Date: | 26.02. - 27.02.2008 |
Venue: | Cairo, Egypt |
Policy area: | Transport, Telecommunications and Energy |
Type of event: | Third Country Meetings |
More: | The Ministerial Conference on the Information Society is one of the three high-level Euro-Mediterranean Partnership meetings to be held during the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The first conference on this particular topic was held in 2005 in Dundalk, Ireland. This time, the ministers responsible for the information society will meet in Cairo, Egypt. Organised, under the auspices of the Slovenian Presidency, by the Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and the European Commission, the Conference will be co-opened by the Slovenian Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology, Ms Mojca Kucler Dolinar. During the discussions, the ministers are expected to focus on the challenges currently faced by Euro-Mediterranean countries and exchange views on opening the research area and possible mechanisms for future co-operation. Among other things, the participants will address the following topics: the legislative framework for electronic communications, interoperability, multilingual e-content, e-learning and e-administration. A ministerial declaration is also expected to be adopted. |
Conference Programme (26.2.) 28 KB
Ministerial Declaration 148 KB