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Those who deal with European policy on a daily basis soon become accustomed to using a large number of specialized words and expressions which the general public does not understand. To help you overcome this problem, we would like to refer you to the European Commission's "Eurojargon" guide.

Eurojargon external link


EU glossary

"Eurojargon" does not include purely legal or technical terms. These can be found in a separate EU glossary containing around 220 terms relating to European integration and the institutions and activities of the European Union. The definitions are available in eleven official EU languages: Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish and Spanish.

EU glossary external link


Slovene-English-French Glossary of the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council

The Slovenian Government’s Translation and Interpretation Division has prepared the present Slovene-English-French glossary on topics likely to come up during the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council in the first half of 2008. The main objective is to make it easier for everyone working on the Presidency to prepare documents, and ensure translation, interpretation and communication. The glossary is based on the 'Review of Inherited Agenda', a working document outlining the most probable topics and priorities during the Slovenian Presidency, itself based on the EU Council document, the '18-month Programme of the German, Portuguese and Slovenian Presidencies'. The agenda has continued to be updated right up to the beginning of the Slovenian Presidency. Terms have been included in the glossary according to the expected Presidency topics. Priority topics - such as the Reform Treaty, the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities, energy and enlargement - are covered in more detail than others.

The glossary is divided into 15 chapters. In each chapter, terms are listed alphabetically according to the source language (Slovene). Where relevant, the fourth column contains term source data (either the title of the reference document or the document’s Celex number). We recommend the electronic form of the glossary, which can be used to search for a term in full or only in part and can be adapted to a user’s own needs (e.g. by switching source languages or merging chapters). All terms are also available in the Evroterm terminology database. external link

Slovene-English-French Glossary of the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council pdf


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Date: 15.01.2008