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- 30.06.2008
Goodbye and thank you from the website editorial team upon the conclusion of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency. This is the last day of Slovenia’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. We, the members of the website editorial team, would like to thank all the internet users that have visited our website and the mobile portal and made good use of their services in the last six months. More than 765,000 visits and 3,765,000 pageviews on the Slovenian Presidency website clearly support our presumption.
- 30.06.2008
Slovenian EU Council Presidency 2008 in Figures. Holding the EU Council Presidency is a responsible task involving managing and representing the Community of 27 Member States and about 500 million citizens.
In this important task, performed by the Republic of Slovenia in the first half of 2008, 2,720 Slovenian civil servants, 133 independent experts and 245 students participated.
In total, more than 8,000 events were held during the Slovenian EU Council Presidency: 283 events took place in Slovenia, 3,285 in Brussels and 4,242 elsewhere in the world.
- 30.06.2008
Achievements of the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council. Programme and priorities - Future of Europe enforcement of the Lisbon Treaty: By signing the Lisbon Treaty in December 2007, the EU Member States committed to ratifying it at the earliest possible date. This aim was achieved by 19 Member States, while ratification procedures are under way in the remaining countries. Slovenia ratified the Treaty as the second Member State on 29 January 2008. This success was slightly overshadowed by the negative result of the referendum in Ireland. Nevertheless, the European Union remains committed to its goals. The Member States agree that the ratification procedures must continue. At the same time, we will cooperate with Ireland in trying to find a uniform solution acceptable to all Member States and enabling the further development of the Union in the shortest possible time.
- 30.06.2008
Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the Six-Party Talks Process. The EU welcomes the latest presentation by the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea of its nuclear programmes to the Chinese government, as Chair of the Six-Party Talks, as a significant step forward in the denuclearisation process.
- 30.06.2008
Minister Rupel passes the Presidency of the EU Council on to the French Foreign Minister Kouchner. A ceremony on the occasion of the assumption of the Presidency of the EU Council by France took place in Nova Gorica, Trg Evrope (Europe Square) this afternoon. The Presidency will pass from Slovenia to France today at midnight. In the square, which also witnessed Slovenia's EU accession on 1 May 2004, the President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council and Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel passed the symbolic baton which he received six months ago from the Portuguese Minister, Luis Amado, on to his successor, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner.
- 30.06.2008
Minister Bajuk: “We achieved great progress in the field of improving financial stability and financial supervision, and provided coordinated responses at the EU level to the financial market shocks and high food and oil prices”. Dr Andrej Bajuk, Minister of Finance and President of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN), presented the main achievements of the Slovenian Presidency in the field of economic and financial affairs today at a press conference, where he pointed out: “The Slovenian Presidency focused on concrete responses to the issues citizens and companies of the EU care about, and demonstrated the EU’s ability to take concrete actions in the financial and economic field. Consideration of the dossiers was conducted in accordance with the planned presidency programme, during which we achieved all set objectives.”
- 30.06.2008
Slovenian Presidency, on behalf of the EU, and Australia sign agreement on providing airline passenger data to Australian authorities. Today, Australia and the EU, represented by the Slovenian Presidency, signed an agreement on the provision of passenger name record (PNR) data to Australian authorities. Negotiations on the agreement were opened following the adoption of the EU negotiating mandate in February this year. The Presidency, as the chief negotiator for the EU and assisted by the Commission, engaged in intensive negotiations with the Australian side. The negotiations were successfully concluded in May, with a draft agreement that addressed the operative law enforcement needs of the competent Australian authorities while providing for robust data protection safeguards.
- 30.06.2008
Airline industry to be included in the ETS as of 2012 – EU urges the industry to play its part in the fight against climate change. The Member States of the EU showed overwhelming support for the Slovenian Presidency's proposal on the inclusion of aviation in the European ETS (Emissions Trading Scheme) system when they rubber stamped the agreement last week. "Hence, the Slovenian Presidency managed to arrive at an agreement on one of the most challenging dossiers, which is closely linked with Europe's overall aim to fight climate change," stated the President of the Environment Council and Slovenian Environment, Minister Janez Podobnik, following the agreement reached on Friday (27 June) by Deputy Permanent Representatives.
- 30.06.2008
Achievements of the Slovenian Government Office For Local Self-Government And Regional Policy During the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The Slovenian Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy (GOSP) achieved all the set objectives in the framework of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU. On the strategic level, the greatest emphasis is on the progress regarding the issue of the future of cohesion policy, where the Republic of Slovenia managed to promote an in-depth discussion and, at the same time, prepare concrete conclusions and guidelines for the future thus setting the direction for the future reforms. At the same time a big emphasis was put on the partnership approach, especially on the role of regions and territorial cooperation namely in the context of their contribution in reaching the Lisbon Strategy objectives as well as strengthening the institutional cooperation of the regions, e.g. in the framework of the Euroregions.
- 30.06.2008
Fifty-Third Session of the Executive Council of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (The Hague). Statement of the European Union delivered by Dr Tea Petrin Permanent Representative of the Republic of Slovenia
Date: 28.12.2007