculture Ministers Discuss Practical Details of Proposals to Adjust Common Agricultural Policy. At the meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council chaired, for the Slovenian Presidency, by Iztok Jarc, the Ministers discussed the key priorities and issues that need to be resolved in discussions on the review of the CAP. Member States for the most part expressed their support for simplification of the single payment scheme (SPS) and further reduction of production-related support, preservation of a ‘safety net’, and a gradual increase in milk quotas. The key issues remain the modulation and determination of the upper and lower limit of direct payments.
18.02.2008 GAERC President Rupel heads meeting between EU Troika and Montenegro. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, the foreign minister of Slovenia Dr Dimitrij Rupel, President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council and Foreign Minister of Slovenia, headed today in Brussels the meeting of the EU Troika with the delegation of Montenegro, headed by Foreign Minister Milan Roćen. Rupel described the meeting as very positive and encouraging. "Montenegro declared independence less than two years ago and shows successful progress," said Minister Rupel, noting that Montenegro has adopted a new constitution and signed a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU, as well as the Agreement on visa facilitation and the return of persons.
18.02.2008 State Secretary Šter: Efficient development cooperation at the head of the priority tasks of the international community. The State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Andrej Šter, today hosted the Conference on the Challenges of EU-27 Development Policy, which was attended by development ministers from EU Member States and the European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, Louis Michel. The participants discussed the efficiency of development cooperation, the situation in Kenya, and the issue of children and women in armed conflicts. At the beginning, State Secretary Šter emphasised that Europe has demonstrated its desire, willingness and strength to enhance partnership in the area of development cooperation. "We are the largest global donor and contribute more than one half of the overall world development aid," he said. "Thus we greatly contribute to the improvement of living conditions for many people, as well as the institutional capacities of countries, administration, democratic development, human rights, and international peace and security."
18.02.2008 EU General Affairs and External Relations Council discusses several external relations issues. The European Neighbourhood Policy was, alongside the Western Balkans issue, among the most important discussion topics of today's EU General Affairs and External Relations Council session. The President of the EU Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, underlined the extreme importance of this policy and stated that it was one of the priority tasks of the European Union's external relations. He expressed his thanks to the European Commission for its engagement in respect of this issue and assured the EU Council's absolute commitment.
18.02.2008 Minister Rupel: The EU has adopted a common view on Kosovo. "The European Union has once again successfully passed the test showing its unity and adopted a common view on recent developments in Kosovo." With these words, the President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, opened the press conference following the Council meeting which focused primarily on the situation in Kosovo.
18.02.2008 Minister Mate on Border Security in Western Balkans and on visa liberalisation. Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, will attend, at the invitation of Jusuf Kalamperović, Minister of the Interior and Public Administration of Montenegro, and Ambassador Dr Theodor Winkler, Director of the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), the fifth annual ministerial conference on cooperation on border security in the Western Balkans, which will be held from 21 to 23 February 2008 in Budva, Montenegro. Minister Mate will address participants on behalf of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU and will sign a Cooperation and Partnership Agreement between the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces.
18.02.2008 Ministers adopt Conclusions on EU-Mauritania Fisheries Agreement. At today’s meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council chaired by the Slovenian Minister, Iztok Jarc, under the part “A” items the EU Ministers adopted Council conclusions on the revision of the Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the EU and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. The agreement is very important since it is the EU’s largest fisheries agreement; at the same time, it represents almost a third of Mauritania’s national revenue.
18.02.2008 EU Fisheries Ministers decisively in favour of improving common fisheries policy control. In the margins of today’s meeting of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council, an informal meeting of Fisheries Ministers was held. At the meeting chaired by the Slovenian Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Food and current Council President, Mr Iztok Jarc, the Ministers exchanged opinions on the necessary reform of the fisheries control regime.
18.02.2008 EU Council Urges Croatia not to Apply the Ecological and Fisheries Protection Zone to EU Member States. The General Affairs and External Relations Council unanimously and without discussion endorsed conclusions on Croatia’s Ecological and Fisheries Protection Zone in the Adriatic. On the basis of its December Council conclusions, the Council urges Croatia to fully respect the agreement of 4 June 2004 and not to apply any aspect of the zone to the EU Member States until a common agreement in the EU spirit is found. The Council calls on Croatia to live up to its commitments in this regard. The Council will return to this matter at a forthcoming meeting, and invites the Commission to continue its dialogue with the Croatian authorities and report back to the Council.
15.02.2008 Multilingualism is essential for gaining a competitive economic advantage. “Multilingualism and knowledge of languages play an inter-cultural role, giving the European economy a real competitive advantage on the global market,” said Dr Milan Zver, the Slovenian Minister of Education and Sport and current President of the Education, Youth and Culture Council, at today’s conference “Promoting Multilingualism: a Shared Commitment”. The conference was co-chaired by Dr Zver and the European Commissioner for Multilingualism, Mr Leonard Orban.
14.02.2008 Troika EU - Ukraine. Andrej Šter, Slovenian Foreign Ministry State Secretary, chaired a meeting in Kyiv between the EU Troika and Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine. The EU was also represented by Benita Ferrero-Waldner, European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, and Jean-Pierre Jouyet, State Secretary responsible for European Affairs at the French Foreign Ministry. The meeting focused on relations between the European Union and Ukraine and the counterparts expressed the desire to further enhance these relations in the coming period.
14.02.2008 Particular attention to be paid to education and youth in the Lisbon Strategy. "The Lisbon Strategy will be key to a successful and competitive Europe only by giving a more prominent role to education and youth," stated Milan Zver, Chair of the Education, Culture and Youth Council and Minister for Education and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia, after today's Council meeting. He added, "By adopting key messages to the Spring European Council, we have made a huge step in this direction. Now it all depends on the European Council."
14.02.2008 State Secretary Andrej Šter to host the Conference on the Challenges of EU-27 Development Policy. On 18 February, the Slovenian Presidency is organising the Conference on the Challenges of EU-27 Development Policy at Brdo pri Kranju. The conference, hosted by State Secretary Andrej Šter, will be attended by senior representatives of EU Member States and European institutions, among them European Commissioner for development and humanitarian aid Louis Michel.
The conference is devoted to in-depth discussion of the participation of different European players in the field of development cooperation with a view to ensuring coordinated and effective assistance to partner states. This is an important event for the Slovenian Presidency, as it will be attended by the makers of the joint European development policy, as well as those who implement it. The European Union is the world’s leading provider of development aid, constantly strengthening its role as a global partner in this field.
13.02.2008 Presidency Statement on EU Border Surveillance Proposals Presented by the Commission. The Slovenian Presidency welcomes the European Commission’s vision of the development of the EU’s external border management system, as presented today, comprising a Communication on the evaluation and future development of the Frontex Agency, a Communication on new tools for an Integrated Border Management Strategy and a Communication on the creation of a European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR). Since managing external borders is one of its Presidency priorities, Slovenia is organising a ministerial conference at which all three communications will be presented. The conference will be held on 12 March 2007 at Brdo pri Kranju. Slovenia’s aim is that the discussion between Member States at the conference will form the basis for the Council consequently to adopt conclusions that will provide political guidelines for future work in this area.
13.02.2008 Minister Rupel heads EU Troika-Russia meeting. Dr Dimitrij Rupel, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC), today headed a foreign ministerial level meeting between the EU Troika and Russia, which took place at Brdo Castle in Slovenia. Apart from Minister Rupel, the EU was represented by Javier Solana, High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy and Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union, Dr Benita Ferrero-Waldner, European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, and Jean-Pierre Jouyet, State Secretary responsible for European Affairs at the French Foreign Ministry. The Russian delegation was headed by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
13.02.2008 Successful Conclusion of the Major Event of the Ministry of Public Administration during the Slovenian EU Presidency. »E-Government Days«, organized by the Slovenian presidency of the EU and the European Commission which began on Monday, were concluded today at Brdo pri Kranju. It is the major event of the ministry during the presidency of Slovenia to the EU Council. At the same time, e-Government was the highlight theme of the Slovenian presidency. It was also the major European event this year in the field of public administration, since e-Government is vital for developing a high-quality public administration. It also constitutes one of the basic elements of a competitive economy, which is the objective of the European Union, namely to become the most competitive economy worldwide. The conference »e-Government Days« which was attended by over 300 participants from the EU Member States, focused on the operation of e-Government at the level of EU Member States, and the interoperability of e-governments or the provision of services across the EU Member States. With this event Slovenia proved that, as a presiding state, it can largely contribute to a further development of e-Government within the EU. With the examples of its own good practice it can also stimulate and invite other Member States to develop high quality in their public administrations, as well.
12.02.2008 We need to continue with the implementation of structural reforms and respect the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact. This was the point stressed by the Slovenian Minister of Finance and current President of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN), Dr Andrej Bajuk, after today’s ECOFIN meeting. The Finance Ministers, among other things, adopted the Key Issues Paper on economic and financial affairs to be submitted to the spring meeting of the European Council. Dr Bajuk underlined, “The European economic fundamentals are sound, but the European economy is facing risks in the capital markets as well as supply side price shocks. We must therefore continue with the implementation of structural reforms to increase productivity growth and employment, to continue to improve the quality of public finances and to respect the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact. We consider that the Pact has been structured properly to function during all phases of the economic cycle.”
12.02.2008 Podobnik: “The Bali Climate Change Agreement is just the start of the process”. Speaking on behalf of the European Union, the Slovenian Minister for the Environment and Spatial Planning, Mr Janez Podobnik, addressed participants at the UN thematic debate on climate change in New York on 12 February 2008. The debate was aimed at developing a joint world vision on action to be taken against climate change.
12.02.2008 Turk and Barroso on the Lisbon Strategy with the Members of the European Parliament and the National Parliaments. The Slovenian Minister for Growth, Dr Žiga Turk, was, together with the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barosso, the keynote speaker at the traditional meeting of the Members of the European Parliament and the national parliaments, held in Brussels today. This year, the three-year cycle of the Lisbon Strategy will be concluded and during Slovenia’s Presidency, at the Council Meeting in March, the conclusions for the new three-year cycle (2008–2010) will be adopted.
11.02.2008 EU-Arab League Ministerial Meeting in Malta; President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council Dr Dimitrij Rupel Regarding the Middle East Peace Process. Dr Dimitrij Rupel, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC), participated today in the EU-Arab League ministerial meeting in Malta. The first part of the meeting will focus on the situation in the region, with particular emphasis on the Middle East crisis. Seven EU and ten Arab League foreign ministers will be attending the meeting. In his introductory address, Minister Rupel stated that peace, stability and well-being are the common concern of both Europe and the Arab League, and that “mutual understanding and dialogue among cultures are essential for peaceful and successful coexistence; the European Union and the Arab League may contribute substantially to this.
11.02.2008 Evacuation of EU citizens from Chad and application of the consular Lead State concept. The Presidency would like to thank France for the successful evacuation of EU citizens from Chad, a convincing demonstration of European solidarity. As Lead State in Chad, France efficiently coordinated and carried out activities to ensure the necessary protection of EU citizens. It evacuated more than 1 200 citizens from 12 Member States and third countries (60 nationalities in all).
11.02.2008 Minister Rupel to head EU Troika–Russian Federation meeting. On 13 February 2008, the President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel will head the meeting between the EU Troika and the Russian Federation. Participating on the Russian side will be Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, while the EU will be represented by the European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana, and the State Secretary responsible for European Affairs at the French Foreign Ministry Jean-Pierre Jouyet. Prior to that, on Tuesday 12 February, Dr Rupel will have bilateral talks with his counterpart, Mr Lavrov.
The topics under discussion will be cooperation between the EU and the Russian Federation so far, the priorities for cooperation in 2008 and advances in the implementation of the common space for external security. The participants will also focus on regional and international issues, such as Kosovo, the Middle East peace process, Moldova (the Pridnestr issue), Sudan and Chad.
08.02.2008 Slovenian Presidency welcomes ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by France. The Slovenian Presidency welcomes the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by France. France is thus the fifth state to ratify this important instrument, which will enhance democracy and the effectiveness of the EU’s functioning, as well as strengthen its cohesion. At the same time, the Treaty will enable the European Union to become much more effective externally.
08.02.2008 Each euro invested in prevention is – long term – the best investment. “The Slovenian initiative on cancer is a new opportunity to intensify efforts to reduce the burden of cancer. The great interest in this conference and the commitment shown by participants confirm my belief that this opportunity will be successfully exploited,” were the words with which Slovenian Health Minister Mrs Zofija Mazej Kukovič today closed the two-day conference entitled “How to reduce the burden of cancer” held at Brdo pri Kranju.
At the conference, health policy makers, medical experts, researchers, representatives of patients and many others had discussed approaches to dealing in a comprehensive way with the burden of cancer, incidence of which is on the rise on account of the ageing population. The Minister stressed that “our actions must be targeted primarily at improving the health and quality of life of EU citizens,” going on to say that “citizens that are healthy and creative will make the best contribution, through their activities, towards improving economic competitiveness and economic performance, which is also in line with the Lisbon Strategy objective.
07.02.2008 Turk speaks on Lisbon Strategy today at European Economic and Social Committee. Minister for Growth Dr Žiga Turk took part today in the high-level conference in Brussels of the European Economic and Social Committee concerning the renewed Lisbon Strategy for the period 2008-2010. He emphasised the good experiences of Slovenia in social dialogue and presented the priorities of the new Lisbon Strategy cycle.
07.02.2008 Prevention has been shown to be the most effective means of reducing the burden of cancer. At Brdo pri Kranju, the Slovenian Minister of Health, Mrs Zofija Mazej Kukovič, today opened a two-day conference entitled “The Burden of Cancer - How Can it Be Reduced?”, the main Presidency event in the field of health. “According to data for the majority of European countries, the incidence of cancer in women and men has been increasing despite achievements in cancer prevention and treatment. One in three EU citizens will suffer from cancer in their lifetime and one in four will die of cancer,” stressed the Minister, going on to say that the ageing society is expected to cause a rise in the number of patients and therefore increase the burden of cancer over the next years and decades. The Minister pointed out that our goal should be “to prevent the preventable! At least one third of cancers can be prevented. Disease prevention has been shown to be the most effective - and hence strongest – means of reducing the burden of cancer in each country.”
07.02.2008 Economy Minister Vizjak on the launch of the new business support network: “Credit for European economic success is due chiefly to small and medium-sized enterprises.”. Andrej Vizjak, the Slovenian Minister for the Economy, was one of the keynote speakers at today’s conference on the launch of Enterprise Europe Network - the new business support network. In his address, Mr Vizjak emphasised that “small and medium-sized enterprises play a key role in the European economy as major drivers of innovation, competitiveness, growth and job creation”.
“For this reason, in recent years many new instruments have been introduced in the SME policy area, but even more remains to be done. I believe that the European Community and the Member States can coordinate their efforts even better,” said Mr Vizjak and expressed his conviction that the new business support network would be one of the chief mechanisms offering continued support to European SMEs.
06.02.2008 EU Presidency Statement on the signing of an interim political agreement with Serbia. Serbia today informed the Presidency that the planned signing of the interim political agreement between the EU and Serbia would not take place on 7 February 2008, as was first envisaged. After the talks with the Serbian side, it was established that Serbia required additional time to implement all the necessary internal procedures that would allow for the signing of the agreement.
06.02.2008 EU-Troika meeting with Armenia headed by Minister Rupel. 6 February 2008 - Today in Armenia, the current President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, accompanied by the EU Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Dr Benita Ferrero-Waldner, completed a three-day visit to the South Caucasus States. The visit in Armenia commenced with a working meeting with Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian, and then Dr Rupel and Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner had separate meetings with Armenia’s Prime Minister, Serzh Sargsian, the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, Tigran Torosyan, and the President of the Republic of Armenia, Robert Kocharyan.
05.02.2008 EU Directors-General Responsible for Sport comment on White Paper and Doping in Sport. "Sport plays an extremely important social role and should, therefore, be accorded its due place in the European institutions," affirmed the Slovenian Minister of Education and Sport and current President of the EU Council, Dr Milan Zver, addressing the Directors-General responsible for Sport. "The White Paper provides a good basis for giving sport its proper place, and a more active role in combating doping should not be forgotten," he underlined. The statement was endorsed by the Directors-General from the EU Member States and directors from the Western Balkans countries attending the meeting in response to the invitation sent by the conference chairman, Director-General of the Directorate for Sport at the Ministry of Education and Sport, Mr Simon Starček.
05.02.2008 Minister Rupel heads Georgia-EU Troika meeting. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, together with the European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Dr Benita Ferrero Waldner, today visited Georgia as part of the three-day EU visit to the South Caucasus countries.
In Tbilisi, the EU Troika held a working meeting with Georgian Foreign Minister David Bakradze. Minister Rupel and Commissioner Waldner were also received by the President of the Republic of Georgia, Mikhail Saakashvili; the President of the Parliament, Nino Burdjanadze; the Minister for Euro-Atlantic Integration, Giorgi Baramidze; and Prime Minister Gurgendidze. Besides the meetings with the above-mentioned dignitaries, the programme of the visit included meetings with the Ombudsman and representatives of the opposition, and participation at the conference on implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan.
04.02.2008 EU -Troika meeting with Azerbaijan headed by Minister Rupel. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel started a three-day tour of the South Caucasus States, where, together with the EU Commissioner for External Relations, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, he will head EU Troika meetings with the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia.
04.02.2008 EU Nature Directors' Meeting. The regular meeting of the European Union Nature Directors will be held in Bled and at Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia, between 4 and 6 January 2008. The meeting is organised and chaired by the presiding country in cooperation with the European Commission. The central theme of the Slovenian meeting will be sustainable forest management and monitoring to achieve the targets for halting the loss of biodiversity by 2010, which is one of the priorities of Slovenia's Presidency.
01.02.2008 Talks between Finance Minister Bajuk and the German Finance Minister focus on financial stability in the EU. The Slovenian Finance Minister and current President of the Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) Council, Dr Andrej Bajuk had a meeting today with the German Finance Minister, Peer Steinbrück. Discussions focused on the ECOFIN Council’s work programme and priority tasks during Slovenia's Presidency. Dr Bajuk declared, “The Slovenian Presidency programme is based on the common eighteen-month programme drawn up by the German, Portuguese and Slovenian trio Presidencies. Because the Slovenian Presidency considers enhancing financial stability to be of key importance, we have prepared a separate Annex to our programme, expressing our intentions in greater detail. The Presidency’s main objective in this field is to implement the work programme adopted, to expedite it and to expand it with new measures, where necessary.”
01.02.2008 Ministers of Employment and Social Affairs at the informal meeting: Flexibility and security are required throughout a person’s lifetime. At their informal meeting, the Ministers of Employment and Social Affairs, within the framework of the concept of flexicurity, devoted special attention to the young and the elderly and to the challenges faced by women in the labour market. Today’s conclusions, which were prepared by Slovenia as the presiding country in cooperation with Portugal and Germany, will serve as a good basis for further work in the field of EU employment and social policy. They are especially important, because we are in the middle of discussions on the next cycle of the Lisbon Strategy, to be adopted by the Spring European Council.
01.02.2008 President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Dr Rupel, visits Skopje. President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, today visited the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, where he spoke with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonio Milošoski, and was also received by the President of the Sobranje (Parliament), Ljubiša Georgievski, and the President of the Republic, Branko Crvenkovski.
31.01.2008 Cotman: "It is only by investing in people and their potentials that Europe will have the opportunity for growth.". "It is only by investing in people and their potentials that Europe will have the opportunity for growth,” emphasised the Slovenian Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Marjeta Cotman, opening the Informal Meeting of Ministers of Employment and Social Affairs which she is hosting as the President of the EU Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council.
31.01.2008 Minister Mate attends debate on providing security in the European Parliament. Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council of the EU, attended the annual debate on achievements in setting up the area of freedom, security and justice in 2007 in the European Parliament in Brussels today. In his speech, he pointed out that implementing policies in the area of justice and home affairs was extremely important, as "security has become one of the most important concerns of our citizens. Our goal is to ensure such conditions for cooperation between Member States which will guarantee an adequate level of security for our citizens."
31.01.2008 Cotman: We not only need active women, we also need active men. At the informal meeting of ministers for gender equality, discussions were held on the participation of women in society, enhancing the role and position of women, the balanced representation of women and men in political decision-making, enhancing the role and position of girls with a view to achieving gender equality, and the importance of gender equality policies in development cooperation. Minister Marjeta Cotman pointed out that one of the key messages was, “We not only need active women, we also need active men.”
30.01.2008 Andrej Vizjak tells the plenary session of the European Parliament, “Full liberalisation of postal services is essential to revitalising the sector and ensuring its continuation.”. The Slovenian Minister of the Economy represented the Council of the European Union at today’s plenary part-session of the European Parliament. The subject of discussion was the Postal Directive aimed at completing the single market for postal services in the Community. The proposed amendments to the initial Directive will bring about the expected and - in terms of consistency with other EU objectives - the only possible solution, in particular with regard to the creation of a single European market, the “most competitive economy” in line with the Lisbon Strategy, and the abolishment of exclusive rights.
30.01.2008 Dr Rupel presents the programme and priorities of the Slovenian Presidency to the Council of Europe. Dr Dimitrij Rupel, Slovenia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and current President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, today presented the programme and priorities of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency to ambassadors at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. His speech placed particular focus on issues falling directly within the Council of Europe’s express remit, cooperation between the EU and the CoE, and relations between the EU and countries that are members of the Council of Europe but not the European Union.
30.01.2008 Slovenian Presidency welcomes Malta’s ratification of the Lisbon Treaty. The Slovenian presidency welcomed the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by Malta, which became the third country after Hungary and Slovenia to successfully conclude the ratification process. The Maltese parliament voted to ratify just hours after the treaty was passed in Slovenia’s National Assembly.
30.01.2008 Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the JHA Council to attend a debate in the European Parliament on achievements in setting up the area of freedom, security and justice in 2007. Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council of the EU, will attend the annual debate on achievements in setting up the area of freedom, security and justice in 2007 in the European Parliament in Brussels tomorrow. Each year the European Parliament, in accordance with the Treaty on European Union, holds a debate on the functioning of the EU as regards intergovernmental cooperation in the field of police and criminal matters (the third pillar). The debate traditionally begins with a report by the European Commission and is attended by the minister chairing the EU Council of Justice and Home Affairs, who will also answer questions of the Members of the European Parliament.
29.01.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša welcomes ratification of the Lisbon Treaty. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, welcomed today’s ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by the Slovenian Parliament. By a vast majority of 74 votes out of a total of 90, the Republic of Slovenia has become the second Member State to confirm the new institutional structure for more effective functioning of the enlarged European Union.
29.01.2008 Slovenia on the Re-Examination of Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy . Minister Iztok Jarc, Chairman of the EU Council, presented the work programme in the area of agriculture to the European Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development. The minister pointed to the discussion on re-examination of the reform of the 2003 Common Agricultural Policy as the main task of the Presidency. “It is our aim to adopt clear-cut decisions as soon as possible so that the Commission may take them into account in preparing legislative proposals,” said Mr Jarc. “In accordance with the 2003 reform, now is the time to review and evaluate the results, and adopt decisions on how to better adapt the revised CAP to the new economic, social and environmental conditions, needs and challenges before us,” said Mr Jarc.
29.01.2008 Minister Iztok Jarc presents priorities in the phytosanitary, veterinary and public health area. Mr Iztok Jarc, the Chairman of the EU Council, presented the work programme in the phytosanitary, veterinary and public health area to the European Parliament Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. The Slovenian Presidency will work to improve EU standards on the safety and quality of food and feedingstuffs, which will facilitate the maintenance of a high level of safeguarding public and animal health, environmental protection, and protection of consumer interests, aiming to increase consumer confidence.
29.01.2008 Minister Bajuk presents Slovenia’s ECOFIN Council Presidency priorities to the EP ECON Committee. “The adoption of the second three-year cycle of the revised Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs and work in the field of financial services are the key priorities of Slovenia’s Presidency of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council,” emphasised the Slovenian Minister of Finance and current ECOFIN President, Dr Andrej Bajuk, presenting the ECOFIN Council’s priority tasks to the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) today.
28.01.2008 General Affairs and External Relations Council" meeting on External Relations. The Middle East, Lebanon, Kenya, Chad and the Western Balkans were the key topics discussed at today's General Affairs and External Relations Council meeting, chaired for the first time by Slovenian Foreign Minister Rupel. At a press conference during the afternoon break, GAERC President Rupel said that this time the Council's primary focus is on the Middle East. "The Council is deeply concerned about the latest events in Gaza and on the border with Egypt as well as the growing violence in Gaza and southern Israel," said the GAERC President. While the European Union recognises Israel's right to self-defence, it nonetheless condemns missile attacks and terrorist activities, and urges all sides to renounce violence. In this context, the EU Council has been pointing up the alarming humanitarian situation in Gaza and the lack of food, drinking water and energy sources. GAERC President Rupel also affirmed that the European Union has urged all sides to strive to open border crossings at the earliest possible opportunity. The Union in addition supports the proposal of the Palestinian authorities to take over the supervision of border crossings. The European Union also welcomes the efforts of the Arab League and Egypt to reach an acceptable solution.
28.01.2008 Minister Marjeta Cotman speaking in the European Parliament on gender equality. Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Mrs Marjeta Cotman, presented to the European Parliament Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency in this area stressing that, "It is not only women-friendly policies that are important for reconciling professional, private and family life but also measures which enable both women and men to realise their professional potential and discharge their family responsibilities. We should endeavour to encourage men to play a more active role in family life and household chores."
28.01.2008 Two-Day Slovenian Presidency Conference during Sustainable Energy Week opened in Brussels by Minister of the Economy Andrej Vizjak. “Energy is crucial and decisive for the future development of the European Union,” said Economy Minister Andrej Vizjak at the opening of a two-day conference organised by the Slovenian Presidency in the context of the European Union Sustainable Energy Week in Brussels.
As President of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE) Mr Vizjak opened a conference marking the beginning of the European Union Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) together with European Commission members Andris Piebalgs (Energy), Stavros Dimas (Environment) and Janez Potočnik (Science and Research), the Chairwoman of the EP Committee on Industry, Research and Energy Angelika Niebler and the Executive Director of the International Energy Agency Nobuo Tanaka.
28.01.2008 EU offers Serbia an interim agreement. The European Union offered Serbia an interim agreement to accelerate Serbia’s drawing closer to the Union. This conclusion of the General Affairs and External Relations Council was communicated by Slovenian Foreign Minister and GAERC President Dimitrij Rupel, who in this regard emphasised that this agreement proves the Union’s unity on Serbia’s European future. The Council’s conclusion was adopted unanimously. The signing of the agreement is foreseen for 7 February – that is, if Serbia is willing to sign it.
26.01.2008 Conclusion of informal council meeting of justice and home affairs ministers: to strengthen legal safety and fundamental rights in an area of freedom, security and justice. During the first part of the last day of the informal meeting of justice and home affairs ministers at Brdo, the ministers of justice discussed judicial cooperation in criminal matters, with particular attention paid to the fundamental rights of the individual and to strengthening the principle of mutual recognition of judgements.
“The fundamental rights of the individual need to be set at the highest level acceptable and defined as clearly and unambiguously as possible. This is a task which cannot be put off too far into the future," said Minister Šturm.
The Slovenian Presidency wishes to strengthen the level of rights in the area of judicial cooperation in criminal matters in cases where a judgement has been passed on the defendant in absentia. Here Slovenia also wishes to contribute to fulfilment of the principle of mutual recognition of judgements. Slovenia, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Sweden have launched an initiative which emphasises the right to a fair trial and the right to be present at the trial, proceeding from the provision of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The proposal introduces a standardised approach in procedures of mutual recognition of judgements given in proceedings at which the defendant was not present.
25.01.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša: The EU and the UN have many common priorities. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, met this evening at Brdo pri Kranju with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr Ban Ki-moon, who is currently on a two-day visit to Slovenia at the Prime Minister's invitation. After the meeting concluded, Mr Janša observed that it was indeed taking place at an appropriate time and expressed his conviction that the meeting would contribute to a more effective and timely response to common challenges in the future.
25.01.2008 E-justice - from pilot projects to practical solutions. At informal meeting of Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs, the Ministers discussed the steps to be taken next to further develop the field of e-justice. In the upcoming period, the Presidency will focus strongly on specific projects that will yield tangible results. The European e-justice portal is one such project.
“Considering the widespread nature of information technology, an increasing interest in electronic cooperation and operation has been noted on the part of our citizens, including in the field of justice. It is our task to respond to this interest and offer this kind of service to EU citizens in the field of justice too”, stressed Slovenian Justice Minister Dr Lovro Šturm, currently presiding the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council.
25.01.2008 EU Interior Ministers discuss the Second-generation Schengen Information System and the Use of Passenger Name Record for Law Enforcement Purposes. Under the Chairmanship of Dragutin Mate, President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, the EU interior ministers discussed, during a working lunch at Brdo pri Kranju, the development of the second-generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) and the Proposal for a Council Framework Decision on the use of airline Passenger Name Record (PNR) for law enforcement purposes, which had been put forward by the European Commission in November 2007.
25.01.2008 EU Interior Ministers on Asylum and Future European Home Affairs Policy . The first informal meeting of ministers of the interior during the Slovenian Presidency was held today at Brdo pri Kranju. It was chaired by Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council of the EU. In the morning session the EU ministers, for the first time in this configuration, discussed the interim report of the High-Level Advisory Group on the Future of European Home Affairs Policy after 2010 (Future Group). The second part of the morning session was devoted to practical cooperation on asylum.
Minister Mate said: "Today we discussed possible directions of policy-making on security issues, which are very relevant for the future of all EU citizens. We had a very interesting and fruitful discussion with a lot of good ideas, which will help us to prepare a draft future programme of data exchange, migrations, visa policy, border management and external relations."
24.01.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša and the European Parliament EPP-ED Group Presidency discuss European affairs. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, held a meeting with the members of the Presidency of the Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats (EPP-ED) in the European Parliament. Mr Janša presented to them a detailed programme of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency, emphasising in particular the programme priorities. The major part of the debate was devoted both to the issue of following the Lisbon Treaty ratification process across the Member States and to the energy and climate change package presented on Wednesday 23 January by the European Commission. In the coming weeks and months, the Slovenian Presidency will hold an in-depth debate with the Member States on this matter, which will also be at the heart of the debates of Heads of State and Government at the EU Summit in March.
24.01.2008 Minister Rupel presents Slovenia’s EU Council Presidency priorities to the OSCE Permanent Council. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Dimitrij Rupel today at the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna presented Slovenia’s EU Council Presidency priorities, placing particular emphasis on the role of the OSCE as a valued partner of the European Union, since "both organisations pursue a number of common objectives". Dr Rupel began his address by saying that although the EU and the OSCE are two distinct entities, they "are inevitably connected when it comes to common values, goals and responsibilities". "The OSCE has always been a forum where states were able to overcome their differences on the basis of dialogue, common values and the overwhelming sense of common responsibility," he stressed. "We are living in an important moment in the history of the EU," continued Dr Rupel, adding that, "Slovenia is proud to be the first among the new Member States to hold the Presidency." During its Presidency, Slovenia will work on five main priority areas, namely the future of the European Union and the timely implementation of the Reform Treaty, the successful launching of the new Lisbon Strategy cycle, climate and energy issues, the strengthening of the European perspective for the Western Balkans and the dialogue between cultures, religions and traditions within the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue.
24.01.2008 Minister of the Economy Andrej Vizjak presents Slovenian Presidency priorities in the field of energy, telecommunications and industrial policy at the European Parliament. "The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy has so far cooperated successfully with the EU Council in the above areas," said Slovenian Economy Minister, Andrej Vizjak, opening his speech at the European Parliament in Brussels. He was presenting the priorities of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency in the spheres of competence of the Competitiveness Council and the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE). The Minister highlighted the energy sector as a sector which will remain "a global priority for years to come". He said that, during its presidency, Slovenia would like to continue and speed up work on sustainability, competitiveness and security of supply. "We will therefore focus on the internal gas and electricity markets, renewable energy sources, energy technology and external energy policy." The Minister emphasised several sensitive points which in the next few months will require detailed discussion in Council and with the European Parliament. He specifically highlighted effective unbundling and said that a solution acceptable to all parties must be found, even if this took the form of a third additional alternative.
24.01.2008 Members of the European Parliament showed interest in the Slovenian Presidency’s vision of the future of the European Research Area. The Slovenian Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology Mrs Mojca Kucler Dolinar today gave a presentation before the European Parliament Committee for Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE). She presented the Slovenian Presidency priorities in the field of science, technology and information society to the MEPs and then answered questions from them. “Europe has entered a period of new opportunities, which have to be used efficiently to achieve appreciable sustainable progress in strategic areas such as upgrading research infrastructure, establishing the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and the Joint Technology Initiative,” emphasised the Minister, co-president of the EU Competitiveness Council. In the field of science and technology, the Slovenian Presidency will endeavour to conclude the adoption procedure regarding EUROSTARS initiatives (initiatives to encourage and provide financing for market-oriented industrial research and development, with particular emphasis on small and medium-sized companies in the research and development sector) and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL). The Presidency will continue discussions on the initiative to establish a Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking and will pursue the activities related to establishing the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and setting up its Governing Board. One of the priority tasks is also enhancing the European Research Area (ERA), including more effective integration of the Western Balkan countries and strengthening the role of women in science.
24.01.2008 Working together for the continued successful development of Galileo as a public sector project. This was the message regarding the Galileo Programme delivered today by Radovan Žerjav, the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia and the current chairman of the EU Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, to the members of the European Parliament Committee for Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE).
“Thanks to the efforts undertaken last year by the German and Portuguese Presidencies and the European Commission, we have jointly succeeded in moving the European Programme for Satellite Navigation forward from a position of deadlock. We are now taking bold steps to ensure that Galileo remains under public responsibility,” stressed Mr Žerjav, adding that it was a project of great importance to the European Union – from both strategic and economic viewpoints.
23.01.2008 Presidency Statement on the Presentation of the Climate and Energy Package. The Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council welcomes today's presentation of the climate and energy package by the European Commission. The legislative package - entitled "20 20 by 2020, Europe's Climate Change Opportunity" - has been eagerly awaited. It aims to translate into practice the European Union's political commitment, as undertaken by EU leaders last March, to turn Europe into a low-carbon, highly energy-efficient economy. Following the commitment undertaken by the European Council in spring 2007, the climate and energy package has become one of the EU's top priorities. The Slovenian Presidency will study the package very carefully and start a debate on it at all levels straight away, with the aim of arriving at a framework for future work and obtaining the first tangible results of the debate as soon as possible.
23.01.2008 Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, presents Slovenian EU Council Presidency priorities before the European Parliament Committee on Constitutional Affairs. Today in Brussels, the President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dr Dimitrij Rupel, presented the priorities of Slovenia's Presidency of the Council of the European Union before the European Parliament Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO). The Minister began by saying that this year marks the beginning of the new period for the European Union. "We have signed the Lisbon Treaty, enlarged the eurozone and the Schengen area and increased the number of jobs by three and a half million," he stressed. Not only that, but the reins of the Presidency have been taken up for the first time by a new Member State from the European Union's greatest round of enlargement to date. "Slovenia has been preparing for this Presidency for three years. We are aware that it is no easy task that we are facing, but we are sure that Slovenia is capable of performing it well," assured Dr Rupel.
23.01.2008 Slovenia in Favour of the Protection of Fishery Resources and Promotion of Sustainable Management. Mr Iztok Jarc, the Chairman of the EU Council presented the work programme in the fisheries sector to the European Parliament PECH Committee. The Slovenian Presidency will further encourage the preservation of fishery resources and their sustainable management. "My main priority will be the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU)", asserted Slovenian Minister Iztok Jarc. "It is an ambitious objective, given the many difficult issues involved, but one that I think is realistic," said Mr Jarc and among the most difficult issues, he pointed to sanctions for breaches, trade measures and measures on access to ports.
23.01.2008 Slovenian Presidency priorities presented to the European Parliament Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety and Temporary Committee on Climate Change by the Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Janez Podobnik. The Slovenian Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning presented the most important objectives and tasks of Slovenia's Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the field of environmental protection to the two parliamentary committees. According to the trio Presidency programme, coordinated with Germany and Portugal, the Slovenian Presidency will pay the utmost attention to the issues of biodiversity and climate change. The most important international event in the first half of 2008 will be the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, to be held in Bonn in May 2008. The European Union has undertaken to halt biodiversity loss by 2010. The Bonn Conference will provide the opportunity to discuss the results achieved so far and to agree on how to proceed further and how, by 2010, biodiversity loss can be halted worldwide as much as possible.
23.01.2008 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to visit Slovenia. The Secretary-General of the United Nations Organisation, Mr Ban Ki-moon, will be visiting Slovenia on 25 and 26 January 2008 at the invitation of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša. The distinguished guest will, in addition to having talks with his host, the Prime Minister, Mr Janez Janša, also have meetings with the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Danilo Türk, the former President of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Milan Kučan, and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr Dimitrij Rupel. The talks between the Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will concentrate on mutual cooperation during Slovenia’s EU Council Presidency, currently focused primarily on solving unresolved issues pertaining to the Western Balkans where – particularly in the delicate issue of the future of Kosovo – the European Union and the United Nations Organisation share responsibility for the stability of the wider region. Both leaders will take this opportunity to exchange views on other topical international issues as well as on the future role and tasks of the UN.
23.01.2008 Supervision of financial services in the EU and crisis management on financial markets – a clear priority of Slovenia’s Presidency. Today in Brussels, the Slovenian Minister of Finance and current President of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN), Dr Andrej Bajuk, participated in a discussion with national parliaments on the supervision of financial services in the EU and crisis management on financial markets, which was organised by the European Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON). In his speech, Dr Bajuk emphasised, “The Presidency’s main objective in terms of financial stability is implementation of the work programme that has been adopted, expediting it and expanding it with new measures where necessary.”
23.01.2008 Slovenian Presidency foreign trade priorities presented by Minister of the Economy, Andrej Vizjak, at the European Parliament . The Minister of the Economy, Andrej Vizjak, today presented the foreign trade priorities of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency at the European Parliament in Brussels. He highlighted the successful conclusion of the WTO Doha Development Agenda (DDA) negotiations in 2008 as the main Slovenian Presidency priority in the area of foreign trade.
“Slovenia is taking up the Presidency of the EU Council at the time when the negotiations on the Doha Development Agenda are at a turning point,” said Mr Vizjak in his address to Members of the European Parliament. “We believe that there is at least a minimal possibility of reaching agreement on the content of negotiations before the Easter holiday and we will make every effort to attain this aim.” The Minister also said that the European Union would continue to actively support the set objective of a comprehensive, balanced and ambitious agreement. The agreement should respond to the needs and concerns of developing countries, particularly those of less developed countries.
23.01.2008 The European Union and Japan on cooperation to combat climate change. In 2001, the European Union and Japan adopted the Action Plan for EU-Japan Cooperation, aimed at strengthening civil-society links between the EU and Japan. In the light of pursuing this objective, the symposium entitled “Climate Change and Perspectives for EU-Japan Cooperation” is being held today at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ljubljana.
23.01.2008 Minister Žerjav before the EP Committee on Transport and Tourism concerning the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency. In the area of transport, in addition to endeavouring to implement the renewed Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs and to achieve progress on the Galileo programme, Slovenia's Presidency of the EU Council will devote special attention to improving transport safety, rail transport and conferring a mandate on the European Commission to open negotiations on a transport agreement with Western Balkan countries.
23.01.2008 Minister of the Economy Andrej Vizjak presents priorities of the Slovenian Presidency in the field of the internal market and consumer protection. Today Andrej Vizjak, the Slovenian Minister of the Economy, presented the priorities of the Slovenian EU Presidency concerning the internal market and consumer protection at the European Parliament in Brussels. In so doing, he expressed his satisfaction with the compromise proposal concerning the Consumer Credit Directive, which was approved last week.
"This is a great success. The Slovenian Presidency managed to avoid a difficult third reading, as the contents of the compromise proposal are acceptable to the European Parliament and the Council," Mr Vizjak said.
22.01.2008 GAERC President Dr Dimitrij Rupel heads the EU Troika in Morocco. Dr Dimitrij Rupel, President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council and Slovenian Foreign Minister, headed the EU Troika at the meeting with the Arab Maghreb Union today in Rabat, the capital of Morocco. Participating at the meeting, which was dedicated to cooperation between the European Union and Maghreb countries, were the foreign ministers of Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, which is currently presiding over the Arab Maghreb Union. The European Commission was represented at the meeting by Commissioner Benita Ferrero Waldner.
22.01.2008 Presentation of the “Slovenian EU Presidency Guide” in the European Parliament. The Minister of the Interior, Mr Dragutin Mate, today on behalf of Slovenia, the current holder of the EU Council Presidency, addressed the attendees at a reception in the European Parliament. The reception was held on the occasion of the presentation of the Slovenian EU Presidency Guide, a special supplement on Slovenia to “The Parliament Magazine”. In his address, Mr Mate emphasised the common European values that also underpin the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency, which began only a few days after the extension of the Schengen area. “Being part of this area is undoubtedly a great privilege for every country; for Slovenia as well as for the other Member States located at the outer borders of the European Union, it is also a great responsibility, but one which we are pleased to accept,” added the Minister. The reception was also attended by several other Slovenian Ministers who are currently in Brussels to present the Presidency priorities in their respective areas of responsibility before the relevant parliamentary committees.
22.01.2008 New Lisbon Strategy cycle: Europe, the most creative area in the world. This afternoon in the European Parliament in Brussels, Dr Žiga Turk, the Minister responsible for development, participated in the public discussion of the Committee of the European Parliament on Economic and Monetary Affairs with national parliaments on the topic of the Lisbon Strategy, under the title “Broad economic policy guidelines – revision of the cycle: What challenges European and national economic policy?”. The event constitutes a continuation of the previous successful cooperation of the Committee of the European Parliament on Economic and Monetary Affairs with national parliaments, which has taken place since 2005.
22.01.2008 President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council Dragutin Mate presents the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency to the European Parliament. Dragutin Mate, Slovenian Minister of the Interior and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, presented the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency in the field of Justice and Home Affairs today to the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament in Brussels.
Minister Mate stated: "We have ambitious plans – the preparations for Slovenia's Presidency lasted for over two years, and activities will take place in anticipation of the successful ratification of the Lisbon Treaty. Special attention will be paid to the security of our citizens, along with the protection of privacy. We have taken over the management of part of the EU's external border, which places upon us a great responsibility for providing security, which we must justify in the eyes of European citizens".
22.01.2008 Andrej Bajuk, President of the ECOFIN Council, reveals work in the field of financial stability and the new three-year cycle of the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs. The Minister of Finance and the current President of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN Council), Dr Andrej Bajuk, today chaired the meeting of the ECOFIN Council for the first time. Among other things, he presented the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency and pointed out: “The two main priorities of the ECOFIN Council during Slovenia's Presidency will be the work in the field of financial stability and the new three-year cycle of the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs. The main objective of the presidency in the field of financial stability will be implementation of the adopted work programme, its acceleration and extension with new measures where this proves to be necessary.” At the spring meeting in March, ECOFIN will discuss the report on the financial markets situation. The presidency will strive towards transparency of the situation in the financial sector, where this is the key element to maintain confidence in financial markets. During Slovenia's Presidency ECOFIN will also focus on improving evaluation and risk management standards, as well as on the work of ratings agencies. Financial stability issues will also be dealt with at the informal ECOFIN meeting in April this year, where the ministers will discuss the future role of the Lamfalussy supervisory authorities and sign a new Memorandum of Understanding between ministers for finance and supervisory and regulatory authorities in the field of crisis management in the EU, with a view to increase the readiness of the European Union to manage eventual cross-border crises.
22.01.2008 Minister Marjeta Cotman: "Europe which invests in people operates for the future". Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs Marjeta Cotman presented the priority assignments of the Slovenian Presidency in the field of employment and social affairs to the Employment and Social Affairs Committee of the European Parliament. Her presentation emphasised that “only together can we take a step forward in improving the social image of the European Union and the welfare of each individual. Europe which invests in people operates for the future.”
22.01.2008 Press release on the presentation of Slovenian EU Council Presidency Priorities to the European Parliament Committee on Regional Development by Ministers Dr Ivan Žagar and Janez Podobnik. Ministers Žagar and Podobnik presented the priorities and key events of Slovenia's EU Council Presidency in the area of cohesion policy. They pinpointed the future of cohesion policy, mid-term review of the Lisbon strategy and issues related to territorial aspects of cohesion policy as key topics. Dr Žagar identified cohesion policy as one of the EU's key policies, emphasising that the “issue of future management of development policies is closely connected with the issue of our vision of the EU, a matter in which the European Parliament undoubtedly plays a key role”.
22.01.2008 Vizjak: “The role and importance of integration are essential for development!”. In Stockholm, the Slovenian Minister of the Economy, Andrej Vizjak, in cooperation with the Swedish Government, hosted the first day of the European Conference on Innovation and Clusters. He opened the Conference together with the Swedish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Enterprise and Energy, Maud Olufsson, and the Vice-President of the European Commission, Günter Verheugen. “Promoting competitiveness and innovation is and must be one of the main priorities of the European Union and, consequently, of its Presidency,” stressed Mr Vizjak in his address to the participants at the Stockholm Conference. He declared that Slovenia was proud to have the opportunity to participate in such an important process as the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy.
22.01.2008 European Parliament welcomes the Slovenian decision to take comprehensive action against cancer. The Slovenian Minister of Health, Zofija Mazej Kukovič, today in Brussels presented the Slovenian Presidency’s health priorities to the European Parliament Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety and called for the constructive cooperation of the Members of the European Parliament during the Presidency.
21.01.2008 Slovenian Presidency higher education priorities presented by Minister Mojca Kucler Dolinar at the European Parliament. In her capacity as current President of the Council of the European Union, Slovenian Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology Mrs Mojca Kucler Dolinar today gave a presentation at the European Parliament. She outlined the Presidency's priority tasks in the field of higher education to the members of the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT). The Slovenian Presidency will pay special attention to examining the Erasmus Mundus II dossier. This is a new generation of the programme, providing for academic staff and student mobility activities to be continued and extended. “The European Union's aim is to make the programme a flagship of cooperation with non-EU countries in the field of higher education,” said Mrs Kucler Dolinar. As this is a matter to be adopted under the codecision procedure between the European Parliament and the Council, the Minister invited the Members of the European Parliament to engage in an active dialogue with a view to adopting a decision at the earliest possible opportunity, thus enabling the programme to start on time.
21.01.2008 President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Dr Rupel, meets with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dr Dimitrij Rupel, today met the Pakistani President, Mr Pervez Musharraf, in Brussels. Discussions at the meeting focused on the situation in Pakistan and preparations for the elections as well as other important issues in the region, including the situation in Afghanistan. Dr Rupel informed Mr Musharraf that the European Union is aware of the problems currently facing Pakistan, which is an important partner of the EU. The tragic death of Benazir Bhutto and numerous attacks on the civil population indicate the gravity of the present situation. Slovenia's Foreign Minister, Dr Rupel, speaking to the President of Pakistan confirmed the European Union's interest in the process of democratisation in Pakistan and underlined the importance of efforts to ensure that free and fair parliamentary elections were held on 18 February and that they were held in conditions of the utmost security. The task of the Pakistani authorities is to ensure this. The European Union will monitor the election process through its observers, and Dr Rupel welcomed Mr Musharraf's assurance that the Pakistani authorities would guarantee cooperation with the observer mission.
21.01.2008 Participation of Minister Rupel in the EU Troika – Arab Maghreb Union Meeting. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, will attend the EU Troika – Arab Maghreb Union meeting in Rabat on 21 and 22 January 2008. The Arab Maghreb Union was founded in 1989. The members of the organisation are Algeria, Morocco, Mauretania, Libya and Tunisia. The aims of the organisation are progress in the area of free movement of persons, goods and services, and cooperation in the political field.
21.01.2008 Minister Šturm discusses the programme of Slovenia’s Presidency with members of the European Parliament. The President of the Council of the EU for Justice and Home Affairs, Dr Lovro Šturm, presented the programme of Slovenia's Presidency today at the Committee for Legal Affairs of the European Parliament (JURI). The presentation of the programme was followed by questions from members of Parliament.
21.01.2008 Agriculture Ministers reach a Political Agreement on Cross-Compliance. At the first meeting of the EU Council under Slovenia's Presidency, chaired by Minister Iztok Jarc, the agriculture ministers reached a political agreement on changes in cross-compliance. "I am very satisfied with today’s meeting since it involved a constructive and intensive debate. At the end, a compromise proposal of the Presidency was adopted and thereby a political agreement on changes in cross-compliance implementation," said Minister Jarc after the meeting.
21.01.2008 Better Regulation – Vital for Shifting the European Economic Competitiveness to a Higher Level. In an appearance today before the European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) in Brussels, the Minister of Public Administration, Dr Gregor Virant presented the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency in key working areas within the "Better Regulation" agenda. As one of the priorities of the presiding country, Dr Virant pinpointed the drafting of better regulations, reduction of administrative burdens, measurement of administrative costs, and assessment of the impact of legislation on citizens and economic stakeholders, all aimed at raising the competitiveness of the European economy.
21.01.2008 Informal EU workshop on climate change. Today Brdo pri Kranju saw the beginning of a two-day informal EU workshop on climate change, which is traditionally organised by each presiding country at the beginning of its Presidency. About 100 participants, especially European experts and heads of delegations participating in the negotiations within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, will discuss the familiar topics today and tomorrow.
18.01.2008 Meeting of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy. A regular meeting of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS) was held at Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia, between 16 and 18 January 2008. Theme of the meeting: Water for life: research priorities for sustaining freshwater biodiversity.
18.01.2008 Informal Meeting of Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs, 24 -26 January at Brdo. The first informal ministerial meeting under Slovenia’s Presidency – i.e. the meeting of the EU Council on Justice and Home Affairs – will be held from 24 to 26 January 2008 at Brdo. The meeting will be hosted by the Minister of Justice Dr Lovro Šturm, and Minister of the Interior Dragutin Mate. On Thursday, 24 January 2008, both ministers will hold brief separate meetings with the sectoral ministers of the current and following trio Member States, the European Commission and the General Secretariat of the EU Council in order to discuss the Council agenda.
18.01.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša: The euro is a stable and respected currency. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council Janez Janša today, at the invitation of the President of Cyprus Tassos Papadopoulos, attended the opening ceremony to celebrate the adoption of the euro in the Republic of Cyprus. The official ceremony in Nicosia, at which Mr Janša delivered an address, was attended not only by the Cypriot President but also by President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso, Vice-President of the European Parliament Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, President of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude Trichet and other distinguished guests. The Slovenian Prime Minister stressed that the adoption of the euro was a great and demanding project for every country. He therefore congratulated Cyprus on its successful adoption of the single European currency and commended it on its sound public finances and excellent macroeconomic indicators.
18.01.2008 Joint SCIFA & CATS Seminar. As part of its endeavours to strengthen the fight against terrorism and cooperation between the competent services in the field of justice and home affairs the Slovenian Presidency organised a joint seminar of the Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum (SCIFA) and the coordinating committee for police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters – Article 36 Committee (CATS), which was held in Ljubljana on 17 and 18 January 2008. The purpose of the seminar was to emphasise two important topics at the highest professional level. The first one was the fight against terrorism as a contemporary global phenomenon and the discussion focused on the security sector reforms in less developed countries as a possible form of global fight against terrorism, a balance between counter-terrorism measures and the protection of human rights, especially the right to protection (asylum), and the improvement of cooperation between different institutions, agencies and organisations active in this area.
17.01.2008 Introductory meeting of the Committee of the Regions Expert Group on European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation. The first, introductory meeting of the Committee of the Regions expert group on EGTC was held today at the Brdo Congress Centre under the title “Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of activating an EGTC”. The Committee of the Regions (CoR) has set up a group of 31 experts, representatives of different regions, joined by Slovenian experts and members of the Slovenian delegation to the CoR, as well as representatives of ministries and government offices. The Vice-president of the CoR, Mr Luc Van den Brande, and representatives of certain departments of the European Commission and the European Parliament attended the meeting, which was hosted by the State Secretary in the Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy, Mr Marko Starman.
17.01.2008 The Barcelona Process: First EuroMed Senior Officials Meeting under the Slovenian Presidency Highlights Priorities for the Next Six Months. The 73rd EuroMed Senior Officials and Committee Meeting was held at the Council of the European Union in Brussels, on the 15th and 16th of January 2008. This meeting, which takes place four times under each rotating Presidency, was the first with the extended membership of 39 countries (EU + 12 Southern partners of the Mediterranean basin) since Albania and Mauritania were welcomed to the Barcelona Process at the annual 9th Euro-Mediterranean Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in November 2007 in Lisbon. This is also the first Presidency of a new Member state from the 2004 enlargement. The Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council rounds off the first trio of Presidencies (Germany, Portugal and Slovenia) and the implementation of the first 18-month programme.
16.01.2008 Meeting between Slovenian Foreign Minister Rupel and Dutch Foreign Minister Verhagen. “Our goal is that by the end of the Slovenian Presidency we will have established agreements with all the countries of the Western Balkans that for all the countries in the area will pave the way to a future in Europe. In this way, we would like to revive the Thessaloniki Strategy whereby the European Union opted in 2003 to assure all the countries of the Western Balkans of a future in Europe, and thus EU membership, when they fulfilled the requisite conditions,” stated the current chairman of the General Affairs and Foreign Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dr Dimitrij Rupel at the end of the today’s visit to the Netherlands.
16.01.2008 Consumer Credit: A major step forward in the interests of consumers throughout Europe. The Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union welcomes the outcome of today’s vote at the European Parliament on the Consumer Credit Directive. A major step forward towards the creation of more competition within the European consumer credit sector to the benefit of consumers has been taken. When the Directive enters into force as expected in 2010, it will bring much needed transparency and better legal protection to a financial sector worth €800 billion.
15.01.2008 European Police Chiefs Task Force (EPCTF) Expanded Troika Meeting in Ljubljana. Apart from Director-General of the Police Jože Romšek, as Chairman of the Task Force, and representatives of Slovenia's EU Presidency, the meeting at the Hotel Mons Congress Centre in Ljubljana was attended by police chiefs or their deputies of former EU presidencies (Germany and Portugal) as well as future presidencies (France, Czech Republic and Sweden). The meeting was also attended by representatives of Europol and the EU Council General Secretariat.
15.01.2008 The regular meeting of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy. A two-day regular meeting of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy has begun in Brdo pri Kranju. The platform was established in 2000, while from 2004 regular meetings are being held in the context of the presidency of an individual country. The platform is a forum of scientists and individuals preparing the politics in the field of nature research and preservation. The participants of the meetings define and specify strategically important research in the field of biological diversity, which results in the implementation of measures for the reduction of losses of biological diversity, while they also preserve, protect, and regenerate the biological diversity, as well as its sustainable use.
15.01.2008 Visit of Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Dimitrij Rupel to the Netherlands on 16 January 2008 – information and programme. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, will pay a working visit to the Kingdom of the Netherlands on 16 January 2008 at which he will meet the new prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Mr Serge Brammertz. The visit is part of the regular dialogue between the two countries and occurs within the framework of the dialogue of the Presidency of the Council of the EU with the EU Member States. The meeting will be a forum for an exchange of opinions on topical issues, the situation in the Western Balkans, the issue of the future status of Kosovo and bilateral relations between Slovenia and the Netherlands.
12.01.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša at the eurozone accession event in Malta. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and current President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, was today on a one-day visit to Valletta at the invitation of the Maltese Prime Minister, Mr Lawrence Gonzi, where he was attending the official ceremony on the occasion of Malta’s entry into the eurozone.
12.01.2008 EU Presidency statement on the helicopter crash near Skopje. The Slovenian Presidency wishes to express its deepest sympathy following the news of the tragic death of 11 members of the Armed Forces of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in a helicopter crash earlier today near Skopje. It is particularly regrettable that the event occurred on the return of the group from their mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina as a part of the ALTHEA operation. The Presidency wishes to offer its sincere condolences to the President and Government in Skopje, and to the families of the deceased on this tragic loss.
11.01.2008 EU-US Informal Justice and Home Affairs Senior Level Meeting. On 9 and 10 January 2008, senior officials of the European Union and the United States of America attended a two-day EU-US Justice and Home Affairs senior level Troika meeting. The meeting was held in Ljubljana and was chaired by high representatives of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia.
11.01.2008 The President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, today received the Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Vuk Jeremić. In Ljubljana, the President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, today received the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Mr Vuk Jeremić. Their discussions focused on the main theme of bringing Serbia closer to the European Union. Dr Rupel pointed out that the European Union had affirmed some time ago that the whole of the Western Balkans had a future in Europe, adding that, of all the countries in the region, Serbia in particular had vast intellectual, organisational and administrative potential. The Minister also emphasised that the Slovenian EU Presidency is making every effort to ensure that the stabilisation-association agreement between Serbia and the European Union is signed as soon as possible, while warning, however, that a coordinated position had not yet been reached on the subject within the European Union. He announced that the Presidency would take steps to ensure such a position was reached at the earliest possible opportunity.
10.01.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša and the General Secretary of ETUC in favour of an enlarged and strengthened social Europe . The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, today received the representatives of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). Both the Prime Minister and General Secretary of the ETUC, John Monks, supported the development and promotion of the European social model and they discussed the key issues in the field of social affairs to be dealt with during Slovenia’s EU Council Presidency.
08.01.2008 Prime Minister Janez Janša: “The European Union is united not only through its common economy and policy but also by the values of shared memory, culture and creativity.”. Following the conclusion of the traditional meeting between the Government of the Member State holding the Council Presidency and the European Commission, which took place today in Ljubljana, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and the current President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, also attended the opening ceremony of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. On this occasion, Prime Minister Janša spoke in favour of an in-depth discussion on the importance of culture, to be held both within Europe and with all actors outside Europe.
The Slovenian Prime Minister welcomed the fact that the beginning of Slovenia's EU Council Presidency coincided with the opening of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, stating that it was coming at a time when the European Union fulfilled all the conditions to further strengthen its economic and political power. He maintains that the recent important achievements in the area of European integration do not go far enough. “We are becoming increasingly aware of what was already predicted by the founding fathers of a united Europe, namely that the total success of the project of European integration requires not only a large single market and impressive economic growth, but also continual strengthening of the cultural and spiritual aspects of Europe,” Prime Minister Janša emphasised.
08.01.2008 Minister Rupel Assures to the SG Amr Moussa EU support to the Arab League Plan for Lebanon. The Chairman of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian foreign minister dr. Dimitrij Rupel, in a phone talk with the Secretary General of the Arab league Amr Moussa, assured full support of the EU Presidency to the plan adopted by the Foreign Ministers of the Arab league on 6 January in Cairo, calling for the election of the president, the formation of a national unity government and the adoption of a new electoral law.
08.01.2008 Press release on the International Conference “Intercultural Dialogue as the Fundamental Value of the EU”. Today, the two-day international conference on intercultural dialogue ended with the evening opening ceremony of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue organised by Slovenia as the presiding country of the Council of the EU. The international conference was held at Cankarjev Dom in Ljubljana by the European Commission and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia in co-operation with the University of Primorska. The programme and stage management of the opening ceremony was entrusted to director Barbara Hieng Samobor.
Guests were welcomed by Dr Danilo Türk, President of the Republic of Slovenia, and Mr Jan Figel, European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth. Dr Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament, Dr Edvard Kovač, professor of ethics and cultural anthropology, and Mr Janez Janša, Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, all made opening speeches.
08.01.2008 Prime-Minister Janez Janša: The European Union represents a wealth of good practices that can be expanded further in the future. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Commission today convened at Brdo pri Kranju for the day-long meeting which is the traditional introduction to every EU Council Presidency. The meeting was dedicated in particular to getting acquainted with both Slovenia’s priority tasks during its Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the key challenges that await the European Union in the first half of this year, and to exchanges of views on other topical issues within the Union and outside it.
07.01.2008 Opening of the international conference “Intercultural Dialogue as the Fundamental Value of the EU”. A two-day international conference on intercultural dialogue organised in Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana, by the European Commission and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia in collaboration with the University of Primorska, was opened today with speeches by the Slovenian Minister of Culture Vasko Simoniti, European Commissioners Jan Figel’ and Janez Potočnik, and the Ambassador of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, Marko Peljhan. The opening event of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, the organisation of which was entrusted to Slovenia as the presiding country of the EU Council, will be concluded tomorrow at an evening ceremony.
07.01.2008 Minister Dimitrij Rupel receives Piero Fassino, EU Special Envoy to Burma/Myanmar. Ljubljana, 7 January 2008 – Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, Dimitrij Rupel, today received Piero Fassino, EU Special Envoy to Burma/Myanmar. Minister Rupel welcomed the nomination of Fassino and assured him of the full support of the EU Council in his taking on this important role. The Slovenian Foreign Minister gave his assurance that the EU Council Presidency would be closely monitoring developments in Burma/Myanmar, as it was Slovenia that launched the initiative for an extraordinary meeting of the Human Rights Council on the situation in this country.
01.01.2008 Slovenian Presidency welcomes Cyprus and Malta into the Euro Zone. Dr Andrej Bajuk, the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia, welcomes Cyprus and Malta into the euro zone on 1 January 2008 and on this occasion underlines: "The euro brings numerous advantages in the business sector since it abolishes unnecessary costs and increases competitiveness. This encourages trade, resulting in the creation of new jobs in Europe. In my opinion, it is only through adoption of a single currency that the opportunities offered by a single European market can be utilised to the full."
01.01.2008 Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreements with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia have entered into force. Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreements between the EU and five countries of the Western Balkans entered into force today*.
Citizens of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia will continue to benefit from a reduced visa handling fee (EUR 35 instead of EUR 60). Many categories of applicants may also now obtain visas free of charge. In the majority of cases, visa procedures have been simplified. In addition, with the recent enlargement of the Schengen area, applicants from the above-mentioned countries will now be able to apply for a single Schengen visa only.
01.01.2008 Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Rupel, officially takes over the EU Council Presidency. On 31 December 2007, Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Dimitrij Rupel officially took over the EU Council Presidency on the island of Madeira. At the working meeting, the Portuguese Foreign Minister, Luis Amado, handed Dr Rupel a symbolic object with stars and the EU flag, the hand-over of which was introduced by the German Presidency.
19.12.2007 Prime Minister Janša: Good cooperation with the European Parliament means better results for the EU Presidency. Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Janez Janša, together with ministers of the Slovenian Government, held a working meeting with the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament, currently on a two-day visit to Slovenia. He also met separately with the President of the European Parliament, Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering.