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e-Government Conference

e-Government Conference
Date: 11.02. - 13.02.2008
Venue: Brdo
Policy area: Transport, Telecommunications and Energy
Type of event: Conferences and Expert Meetings

The state presiding the EU Council and the European Commission are jointly organizing »Days of e-Government«. The event will include two conferences:

  • 11 February: e-Government conference entitled "Alliance with Users", organized within the framework of the Slovenian Presidency of the EU, and
  • 12 and 13 February 2008: IDABC conference »e-Government services: IDABC and Beyond« organized by the European Commission under the auspices of the Slovenian presidency. (IDABC - Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment Services to Public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens.

e-Government Conference "Alliance with Users"

The e-Government Conference "Alliance with Users" will highlight the priorities of the Slovenian presidency in the field of e-Government: - interoperability, e-cooperation and e-inclusion, and the removal of administrative barriers – of vital importance for a better public administration. The conference is designed for policy-makers and top IT experts from public administration institutions, universities and representatives of industry who play a crucial role in the development of e-Government. The name of the conference, »Alliance with Users«, symbolizes progress in the relationship between the administration and the users. It is based on the knowledge that mere focus on users is not sufficient, since e-Government services have to be shaped jointly, in alliance with users. In this way, both sides can achieve a better contact thus contributing towards a faster and clearer recognition of mutual needs. In finding e-Government solutions, the users and the administration are therefore on the same side - the alliance which can create a better e-Government. During the conference there will be an exhibition presenting examples of good practice from the EU and the winning cases of good practice from the Lisbon ministerial conference on the e-Government. The European Commission will present the programmes e-Government and IDABC, and the The solutions from the Slovenian e-Government will be presented by the companies which developed these solutions. In addition, there will be three workshops showing the latest developments of the Slovenian e-Government.

IDABC Conference »e-Government Services: IDABC and Beyond«

IDABC is a European Commission programme supporting the operation and integration of e-Government services in Europe. It was launched in 2005 and is at its mid-term, this is therefore a good moment to look back on the past achievements and experience, and to reflect on the follow-up topics after the end of the programme. The majority of the IDABC achievements will be presented on 12 February under three simultaneous sections, while the discussion on the follow-up of the programme will be held on 13 February.


Press Releases:

Successful Conclusion of the Major Event of the Ministry of Public Administration during the Slovenian EU Presidency.

Photo Archive:

e-Government Conference.

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Date: 20.02.2008