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Europol Management Board

Europol Management Board
Date: 19.05. - 21.05.2008
Venue: Brdo
Policy area: Justice and Home Affairs
Type of event: Conferences and Expert Meetings

The European Police Office (EUROPOL) has a Management Board made up of one representative from each Member State. Each member has one vote. The European Commission may also be invited to attend Management Board meetings, but with non-voting status.

The Management Board meets at least twice a year. It has become established practice, however, for the Management Board to have three regular meetings during each Presidency, thus meeting a total of six times a year. The Management Board discusses a wide range of issues relating to Europol's current activities and future developments. Each year, it is required to adopt a general report on Europol's activities during the year and a report on Europol's future activities, taking into account Member States' operational requirements and budgetary and staffing implications for Europol. The reports are then submitted to the Justice and Home Affairs Council for approval. This requires close cooperation between the Management Board and the Article 36 Committee (CATS).

Certain tasks associated with changes to the legal basis for Europol's activities are taking place during the Slovenian Presidency. Europol currently operates under the Europol Convention. The April Council approved the consolidated version of the Council decision establishing Europol, which is supposed to replace the outdated legal basis and allow Europol to operate with greater flexibility and cope with the present-day challenges represented by organised cross-border crime and other types of serious crime.

Three meetings of the Management Board were foreseen to take place during the Slovenian Presidency. In February 2008, at its first meeting, the Management Board discussed the draft budget for 2009, draft work plan for 2009 and both draft financial plan and business plan for the period from 2009 to 2013.

In March 2008 the Management Board re-examined the 2009 budget proposal, work plan and 2009-2013 business and financial plans. The Slovenian Presidency had to reconcile Member States' expectations with Europol's resources, while also adapting to the new legal basis for its operations. The meeting turned out to be a success as all the documents were adopted by common agreement. Moreover, a new milestone in Europol's operation was set as the Management Board allowed Europol's director to grant a certain number of contracts of indefinite duration.

In 2007, work began on the actual construction of Europol's new headquarters. The Management Board has been monitoring progress on the building since the first plans were prepared. At the March meeting of the Management Board in The Hague, the host country delegation had to inform the other delegations that there would be a one year's delay in the construction of the new headquarters.

The focus of the Slovenian Presidency is on bolstering Europol's operational capacities further, enabling it to tackle the forms of crime and terrorism that represent the greatest security threats.


Press Releases:

Meeting of Europol Management Board at Brdu pri Kranju (Statement to the Media - Invitation).

Europol Management Board Meeting Held at Brdo.

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Date: 23.05.2008