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Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE) - Energy

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE) - Energy
Date: 28.02.2008
Venue: Brussels
Policy area: Transport, Telecommunications and Energy
Type of event: Council of Ministers
More: The EU Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council meeting will be devoted to energy issues and will be chaired by the Slovenian Minister for the Economy, Andrej Vizjak. The core theme of the meeting will be the internal electricity and gas market. It is very important that the entire package is adopted before the end of the current term of office of the Commission and the Parliament. Two issues, among others, are still unresolved: effective unbundling and the control of transmission networks by countries that are not EU Member States, and the question of derogation from the Electricity Directive. The Council is also expected to adopt conclusions on the Commission Communication “Towards a European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan)”. The results agreed will serve as a basis for drafting the conclusion of the European Council. One of the most important agenda items is the political discussion on the energy and climate change package presented by the Commission on 23 January 2008. This issue is one of the most important priorities of the Slovenian Presidency.


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Date: 12.03.2008