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European Council

European Council
Date: 19.06. - 20.06.2008
Venue: Brussels
Policy area: European Council
Type of event: European Council

The EU Heads of State and Government met as the European Council for the second and final time during the Slovenian Presidency on 19 and 20 June, in Brussels. The European Council meeting proper was preceded by a meeting of the Council in the composition of the EU Heads of State and Government, which reviewed whether Slovakia was ready the adopt the euro as its currency on 1 January 2009.

This was followed by an exchange of views with the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering.

The June European Council, chaired by its President, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša, commenced its busy agenda by taking stock of the process of ratification of the Lisbon Treaty across the EU. The Presidency also presented progress made in the preparatory work aimed at ensuring that the Lisbon Treaty can fully function as soon as it enters into force.

Also on the agenda were certain key dossiers in the field of freedom, security and justice, which were given the necessary impetus to allow their timely adoption.

Another important item on the European Council agenda were the high food prices, under which recent developments and policy implications for the European Union were discussed.

The EU leaders reconfirmed the European Perspective for the Western Balkans and took stock of the implementation of the Thessaloniki Agenda.

Other issues discussed at the European Council included the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, possible enhancements in the eastern dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy, as well as the 'Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean' ahead of the Summit on 13 July 2008 devoted to this issue.



Invitation by the President of the European Council Janez Janša to the European Council  225 KB.

Media programme  122 KB.

Media accreditation  139 KB.

Information for the press  170 KB.

Last-minute accreditation  130 KB.

Press Releases:

Prime Minister Janez Janša: European Council will focus on practical challenges before the European Union.

EU leaders unanimous in favour of mitigating effects of high food and oil prices.

EU leaders approve Slovakia’s bid to join the eurozone.

European Council to analyse further and return to Lisbon Treaty in October; meanwhile, ratification continues.

European Council upholds ‘European perspective’ for Western Balkans.

Audio Archive:

Press Conference of the Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša ahead of the June European Council Meeting

Background Information:

Background information - Council in the composition of Heads of State/Government  128 KB.

Council Conclusions:

European Council: Presidency Conclusions  208 KB.

Heads of state or government, Press release, Day 1  171 KB.


The EU as a global partner for pro-poor and pro-growth development: EU Agenda for Action on MDGs  85 KB.

Food prices  192 KB.

The millennium development goals  187 KB.

The European Union and the Western Balkans  176 KB.

Photo Archive:

European Council (Day 1).

European Council (Day 2).

Video Archive:

Press Conference of the Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša ahead of the June European Council Meeting.

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Date: 27.06.2008