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Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA)

Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA)
Date: 05.06. - 06.06.2008
Venue: Luxembourg
Policy area: Justice and Home Affairs
Type of event: Council of Ministers

The Slovenian Minister of the Interior Dragutin Mate will chair a meeting of EU home affairs ministers on Thursday, 5th June, while Dr Lovro Šturm, Slovenian Minister of Justice, will preside over a meeting of EU justice ministers on Friday, 6th June, in Luxembourg.

At the mixed committee meeting the EU ministers of the interior will discuss a report of the Friends of SIS II and the state of play of the SIS II communication network. The European Commission will present the global schedule for setting up the system and the Member States' migration to it. The Ministers will also discuss the draft directive for returning illegally staying third-country nationals and draft Council conclusions on managing external borders of the European Union.

At the Council the EU ministers of the interior will discuss the draft Council decision on the implementation of the Decision on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime. The Presidency expects the Council implementing decision and its annex to be adopted at this meeting. The Ministers will also discuss (and hopefully adopt) a draft agreement on PNR between the EU and Australia. Also on the agenda is a discussion of the report on the progress of the implementation of the counter-terrorism strategy and action plan, which will be presented by the EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator.

The justice ministers will discuss two proposals referring to environmental protection through criminal law: a proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and Council on the protection of the environment through criminal law and a proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and Council on ship-source pollution. Two other dossiers in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters are also on the agenda, i.e. the initiative with a view to adopting a Council framework decision on the enforcement of decisions rendered in absentia, and a proposal for a Council decision on the strengthening of EUROJUST.

In the field of civil law the ministers will discuss a proposal for a Council regulation on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations and a proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation no. 2201/2003 as regards jurisdiction and introducing rules concerning applicable law in matrimonial matters (Rome III regulation).

The Presidency will acquaint Ministers with the progress made on the E-justice dossier and propose further activities in this area.



Signature of a joint declaration on a mobility partnership between the European Union and Cape Verde  119 KB.

Signature of a joint declaration on a mobility partnership between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova  121 KB.

Press Releases:

Justice and Home Affairs Council Meeting, Luxembourg, 5-6 June 2008 - announcement.

Slovenian Presidency achieves consensus on signing an EU-Australia airline passenger data agreement and re-establishes the ad hoc working group on information exchange.

Resettlement of refugees from Iraq.

JHA Council approves conclusions on external border management, signs joint declarations on mobile partnerships with Moldova and Cape Verde and completes the integration of the Prüm Treaty into the Union's legal framework.

Slovenian Presidency successfully completes the procedure of adopting the return directive, ministers confirm the SIS II schedule and Schengen evaluations completed.

EU Justice and Home Affairs Council in favour of strengthening rights in judicial cooperation in criminal cases.


Agenda of the Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA)  135 KB.

Background Information:

Background information for the Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA)  142 KB.

Council Conclusions:

Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA): Conclusions - Possible cooperation mechanisms between civilian ESDP Missions and Europol as regards the mutual exchange of information  122 KB.

Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA): Conclusions - Cooperation with the candidate countries and potential candidate countries of the Western Balkans in the field of civil protection  147 KB.

Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA): Conclusions - The management of the external borders of the member states of the European Union  154 KB.

Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA): Conclusions - Enhancing the Global Approach to Migration  142 KB.

Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA): Conclusions - Press release  242 KB.

Photo Archive:

Justice and Home Affairs Council (Day 1).

Justice and Home Affairs Council (Day 2).

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Date: 11.06.2008