Date: | 24.06.2008 |
Venue: | Brussels |
Policy area: | Transport, Telecommunications and Energy |
Type of event: | Others |
More: | The Slovenian Minister of the Economy, Andrej Vizjak MSc, will on 24 June 2008 attend the 5th ministerial meeting between the EU Member States and the OPEC Member Countries. The purpose of the meeting is to exchange views and information with the aim of leading to better mutual understanding. The 5th EU-OPEC Energy Dialogue at ministerial level will address recent energy policies and oil market developments, and future activities in the context of the EU-OPEC Dialogue. The discussion will primarily focus on the study on oil processing and refining, the study on the impact of financial markets on oil prices, on activities relating to carbon capture and storage, and on the establishment of an OPEC-EU Energy Technology Centre. On behalf of the Member State holding the EU Council Presidency, Mr Vizjak will address the ministers attending the meeting. In so doing, he will particularly highlight concern about high oil prices. The EU-OPEC Energy Dialogue is the right forum to discuss this issue. |