The website should be accessible to as many users as possible. For this reason, the editorial team is concerned to meet the requirements of barrier-free web design.
In accordance with W3C guidelines, website pages are coded in XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2.0.
All JavaScript features can also be accessed when JavaScript is deactivated.
The PDF documents offered do not meet the requirements of barrier-free web design. The majority of PDF files are produced by other editorial teams and European institutions and provided to the webteam responsible for
All pages on the website are composed in the same way. Content is logically structured.
Above the logo is a navigation bar containing links to alternative language versions, information about the webteam and legal notice, a site map, contact information and a search function.
Underneath the logo is a horizontal menu showing the broad topics.
The vertical menu on the left-hand side lists the various topic areas.
To the right of the vertical menu is a content section. The column on the far-right of the page shows the five most up-to-date events and links to the various services.
At the bottom of every page there is a "recommend this page" function, as well as a link for optimal printing of the page in question and a link to information regarding barrier-free accessibility.