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Informal Meeting of Ministers for Employment, Social Affairs and Gender Equality, and Conference on Gender Equality

Informal Meeting of Ministers for Employment, Social Affairs and Gender Equality, and Conference on Gender Equality
Date: 29.01. - 02.02.2008
Venue: Brdo
Policy area: Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs
Type of event: Informal Ministerial Meetings

Gender stereotypes are one of the most persistent root causes of for inequality between women and men in all areas of life and in all life periods. The Conference Elimination of Gender Stereotypes: Mission (Im)Possible? will address possible ways to eliminate traditional gender roles and gender stereotypes, especially in the areas of education, training, labour market, culture and media. The Conference is supported by the European Commission.

The Conference will be followed by the Informal Meeting of Ministers for Gender Equality, which is the most important event in the area of gender equality during the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU. Ministers will discuss participation and empowerment of women in society. This topic will be the framework for addressing issues of the balanced participation of women and men in political decision-making, the empowerment of girls in order to achieve gender equality, and the importance of gender equality policies in development cooperation.

Seeking balance between security and flexibility is a lengthy process requiring the active participation of all stakeholders. This will be the main topic of the Informal Meeting of Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs that will be held immediately after the Informal Meeting of Ministers responsible for gender equality.

On European level, important steps were made in the past years, which will be of support and help to the countries in forming their national regulations. Invaluable is the contribution of previous Presidencies, including the adoption of common principles of flexicurity.

Slovenian Presidency wishes to ensure continuation of the process and therefore encourage deepening of discussion about flexicurity, especially in relation to implementation of common principles of flexicurity and coordination of social policies and employment policies. In so doing, the Presidency will dedicate special attention to youth and older workers, and to the challenges which are faced by women on the labour market.


Background Information  24 KB.

Media Info  117 KB.

Media Programme (31.1.)  38 KB.

Who is Who  2.0 MB.

Bus Shuttle for Journalists  88 KB.

Press Releases:

Announcement: Informal Meeting of Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs, Brdo pri Kranju, 31 January - 2 February 2008.

Cotman: We not only need active women, we also need active men.

Cotman: "It is only by investing in people and their potentials that Europe will have the opportunity for growth.".

Ministers of Employment and Social Affairs at the informal meeting: Flexibility and security are required throughout a person’s lifetime.

Audio Archive:

Presidency Press Conference - Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs Marjeta Cotman, EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Vladimir Špidla and Director of the Office for Equal Opportunities Tanja Salecl

Presidency Press Conference – Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs Marjeta Cotman, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Vladimir Špidla, President of the Social platform Fintan Farell and Representatives of social partners: John Monks (ETUC) and Jørgen Rønnest (Businesseurope)

Presidency Press Conference - Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs Marjeta Cotman, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Vladimir Špidla and French Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Solidarity Xavier Bertrand

Photo Archive:

Conference on Gender Equality: Elimination of Gender Stereotypes - Mission (Im)Possible?.

Informal Meeting of Ministers for Gender Equality.

Informal Meeting of Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs (Day 1).

Informal Meeting of Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs (Day 2).

Video Archive:

Presidency Press Conference - Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs Marjeta Cotman, EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Vladimir Špidla and director of the Office for Equal Opportunities Tanja Salecl.

Slovenian Minister Marjeta Cotman, Commissioner Vladimir Špidla, President of the Social platform Fintan Farell and representatives of social partners John Monks (ETUC) and Jørgen Rønnest (Businesseurope).

Presidency Press Conference - Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs Marjeta Cotman, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Vladimir Špidla and French Minister Xavier Bertrand.

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Date: 26.05.2008