26.06.2008 Closing speech by the State Secretary at the Ministry of the Economy, Tomaž Jeršič, at the ITRE committee of the European Parliament. Madam chairwoman Angelika Niebler, honourable members of the European Parliament,
I thank you for this opportunity today, upon the imminent conclusion of the Slovenian Presidency, to present the achievements within the EU Competitiveness Council. The programme that I presented to you half a year ago was pitched ambitiously, and I believe that we have successfully fulfilled all our plans.
24.06.2008 Speech by State Secretary Romana Tomc before the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) in the European Parliament. On behalf of the Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, who is today unable to attend on account of other obligations, I would like to thank you for the invitation to the Committee meeting. The Slovenian EU Council Presidency is about to conclude and, with it, the joint 18-month trio Presidency of Germany, Portugal and Slovenia. I am, therefore, happy to have this opportunity to present the achievements of the Slovenian Presidency in the area of gender equality.
24.06.2008 Speech by Minister Cotman to the EP Committee for Employment and Social Affairs at the conclusion of the Slovenian Presidency. Thank you for inviting me to speak here today. It seems like only yesterday that I was here. These six months have passed so quickly! It is only appropriate that we now take a look at the road we travelled in the area of employment and social affairs. I am using this opportunity to thank you, Mr President and Committee members, for your constructive cooperation, your visits to Slovenia, your attendance at our Presidency events and in particular for your hard work in the legislative field.
24.06.2008 Address by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council Janez Janša at the Extraordinary Plenary Session of the European Parliament. Thank you, Mr President, for giving me the floor. Thank you, too, for these words of praise for the Slovenian Presidency. I greatly appreciate the excellent cooperation Slovenia has enjoyed with the European Parliament during its EU Council Presidency.
Turning to the President of the European Commission, allow me to confirm, Mr President, that cooperation with the European Commission has also been excellent. In the past six months, the synergy between the Council, the European Commission and Parliament has helped to achieve certain shifts that have made Europe better and more effective, especially with regard to the necessary responses to global challenges.
23.06.2008 Speech by Tomaž Jeršič, MA, state secretary at the Ministry of the Economy, delivered to the INTA Committee on International Trade of the European Parliament. Presentation of the activities and achievements of Slovenia's Presidency of the EU in the field of international trade policy
Mr Markov, esteemed members of the Committee,
It is my great pleasure to present the achievements of the Council of the EU and major activities in the field of trade policy over the past six months during the Slovenian Presidency. The Presidency welcomed the cooperation with your Committee during this time. Please allow me to thank you here today for your constructive input on matters where we sought your support.
20.06.2008 Address by French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner. Your most obvious merit will have been to put an end to the artificial division between the "new Member States" and the former ones. You were the first "new Member State" to chair the EU Council and you did it successfully for six months in a spirit of balance and efficiency. After you, there will be no more new and old Member States, you have six months experience, my Presidency is still to come and today, I feel "newer" than you are! I hope you will give me some recipes.
17.06.2008 Press conference statement on the occasion of the celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the European Customs Union. Deputy Permanent Representative Mary Veronica Tovšak Pleterski, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the EU
On behalf of the Slovenian Presidency, let me say how honoured I am to be able to join you today at this press conference on the occasion of such a historic event as the 40th anniversary of the European Customs Union. Customs union was one of the first milestones in the development of the EU and it continues to be one of the cornerstones underpinning the European Union and its internal market. The fact that internal borders have been abolished does not mean there is less work for customs officers. EU customs services process almost 20% of all world trade.
09.06.2008 Address by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Janez Janša, on the Occasion of the Inauguration of the Euro-Mediterranean University. I would like to wish you a warm welcome to one of the most beautiful places in the Mediterranean part of Slovenia. From today on, Portorož and the Municipality of Piran will no longer be mere tourist resorts on the Slovenian coast, they will also be the university at the point where all 39 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership come together. And the credit for this achievement goes to all of you who have come to Portorož today. Your presence here is an expression of wholehearted support for one of the most important projects of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue – the inauguration of the Euro-Mediterranean University.
02.06.2008 Address by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council Janez Janša on the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the European Central Bank and the European System of Central Banks. I feel privileged to enjoy your company today. I also share your delight and satisfaction at the path which has been travelled so far. This is the merit of those far–sighted politicians and economists who recognised the need for the political and economic integration of Europe. I am pleased to observe that the project of a single European currency is both a political and economic success. In political terms, the Euro has intensified the European integration, being at the same time one of the most tangible symbols of the European Union. In economic terms, it has provided the Euro zone members with a far greater stability and capacity to respond to global economic developments. A stable economic environment means lower interest rates, lower inflation, fewer risks, lower operating costs and increased business. These are precisely the conditions needed for sustainable economic growth, employment growth and social cohesion. It is also true that Euro zone members have recorded a significant increase in job creation in recent years.
30.05.2008 Keynote Speech by Slovenian Ministerof Finance dr. Andrej Bajuk at the 3rd Luxembourg Financial Forum: "Slovenia’s First Experiences with the European Currency". It is indeed an honour and a privilege to return to the Luxembourg Financial Forum and present to you our own national experience on a project that has demanded our permanent attention and efforts over the last 5 years and which in 2007 culminated in a successful adoption of the euro in Slovenia. This might be particularly important in these days as we are all celebrating the 10th anniversary of the decision to move to the third stage in the EMU and the 10th anniversary of our European Central Bank.
29.05.2008 Elements for the intervention of His Excellency Dr. Dimitrij Rupel on the 'Iraq Compact Annual Review Conference': EU Engagement in Iraq. The EU welcomes the Annual Review Conference of the International Compact with Iraq in Stockholm, Sweden on 29 May 2008 and I would like to express our appreciation to the Government of Sweden for hosting this conference. An EU member state hosting this event strongly manifests the EU's support to the partnership with the Government of Iraq and to the principles of the International Compact with Iraq and underlines the EU´s clear commitment to contribute to the political and economic reconstruction of Iraq.
22.05.2008 Speech delivered by Marjeta Cotman, Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs in Kranjska Gora. It is a great honour for me to have the opportunity to address you at this important international conference on the human rights of persons with disabilities. I am particularly pleased to be able to share my thoughts with representatives of the European Commission, Member State Governments and selected representatives of persons with disabilities.
21.05.2008 Plenary session of the European Parliament - Statement by State Secretary Janez Lenarčič on behalf of the EU Council on Progress by Turkey in 2007. First, allow me to thank the European Parliament, and in particular the honourable MEP Ria Oomen-Ruijten, for the report on Turkey's 2007 progress. The Parliament's active engagement with the enlargement process is an important contribution to the debate on enlargement, and in this case to the specific debate on Turkey's accession process. Building on the progress made in 2007, the Slovenian Presidency strives for further advancement of the accession process. At present, the remaining eight screening reports are being discussed in by the Council. Should technical preparations progress well, we may able to open two new chapters at the EU-Turkey Accession Conference in June.
20.05.2008 Address of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council Janez Janša at the European Maritime Day Ceremony. It is my pleasure to be with you here today to launch the European Maritime Day. “European Days” have a long and important tradition. They promote activities in the areas which shape the quality of our life: from languages and healthy food, to organ donation and civil justice. It is time for the maritime sector to start celebrating its European Day, too. After all, it is one of the key driving forces in European development.
20.05.2008 Speech by the Slovenian Minister of Transport, Radovan Žerjav, at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 20 May 2008 . In July 2007, the European Commission published the following legislative proposals: for a Regulation establishing common rules concerning the conditions to be complied with to pursue the occupation of road haulage operator, for a Regulation on common rules for access to the international road haulage market and for a Regulation on common rules for access to the international market for coach and bus services. The Portuguese Presidency started the discussions on the Regulation on common rules for access to the international road haulage market; the Slovenian Presidency has continued the work and also opened the two remaining dossiers.
16.05.2008 Opening Address by the Minister Ms Marjeta Cotman at 7th European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty. Let me wish you a heartfelt welcome on behalf of the Slovenian Presidency.First I would like to thank all our co-organisers of the 7th Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty, particularly to the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN), their Director, Mr Fintan Farrell, and his team.I would also like to express my thanks to the European Commission for its financial support and to the Government of Belgium that provided the venue and enabled us to discuss the poverty – an issue of great concern for all of us.
16.05.2008 Welcome words by Dr Vesna Leskošek at the 7th European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty. This year's meeting addresses the four pillars of the campaign against poverty - social services, services of general interest, housing and minimum income. All four pillars essentially influence the social status and social opportunities of people living in poverty.
16.05.2008 Address of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council Janez Janša at the 2nd EU-LAC Business Summit. Let me start by thanking you on behalf of the EU Presidency for the decision to follow up on the initiative launched in Vienna two years ago. The turnout of several hundred participants is proof of the high level of interest on both sides in making the second EU-Latin America and Caribbean Business Summit a success.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Investment to achieve well-being, sustainable development and inclusion could also serve as the watchword for the next couple of days, as the discussion moves from the Museum of Art to the National Museum.
16.05.2008 Address of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council Janez Janša at the Opening of the EU-LAC Summit. We, the leaders of 60 Latin American, Caribbean and EU countries, have gathered today at the heart of the ancient Inca Empire. I wish to express my own personal gratitude as well as the deep appreciation of the Slovenian EU Presidency to the Republic of Peru and its people for hosting the Fifth Summit between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean. I am delighted to have the honour of opening the Summit, together with our host, President García.
15.05.2008 Zoltán Kazatsay's address at the opening of the second phase of negotiations between the EU and USA on Open Skies Agreement. It has been just over one year since, at the EU-US Summit in Washington, Mr Tiefensee, the former European Commissioner of Transport Mr Barrot, Ms Condoleezza Rice, and Mrs Mary Peters put pen to paper and signed the historic first aviation agreement between Europe and the United States of America. This agreement existed only on paper until the 30 March of this year, when it truly spread its wings. Since that date (not much more than a month ago), transatlantic aviation has been placed on a new basis, framed by an enhanced cooperative agreement between our two areas.
15.05.2008 Minister Žerjav’s address at the opening of the second phase of negotiations between the EU and USA on Open Skies Agreement. It is an honour and a pleasure for me to be able to greet you in Slovenia for the opening of the second phase of negotiations on Open Skies Agreement between the EU and the USA. The number of participants present here today reaffirms the importance and the urgency of issues which need to be tackled in this phase of negotiations. The issues are certainly demanding and they deserve great attention, particularly due to ambitious expectations of the aviation industry on both sides of the Atlantic.
15.05.2008 Address by President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dimitrij Rupel, at the Meeting of EU-LAC Foreign Ministers . Let me use this opportunity to greet you here in Lima as the Foreign Minister of the country holding the Presidency of the Council of the EU.
The meeting of foreign ministers from EU Member States and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, which serves as an introduction to the 5th EU-LAC Summit in Lima, should contribute to enhanced understanding between our two regions, which are build on a relationship founded on more than five hundred years of political, cultural and trading links. We are convinced that a strategic partnership can be established and strengthened only on the basis of an in-depth understanding of one another’s interests, needs and positions.
14.05.2008 Speech by Zvonko Zinrajh, State Secretary at the Slovenian Ministry of the Interior, at the European Organisation for Security. It is a great pleasure to participate at this important conference in the function of the Slovene Presidency in the area of Home Affairs. The relations between private and public stakeholders in security are always important. In our area, however, they have become part of reality, and even more so in the last decade. It is also important that producers and companies cooperating in security have the possibility to meet and discuss new challenges, while the goal of their cooperation is to lead to more interoperability of our technologies and equipment, and thus benefit us all.
07.05.2008 Statement by State Secretary Janez Lenarčič on behalf of the EU Council: Debate on the Annual Report on Human Rights in the World 2007 and Election Observation. I welcome the report by the MEP Cappato on the European Union Annual Report on Human Rights. The role of the Parliament in promoting respect for human rights across the world and your critical view are an important contribution to the endeavours of the European Union in this vital area. The Council will examine the report in detail. However, today I would like to respond to some of its key elements. Without a doubt, the report touches on the key challenges which the EU has been facing in the field of human rights.
07.05.2008 Statement by State Secretary Janez Lenarčič on behalf of the EU Council: Deterioration of the Situation in Georgia. I am pleased that the European Parliament decided to place the issue of Georgia on its agenda since the relations between this country and the Russian Federation (RF) are very unstable. In the Council, we are following the situation very closely. The General Affairs and External Relations Council had a discussion on Georgia on 29 April. Yesterday, this issue was discussed by the Political and Security Committee as well.
07.05.2008 Address by Minister Žiga Turk at the Athens Summit on Climate Change and Energy Security. It is my pleasure to address you on a topic of immense importance to everyone. At a time of soaring oil and gas prices, public concern regarding our dependence on energy imports and the mounting evidence of global warming give focus to the strategic challenge of the interdependence of climate change and energy security. It is of the utmost importance that energy and climate issues are debated and kept at the top of both global and regional political agendas.
07.05.2008 Speech by Minister Dragutin Mate at the Meeting of the XXXIX COSAC. Allow me, too, to welcome you to today's meeting of COSAC in Slovenia. I am pleased that we have an opportunity today to discuss, among other topics, internal security in the European Union. As the threats brought about by the modern world, especially terrorism and organised crime, have increased, so has the cooperation between Member States as regards internal security. Our citizens find that their safety does not only depend on the home affairs minister and the national police, but that we are faced with new phenomena that can only be countered by joint action by all Member States.
05.05.2008 Address by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council Janez Janša at the Meeting with the Religious Leaders. I would, first of all, like to express my gratitude to our host, the President of the European Commission, for this year’s meeting of religious leaders to be dedicated to a topic of paramount significance for the modern world. The issue selected concerns all of humanity regardless of nationality, culture or race. It is no random chance that the fight against climate change is one of the key priorities of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency. This constitutes a special reason why we shall welcome any support in achieving the set objectives.
28.04.2008 Opening address by Minister Marjeta Cotman at the Conference on Intergenerational Solidarity for Cohesive and Sustainable Societies . Welcome to Slovenia! I am delighted that you have accepted the invitation to participate in this Slovenian Presidency Conference, the basic purpose of which is to continue and intensify the European debate on demographic challenges. I would like to take this opportunity to cordially thank the European Commission for its help and financial support in preparing this event as well as the non-governmental organisations for their contributions to its content.
24.04.2008 Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs Marjeta Cotman: Introductory Address at the Conference ‘Jobs for Youth – Prosperity for All’. The Slovenian Presidency takes as its fundamental premise the principle that Europe needs to invest in people in order to provide for the future. Attention is, therefore, focused on promoting the employment of young people. The successful integration of young people into the labour market is one of the most important challenges we face in the European Union. Young people, considered to be the driving force of every society, find themselves in an unenviable situation when seeking good work opportunities. Young people are undoubtedly the most flexible group within the active population; nevertheless, measures to ensure security and stability are required.
23.04.2008 Statement by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Janez Janša, at the Press Conference after the 17th EU-Japan Summit. Prime Minister Janez Janša: Thank you, Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, for the floor. First of all I would like to thank you for hosting this Summit and for the warm and generous hospitality that Japan has extended to the EU delegation.
Through regular dialogue the EU and Japan have developed a strong partnership. Since 1991, our yearly summits have already become a tradition. The evolution of our relationship is thus in line with the Japanese proverb which says “Continuance is power” . Indeed, the continuity of our cooperation makes our voice stronger and gives us confidence in addressing the most important challenges of the modern world.
23.04.2008 Speech of the President of Slovenia, Mr. Danilo Türk, to the European Parliament. It is a great honour for me to have been invited to address this august body today. Only last month we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the first meeting of the then European Parliamentary Assembly. This Anniversary is an excellent opportunity for reflection about the present and the future of the European Union. Today I have a special privilege to share my thoughts with you, the elected representatives of the people of Europe.
23.04.2008 Statement by State Secretary Janez Lenarčič on Behalf of the eu Council Regarding the situation in Burma/Myanmar. The European Union has followed developments in Burma/Myanmar closely. We are very active in supporting the efforts of the United Nations, which are aimed at advancing the transition to democracy, reconciliation and development of the country. In these endeavours, we also carry out consultations with Asian partners. This month, EU Special Envoy Fassino informed the European Parliament about the situation in Burma. He updated MEPs on the EU's coordination with Burma's neighbours and other ASEAN countries.
11.04.2008 The Future of the European Security and Defence Policy - Speech by the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia Karl Erjavec at Alumni Seminar (Hotel Mons, 11 April 2008). It is a great honour and a pleasure for me to address you at the beginning of today’s meeting which marks our joint efforts for progress in the field of European security and defence policy. The ‘Alumni’ meeting is the first of its kind and it is very important since you, the participants, are the ones who are called upon and most challenged to consider the concept of change in the field of European Security And Defence Policy (ESDP). This event provides a valuable opportunity to speak about the future of the ESDP. We are entering a period in which our common future is of prime importance. Europe is increasingly involved in shaping world events. This brings new challenges in the field of ESDP and, undoubtedly, the Lisbon Treaty will have a critical role in the search for answers to unresolved issues. I am convinced that your considerations and conclusions will make a significant contribution to the efforts we need to invest in the future development of the European Community and in our further joint cooperation.
11.04.2008 Miha Pogacnik: The Synergy of Deep Ecology with Deep Culture. The topic of discussion of the Informal Meeting of Environment Ministers was the synergy of climate change, biodiversity and sustainable use of forests. My contribution was highlighting yet another synergy which needs to be added to the ecological sustainability strategy of EU policy if we want to be successful: the synergy of deep ecology with deep culture.
09.04.2008 Debate on the Progress Reports of Croatia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Statement by State Secretary Janez Lenarčič on behalf of the EU Council. First, I would like to congratulate the Honourable Members of Parliament, Mr Hannes Swoboda and Mr. Erik Meijer, for their progress reports on Croatia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. We are also pleased that the European Parliament has included a debate on the progress of both countries in its plenary session agenda. The Slovenian Presidency attaches great importance to the European integration of the Western Balkan countries. In this regard let me recall that EU Foreign Ministers who gathered for their informal Gymnich meeting in late March sent a positive message to the Western Balkan region on its European perspective. We estimate that such a message is most welcome in this very challenging period for Croatia.
09.04.2008 Statement by State Secretary Janez Lenarčič on behalf of the EU Council on the Situation in Lebanon. Efforts to secure peace, stability, economic prosperity and respect for human rights remain the priorities at the heart of the diplomatic action of the European Union and its Member States in relation to the situation in Lebanon. We are striving to maintain Lebanon's sovereignty, political independence, territorial integrity, unity and stability. The EU supports Lebanon's democratic institutions and the legitimate government led by the Prime Minister Fouad Siniora. However, we are concerned about the long paralysis of Lebanese institutions since at least November 2006 and aggravated since November 2007 by the vacant presidential position. As you know, the presidential elections, last scheduled for 25 March 2008, have already been postponed 17 times and are now scheduled for 22 April 2008.
07.04.2008 Speech by the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia : European Security and Defence Policy. Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a great honour and a pleasure to welcome you to this event which marks our joint efforts for progress in the field of European security and defence policy. This event is important, as I see it, mainly in the context of thinking about the future of the ESDP. We are entering a period in which our common future is of prime importance. Europe is increasingly assuming the role of a global player involved in shaping world events.
03.04.2008 Speech of the Minister of Health Zofija Mazej Kukovič at the 3rd European conference on alcohol policies – Building Capacity for Action. It is my utmost pleasure to have this opportunity to address you at the European conference on alcohol policy - "Building Capacity for Action". Allow me to thank the Spanish Government, in particular the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of Spain, who kindly enabled us to place such an important event of the Slovenian Presidency into the magnificent environment of the city of Barcelona. My sincere thanks also goes to the regional Government of Catalonia and the Mayor of Barcelona for their warm welcome and hospitality and all the efforts invested into the preparation of the Conference. The Slovenians hold fond memories of Barcelona as on the 1992 Olympic Games, - the first Olympics where Slovenia participated after its independency - our rowing team - the later Olympic champions - began their series of successes by winning two bronze medals.
01.04.2008 Address by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia Dimitrij Rupel to the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) of the European Parliament - Briefing on the Conclusions of the Gymnich Meeting. Allow me to present some of the salient points of the debate at the Informal Meeting of EU Foreign Ministers – Gymnich, held in Brdo and Bled, Slovenia, on 28 and 29 March. The meeting focused on the following issues: the role of Syria in the Middle East, relations between the EU and the Russian Federation, the European perspective for the Western Balkans, intercultural dialogue, and Tibet. The Foreign Ministers confirmed four written contributions: the letter by Foreign Ministers Kouchner and Miliband on EU-Russian relations, the Presidency declaration on the Western Balkans and points for declarations on Tibet and on the Geert Wilders film. The first topic discussed at the Gymnich meeting was the situation in the Middle East and the role of Syria.This is an opportune moment to discuss the Middle East Peace Process and Syria, there being a widespread impression that the Annapolis process is progressing slowly or has come to a standstill, that there is no change in the situation in the field, that Israel is continuing its unilateral action, and that the situation in Gaza is critical.
31.03.2008 Address by the Slovenian Prime Minister and the President of the European Council Janez Janša on the occasion of the abolition of internal air border controls and the definitive entry of the Republic of Slovenia into the Schengen area. Three months ago, when Slovenia joined the single European area of free movement of people and capital in part, we held our first celebration. Today, we held a second and final one. When, in the past three months, we crossed the former borders, we found ourselves wondering why in Europe in the past decades we had needed borders manned by police and, before 2004, in the Slovenian territory, by customs officials at all. Not so long ago, our borders were even guarded by armed military units. The recently-abandoned border police, police and customs posts today seem like an anachronism, archaeological skeletons from the not so very distant past. They are rather like a monument to the lost opportunities of earlier generations who, mainly on ideological grounds, were unable, without demarcation and divisions, to agree on and ensure cooperation for the common good.
31.03.2008 Address by Commissioner Janez Potočnik at the Ceremony marking the abolition of border controls at the internal air borders of the Schengen area. I am pleased to have this opportunity to address you on this important day for Slovenia and the European Union. With the lifting of internal border controls at airports, the Schengen evaluation has now been fully completed. As of 21 December, land and sea border controls have been abolished. Since then, we now share responsibility for maintaining an area of 24 countries without internal borders – a unique and historical accomplishment.
31.03.2008 Address by Zmago Skobir, President of the Aerodrom Ljubljana Management Board. Standing here last July, when the first phase of the passenger terminal was being opened, I could not possibly have imagined that, in less than a year, I would have a further opportunity to address you on the occasion of another major event at Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport.
31.03.2008 Speech by Portuguese Minister of the Interior Rui Pereira. On 21 December 2007, thanks to our common efforts, it became possible to celebrate the historic moment of lifting the land and sea borders, in an emotional environment that strongly signalled the end of border controls and dividing lines inside the EU. The role our two countries played in this process was crucial. Now, as scheduled, it is time to abolish controls at the air borders.
27.03.2008 Speech of Minister Dragutin Mate at the Ministerial Conference on the Challenges of the EU External Border Management. On 11 and 12 March the Slovenian Presidency organised a ministerial conference on the future management of the external borders of the European Union. The participants at the conference were ministers of the interior of the EU Member States, ministers of the interior of Switzerland, Norway and Iceland, and two distinguished guests from the United States of America, Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security, and Michael Mukasey, Attorney General.
26.03.2008 Statement by State Secretary Janez Lenarčič on behalf of the EU Council on the Situation in Tibet at the Extraordinary Plenary Session of the European Parliament. The European Union is concerned about developments in Tibet and its neighbouring Chinese provinces where a large number of Tibetans live (Qinghai, Sichuan and Gansu). Since the outbreak of unrest in Tibet, EU representatives have been in contact with Chinese representatives on several occasions. On 15 March 2008, the Chinese authorities first briefed the EU troika on the latest occurrences in the Tibetan capital Lhasa, at the EU’s request. Discussions on the situation in Tibet were also held at a meeting between EU representatives and the Assistant Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Wu Hongbo on 17 March 2008. On that occasion, both counterparts agreed that the dialogue on the occurrences in Tibet should remain continuous and open.
18.03.2008 Speech of the State Secretary at the Slovenian Ministry of the Interior, Mr Zvonko Zinrajh, at the CEPOL conference. The European Police College was established to gather national police colleges in a network at the European level. Today, with this conference, these contacts will be enlarged to our nearest neighbours as well. We put this in our Presidency programme because we think that well-trained and organised police forces are of utmost importance for safety and stability in the Balkans, which consequently means better security for the whole of Europe as well.
12.03.2008 Statement by State Secretary Janez Lenarčič on behalf of the EU Council regarding the situation in Chad. As you know, the situation in Chad has become even graver in the recent weeks. In the beginning of February, Chad rebel groups arrived in the capital N'Djamena and occupied its larger section. After a couple of days, the rebels have been repelled by government forces from N'Djamena eastwards – to Chad's border with Sudan.
12.03.2008 Debate on EU's Role in Iraq – Statement by State Secretary Janez Lenarčič on behalf of the EU Council. First of all, allow me to congratulate the Rapporteur, Member of the Parliament Ana Maria Gomes, for her report on EU's role in Iraq. We look forward to hearing the recommendations of the Rapporteur and of the whole assembly and will study them in detail. On this occasion, I would like to welcome the decision of the European Parliament to establish an ad hoc delegation for Iraq. This will undoubtedly be helpful in our efforts to strengthen relations between the EU and Iraq on all fronts.
12.03.2008 Statement by State Secretary Janez Lenarčič on behalf of the EU Council regarding the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports. In my introduction, I would like to express my satisfaction with the traditionally good relations between the competent Working Party of the Council – Conventional Arms Exports Working Group (COARM) – and the European Parliament, i.e. its Security and Defence Sub-committee (SEDE). I am convinced that this good cooperation of the Council and the Parliament will also continue in the future. Therefore, we salute today's debate.
12.03.2008 Address by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and the President of the European Council Janez Janša at the Plenary Session of the European Parliament on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the European Parliament. “Ce n’est pas sans émotion que je prends la parole…” These are the words spoken by Robert Schuman, the first President of the European Parliamentary Assembly, on 19 March 1958 when he addressed this distinguished gathering for the first time. Fifty years on, on the occasion of this important anniversary, we share the same feeling. Here, I am not addressing only 142 national parliamentarians, but as many as 785 directly elected Members of the European Parliament. Taking a look at the path travelled and at the flourishing of European democracy over the past half century can indeed fill us with pride and a feeling of gratitude to the founding fathers responsible for the European idea. It also, at the same time, confers on us the duty to contribute, as best we can, to the continuation of the European story of peace, cooperation and prosperity.
12.03.2008 The preparation of the Spring European Council - Statement by State Secretary Janez Lenarčič on behalf of the EU Council. It is with great pleasure that I present to you today the main topics of tomorrow’s meeting of the European Council. Following the tradition of the Spring Summits, this meeting will also focus on economic issues, Lisbon strategy in particular, as well as on energy and climate change and financial stability.
The Presidency is looking forward to the exchange of views with the European Parliament, and I can assure you that we will take due account of the positions adopted by the Parliament with regard to the topics on the agenda of tomorrow's meeting.
04.03.2008 Address by Dr Žiga Turk, Minister, Government Office for Growth, Slovenia, at the Growth and Jobs Summit : Lisbon Strategy 2.1 in the Context of Global Megatrends. At the time that Europe was beginning to think about its growth strategy, about the Lisbon Strategy, we understood globalisation mostly as Europe's competition with the United States and Japan. Since then, the United States is gradually ceasing to play the role of the main engine of the world's economy. Important new players have emerged on the world stage, which are driving up the prices of commodities and oil. On the one hand they are rivals; on the other, partners. Be that as it may, they demand a fresh consideration of what Europe can contribute to the globalised multi-polar world and where its real competitive advantages lie.
28.02.2008 The 11th Forum of National Ethics Councils (NEC) Brdo, 28–29 February 2008 - Opening Address by the Slovenian Minister of Health. In the name of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia, it gives me great pleasure to welcome respected guests, representatives of the European Commission and participants to the 11th Forum of National Ethics Councils, as well as to the Republic of Slovenia. The development of science, the medical profession and society as a whole presents us with ever new ethical issues which require comprehensive ethical and scientific consideration, interdisciplinary debate, explanation of standpoints and open dialogue, because only such action can lead to the best possible results for the patient, doctor and society at a given moment.
27.02.2008 Address on behalf of the EU at the Regional Table of the Stability Pact for South East Europe. Let me thank our host warmly. Sofia is a great host and the city has been the venue of many important meetings of the Stability Pact. This time we come to Sofia for a final meeting of the Regional Table in order to muster all our support for a new venture, nothing less than a new chapter in the history of the region; the transformation of the Stability Pact into the new regionally-owned cooperation framework, the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). We are thereby adding the final touch to the new architecture for regional cooperation in South-East Europe.
21.02.2008 Speech of the Minister Mate on Security as a Common Good and on Visa Liberalisation with Montenegro. Despite the fact that, normally, each of us exercises their functions on their own side of the border, we are becoming increasingly aware that we are all on the same side of the border when it comes to combating all forms of crime, terrorism and other security risks. This increased awareness is reflected in specific activities and reinforced police and border police cooperation regardless of the origin of police forces. After the sad and tragic events that occurred in the Western Balkans, the countries of this region are intensively building reciprocal ties on a sound foundation and in mutual respect. Closer cooperation in economic, cultural, information and other fields is followed by increased cooperation in combating all forms of crime and terrorism.
20.02.2008 Discussion on a motion for a resolution of the European Parliament on the seventh session of the UN Human Rights Council - statement by State Secretary Janez Lenarčič on behalf of the EU Council. I am delighted to have this opportunity to speak about the Human Rights Council. By placing this item on the plenary session agenda, the European Parliament is acknowledging the importance that the European Union attaches to the UN Human Rights Council as a global body for the protection and promotion of human rights.
The European Union is a strong advocate of an efficient Human Rights Council. We have made great efforts to ensure that the form it took in the end would provide a sound basis for fast and effective response to serious human rights violations. With the adoption last December of the Human Rights Council’s institution-building package at the UN General Assembly, it is now time for the Council to deliver.
20.02.2008 Address of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, dr Dimitrij Rupel – Statement on behalf of the EU Council at the Plenary session of the European Parliament on Kosovo . If I think hard, and if I overlook a few minor details, I am forced to acknowledge that the members of my generation – and of course our younger colleagues – have been rather lucky. We have spent the best part of our lives at a time when doors and windows of opportunity were opening. This period began in 1975 with the Helsinki Final Act and the most tangible effects were felt in Eastern and Central Europe with the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the Communist system in 1989. The demolished wall, and the doors and windows opened up in the Eastern facade of the Euro-Atlantic community revealed a new perspective. We saw the vast, sunny and varied landscape of a united and free Europe, which is embodied most excellently in this magnificent building of the European Parliament. When I was young, I could not imagine ever having the opportunity to speak here.
20.02.2008 Report on the Treaty of Lisbon – statement by State Secretary for European Affairs Janez Lenarčič on behalf of the EU Council. The Presidency welcomes this opportunity to discuss the Treaty of Lisbon. We also thank the European Parliament for the work done, in particular for the report prepared by MEPs Corbett and Mendez de Vigo. We agree with the positive assessment of many elements of this Treaty.
It is a fact that, for quite some time now, Europe has been facing numerous challenges both within the Union and in the global community. Therefore, the reforms are undoubtedly needed.
19.02.2008 Speech by Minister Žiga Turk at the European Parliament Plenary Session. It is of extreme pleasure for me to speak at the plenary session of the European Parliament dedicated to the launch of the new cycle of the Lisbon strategy for Growth and Jobs, the key programme framework for the modernization of Europe and its future.
The signing of the Lisbon Treaty marks the end of a period in which we have worked hard at getting ourselves in shape – first economically and, more recently, politically. Europe is now significantly better equipped to open itself to the world and play a part in shaping world trends.
18.02.2008 Opening Address by the State Secretary Andrej Šter at the Conference on the Challenges of EU-27 Development Policy. Europe has demonstrated its desire, willingness and strength to enhance partnership in the area of development cooperation. We are the largest global donor and contribute more than one half of the overall world development aid. Thus, we largely contribute to the improvement of living conditions of many people, institutional capacities of countries, administration, democratic development, human rights and international peace and security.
12.02.2008 Speech at the 4th Joint Parliamentary Meeting on the Lisbon Strategy - Monday 11 and Tuesday 12 February 2008. As a representative of the Member State currently holding the Presidency of the EU Council, I am very happy to accept your invitation to address the elected representatives of all 27 Member States of the European Union. Slovenia's Presidency of the EU Council coincides with a new chapter in the development of Europe. The signing of the Lisbon Treaty marks the end of a period in which we have worked hard at getting ourselves in shape – first economically and, more recently, politically. Europe is now significantly better equipped to open itself to the world and play a part in shaping world trends.
The current moment is marked by a number of other moments.
11.02.2008 "Malta Communiqué" (EU- League of Arab States Foreign Affairs Ministerial Meeting). 1. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Members States of the European Union, the League of Arab States, as well as the EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, the Commissioner for External Relations and the Secretary General of the Arab League, participated in a meeting under the co-chairmanship of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, Dr. Dimitrij Rupel, of Saudi Arabia, His Royal Highness Prince Saud Al-Faisal, and of Malta Dr. Michael Frendo.
08.02.2008 Concluding Speech of the Slovenian Minister of Health Zofija Mazej Kukovič (Conference "The Burden of Cancer - How Can it be Reduced"). Only healthy and creative citizens can participate in and make considerable contributions to a more competitive and more successful economy, which is also the goal of the Lisbon Strategy. Furtermore, it is important that all citizens quickly receive all the necessary and best care and support if they suffer from a severe illness. If we manage to control cancer, which might become the greatest public healthcare challenge in the near future, we will also be more successful in the economic aspect.
07.02.2008 Opening Address of the Slovenian Minister of Health Zofija Mazej Kukovič (Conference "The Burden of Cancer - How Can it be Reduced"). Commissioner, Members of the European Parliament, Members of the Slovenian Parliament, Representatives of the World Health Organization, High Representatives of the European Union Member States, candidate countries and countries of the Western Balkans,
Distinguished participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have great pleasure to be able to welcome you as a host to Brdo, the venue of major events of the Slovenian Presidency. I would especially like to extend a cordial welcome to those of you who are visiting Slovenia for the first time. I hope you will find some time to explore our beautiful country and its unique features as well as to enjoy the hospitality of our people.
Your attendance in such large numbers demonstrates a strong interest of the expert and political milieu in controlling cancer, the topic of this conference. The search for answers on how to reduce the burden of cancer plays a special role in my life. Before I was appointed Minister of Health, I was actively involved in Europa Donna, a non-governmental organisation, where I had came face-to-face with the distress suffered by women with breast cancer. Their stories helped me realise that cancer is not just an illness but something that leaves a deep mark on the lives of individuals, their families and friends. Nevertheless, I have also learned that it is possible to beat cancer and to continue to lead an active life.
31.01.2008 Statement by State Secretary Janez Lenarčič on behalf of the EU Council regarding the US anti-missile shield. The Council of the European Union has not discussed the establishment of the US anti-missile shield and its possible stationing in the territory of the EU; therefore, I am in no position to convey the Council's opinion on this issue. I would like to remind you that decision-making concerning the hosting of armed forces or military equipment is within the competence of every Member State, the Member States being thus independent in their decisions on these matters.
31.01.2008 Speech by Minister Dragutin Mate at the Plenary Session of the European Parliament. It is a pleasure to be here today and take part in such an important debate. Implementing policies in the area of justice and home affairs is extremely important for our citizens. With the progress of our society and development of modern technologies, security has become one of the most important concerns of our citizens. I believe that the representatives of the Council, the Commission and the Parliament share the same goals: to ensure such conditions for cooperation between Member States which will guarantee an adequate level of security for our citizens.
30.01.2008 Intervention by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, President of the Council of the EU, Dr Dimitrij Rupel. It is my pleasure to address you here in Strasbourg and to have the opportunity to present priorities of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2008. We are living in a moment of historical importance for the EU. The first Presidency of a new Member State confirms the legitimacy of the decision to unite the European continent and in doing so to overcome its unnatural division. Indeed, it is a tribute to the courage with which both Western democratic nations and Central and Eastern European nations seized the historic opportunity presented by the end of the Cold War.
29.01.2008 Address by the President of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council, Iztok Jarc, before the European Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development Brussels . I am both honoured and pleased to participate in your meeting today and share with you the Council Presidency's vision on the priorities for the first half of this year in our joint field of policy and legislation.
I wish to underline the importance that I and the Slovenian Presidency attach to the important role which the European Parliament, and your Committee in particular, plays in the legislative process for the agriculture sector. I look forward to working closely with you to ensure smooth progress on the proposals currently before us.
Slovenia is the first of the Member States which joined the European Union in the last wave of enlargement to hold the Council Presidency. We will endeavour to effectively carry out the tasks entrusted to us.
29.01.2008 Address by the President of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dr Dimitrij Rupel, before the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs. Slovenia has proudly assumed the demanding task of EU Council Presidency. We are well aware of the responsibilities this entails, and therefore we have thoroughly prepared ourselves for this challenge. The priorities of the six-month Slovenian Presidency Programme follow the 18-month Presidency Programme prepared in collaboration with the other two Trio countries, Germany and Portugal. We particularly appreciate the valuable assistance and contributions offered by the European institutions during the preparation period, and I am convinced that we will maintain successful cooperation and open dialogue in the future. In its programme, the Slovenian Presidency outlined five main priority areas: the future of Europe and successful ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon, endorsement of the energy and climate change package, the launch of a new cycle of the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs, enlargement and the European Neighbourhood Policy (a European perspective for the Western Balkans), and intercultural dialogue.
29.01.2008 Address by Minister of Defence Karl Erjavec to the Informal Meeting of Defence Policy Directors-General of EU Member States. Dear ladies and gentlemen, honourable general, honourable officers and other guests!
It is my great pleasure to say a few words at the beginning of your important meeting. I’m well aware of its importnace and of the fact that this is the first meeting in the field of European Security and Defence Policy, which we have the opportunity to host here in Brdo in Slovenia. I welcome you and wish you a pleasant stay in Slovenia!
I’m convinced that you are familiarised with the priority tasks of our presidency, which is why I won’t present them separately, however I do want to emphasize some topics, which inseparably connect the European Security and Defence Policy with broader, very important European Union’s programme priorities, like the enlargement and the Treaty of Lisbon, climate change, free flow of knowledge, and the intercultural dialogue. Only a secure and stable Europe and a secure and stable wider environment can provide opportunities for further economic growth and development, and thus the basis of these priorities.
28.01.2008 Speech by Minister Marjeta Cotman at the meeting of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in the European Parliament. Let me first thank you for the invitation to attend this meeting of the Committee to present the priorities of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency in the field of gender equality. I see the meeting as an excellent opportunity both for encouraging the necessary discussions on subjects in this field and for bolstering cooperation between the Council and Parliament. After speaking, I will listen with interest to your positions and views and do my best to respond to your questions and initiatives.
28.01.2008 Andrej Šter, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia: Presentation of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency Programme to the European Parliament Committee on Development (DEVE). Mr Borrell, Distinguished Members of the European Parliament, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great pleasure and honour for me to be here today to present to the members of the European Parliament Committee on Development the programme of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the field of international development cooperation and humanitarian aid. Since it became independent in 1991, the Republic of Slovenia has developed successfully. It is the first of the new Member States that joined the European Union after 2004 to be given the opportunity to take the helm of this community of European nations with a population of almost 500 million.
25.01.2008 Statement by the Prime Minister of Slovenia and the President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša on Current EU Topics. A warm hello to everybody. Let me begin with some matters relating to the Presidency of the European Union. As you know, the European Commission yesterday presented the environmental and energy package, which is one of the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency of the European Union Council. As we noted in the communication, we welcome this proposal. We are certain that this is one of the most important legislative packages of the European Union in the early 21st century. This proposal elaborates the goals generally determined for the whole European Union in March 2007 so as to suggest the ways to achieve them as well as recommend the concrete commitments of the Member States.
24.01.2008 Presentation by Minister Radovan Žerjav of the programme of the Slovenian Presidency in relation to the Galileo Regulation. I do not intend to take too much of the time of my dear colleagues, Minister Vizjak and Minister Kucler Dolinar, as they are both presenting an ambitious programme today. But I wanted to take the opportunity in my role as Minister of Transport to address the European GALILEO and EGNOS satellite navigation programmes, concerning which Parliament and the Council must lay down the legal basis for the further successful deployment of GALILEO as a public sector project.
Thanks to the efforts undertaken by the German and the Portuguese presidencies as well as by the European Commission last year, we were able to work together with you to move the European GNSS Programme out of its deadlock. Now, we are taking the courageous step of taking GALILEO back into our public responsibility, thereby avoiding the failure of a project of such high strategic and economic importance for the European Union.
23.01.2008 Address by Minister Dr Dimitrij Rupel to the European Parliament (AFCO). It is my honour to be here with you today. I am particularly pleased that we have the opportunity to review some topical EU issues and Slovenia’s EU Presidency programme.
Since the rejection of the Constitutional Treaty in 2005, Europe has been seeking a way out of the existing situation, particularly in order to make the Union more efficient, transparent and closer to its citizens. The European Parliament has had a significant role in this process. The very aim of the Lisbon Treaty is to make the enlarged Union more democratic.
23.01.2008 Presentation by Minister Radovan Žerjav of the programme of the Slovenian Presidency (transport issues). Mr Chairman, Honourable Members, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great honour for me to be here today to present the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency to the TRAN Committee of the European Parliament in the area of transport, for which I am responsible. Slovenia is the first of the ten new Member States that joined the European Union in 2004 to assume the Presidency. This is a sign of great trust and recognition of our achievements so far, but it also represents a great responsibility for us. I hope that – with your help and cooperation – we will be able to overcome the difficulties any EU Presidency would have to face and achieve our objectives. The Slovenian Presidency attaches the greatest importance to constructive and trustful cooperation with the European Parliament in general, and with the members of the TRAN Committee in particular. Given the number of co-decision dossiers in the transport area, close cooperation with the members of the Committee seems indispensable if we want to obtain significant results.
23.01.2008 Minister Bajuk: European Financial Supervision, Crisis Management on Financial Markets. Dear Madam Beres, distinguished members of the European and national parliaments, ladies and gentlemen,
It is indeed my pleasure to be here today and to participate in the debate on the most topical subject of European Financial Supervision and Crisis Management. The timing could not be better to say a few words, for the first time in Slovenian history as the presiding country of the EU, about this topic of our mutual interest and concern, which I am sure will engage our minds intensively in the future. This topic is a clear priority for the Slovenian ECOFIN presidency in the first half of 2008.
22.01.2008 Presentation of Dragutin Mate, Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia, to the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament - Brussels, 22 January 2008. Distinguished Chairman, Members of the LIBE Committee, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great honour for me to present to the European Parliament the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency in the field of Justice and Home Affairs. We have been preparing for the Presidency for over two years and have ambitious plans. Although we have a small of group of experts as compared to larger countries, I personally believe that this can be to our advantage, since it enables us to make decisions more quickly.
22.01.2008 Address by Ivan Žagar, PhD, minister responsible for local self-government and regional policy, to the Regional Development Committee of the European Parliament. Let me first of all express my gratitude for your kind invitation and underline the fact that the Slovenian Presidency considers relations with the European Parliament of great importance. This is to be attributed not only to the new, significantly reinforced role of the European Parliament vested in it by the new Lisbon Treaty, but also to the concrete conceptual issues we will all face in the field of cohesion policy in the months and years to come. The issue of future policy-making as regards development is closely intertwined with the issue of the EU vision, where the European Parliament undoubtedly assumes a vital role.
22.01.2008 Address by Minister Marjeta Cotman at the European Parliament Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (Empl). Madam Vice-Chairwoman,
Distinguished Members of the Committee,
Thank you for inviting me to speak here today. It is my privilege to present the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency work programme in the field of employment and social affairs. Let me begin by outlining the most important topics which will be at the forefront of the Slovenian Presidency’s concerns. After that, I will listen with interest to your opinions and do my best to respond to your questions and initiatives.
Let me stress how valuable I consider this kind of dialogue – and indeed every opportunity for exchanging views on issues to do with the future of European citizens. The European Parliament plays a central role in shaping policy for the future of Europe. My hope is, therefore, for constructive cooperation, particularly with this Committee, since only by pooling our efforts can we take a step forward in improving the social image of the European Union and the wellbeing of every citizen.
21.01.2008 Speech of the Minister of Public Administration Dr Gregor Virant at the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament. It is with great pleasure that during the Slovenian Presidency I address the Committee today concerning better regulation. The Legal Affairs Committee has a long track record of interest in better regulation and has played an important role promoting the agenda within the European Parliament, as well as with other institutions. I very much welcome the Committee's involvement and, on behalf of the Slovenian Presidency, I should like to say that my colleagues and I look forward to working constructively with you in the next six months. The Slovenian Presidency falls at a crucial phase in the evolution of the better regulation agenda. The Commission's Second Strategic Review, which is due to be adopted at the end of this month, provides an opportunity to take stock of the progress made so far and identify the areas where the EU institutions need to do better. However, actions speak louder than words, and I hope that during the Slovenian Presidency, we shall see more examples of application of better regulation principles and techniques contributing towards better policy outcomes which will in turn have a strong impact on the competitiveness of businesses in the European Union.
16.01.2008 State Secretary for European Affairs Janez Lenarčič: Statement by the EU Council on the situation in Pakistan at the plenary session of the European Parliament. The assassination of former Prime Minister and main opposition leader Benazir Bhutto has complicated an already highly complex picture in the run-up to general elections on 18 February 2008. Bhutto-murder disturbed a gradual process of transition to a more democratic system in Pakistan. Ms Benazir Bhutto was undoubtedly a personality who could have contributed to progress in such areas as economic growth, decreasing levels of corruption and a tendency towards freer media.
Since the imposition of emergency rule on 3 November 2007, the EU, including the European Parliament, has emphasised the need for stability and called for reconciliation and a return to democracy. Recent developments underline that stability in Pakistan is our core interest. This means support to Pakistan's moderate majority in its struggle against a violent extremist minority.
16.01.2008 State Secretary for European Affairs Janez Lenarčič: Statement by the EU Council on the situation in Kenya at the plenary session of the European Parliament. I am pleased that today the European Parliament will discuss the resolution on the current situation in Kenya and vote on it. By appointing Mr Lambsdorff to head the EU Election Observation Mission and a delegation of the EP under the leadership of Mr Mulder, the Parliament has already given an important signal of its interest in the situation in Kenya.
Elections in Kenya took place on 27 December. The very high participation of the Kenyans demonstrated their commitment to and their trust in the democratic process.
The EU Election Observation Mission, present on the ground and led by distinguished member of this house, Mr Lambsdorff, noted irregularities in the counting and tallying process of the presidential election. These irregularities cast serious doubts on the actual outcome of that election.
16.01.2008 Address by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and the President of the European Council Janez Janša at the Plenary Session of the European Parliament. It is my honour and pleasure – and, indeed, also a matter of great pride – to be here with you today. I am very proud as a Slovene whose country has been entrusted with the Presidency of the EU as the first new European Union Member State to be awarded this honour. It is an honour for me as a European whose Union is entering 2008 with a signed Lisbon Treaty, and enlarged euro and Schengen zones.
I assure you that in the coming months until summer, if you invite me, I shall be delighted to come here more often, and certainly after each meeting of the European Council. I indeed look forward to close and constructive cooperation with the European Parliament throughout the six-month period.
16.01.2008 Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs Marjeta Cotman: Presentation of the Presidency Programme. First of all, I would like to thank you for the invitation, since it is a great honour for me personally to appear before the assembly which will very shortly celebrate 50 years of its existence. I'm also extremely happy that I have today the opportunity to meet all of you who are part of that decision-making within the European Union which most directly reflects the expectations and worries of the citizens of the EU.
08.01.2008 Statement by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, following the Meeting of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Commission. I, too, would like to wish you all a warm welcome, especially the Vice-President of the European Commission, Mrs Margot Wallström. We are very pleased to see her and the other members of the European Commission here today.
This is an important meeting which marks the beginning of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The meeting may be a traditional one, but it is also one that so far has been devoted principally to matters of hard content, and this will continue in the afternoon. We have got to know each other better. We have talked chiefly about the key challenges facing the European Union in the first half of 2008. The Commissioners and colleagues from the Government of the Republic of Slovenia have already had discussions on eighteen dossiers. We have also had separate talks with the Vice-President, Mrs Wallström. The proceedings will continue with a working lunch and a plenary meeting between the European Commission and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.
08.01.2008 Address by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Janez Janša on the Occasion of the Opening Event of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. In Slovenia, we are delighted that the beginning of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue coincides with our Presidency of the Council of the European Union. We think that, for various reasons, it is a well-chosen moment. Three weeks ago, we signed a new reform treaty, the Lisbon Treaty. With this Treaty, the European Union is capable of continuing its historic project of economic and political integration and global competitiveness. In the current term of office of the European Parliament and the European Commission, we have adopted a number of solutions aimed at safeguarding the health of our environment and further bolstering the economic and political strength of the European Union. With the latest enlargement, with millions of new jobs and enhanced prosperity, the European Union’s economic and political power has indeed increased considerably.
19.12.2007 Statement by Janez Janša, Prime Minister of Slovenia, Following the Meeting with the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament. Let me wish a warm welcome to everyone, and in particular to Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering, the President of the European Parliament. Mr Pöttering has chaired the discussions we have just had with the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament, which is formed by the President of the European Parliament and the chairmen of the political groups, which are the groupings of members that make up the European Parliament.