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Further information

- ... that Sweden and Finland are the two most research oriented economies in the EU? Their "investment" in research and development as a share of their gross domestic product is twice as high as the EU average (EU 1.84%, Sweden 3.86% and Finland 3.48% of their GDP). They also lead the way internationally in scientific articles per capita published, whereas Finland is the world leader in cooperation between businesses and universities.
- ... that EU R&D intensity, measured by the ratio of R&D expenditure to GDP, is still considerably lower in the EU than in its main competitors, the US and Japan (1.90% in the EU-25 compared with 2.59% in the US and 3.15% in Japan in 2003/04)?
- ... that the EU is dependent for more than 50% of its energy on imports from non-member countries? Energy dependency ratios are highest for crude oil and petroleum (over 80%), although the dependency on foreign supplies of solid fuels or natural gas grew at a faster pace in the last decade than the dependency on oil (which already stood at more than 75% in 1994).
- ... that Denmark, producing more energy than it needs, is the only net exporter of energy among the Member States? Among other Member States, energy dependency ratios reached 80% in Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Cyprus, Luxembourg and Malta.
- ... that as regards yield per hectare, in 2006 Ireland produced the most wheat (8.8 tonnes per hectare), France produced the most potatoes (40.2 tonnes per hectare), and Portugal produced the most sugar beet (79.1 tonnes per hectare).
- ... that despite only 0.008% of the world's area, the Netherlands is the world's third largest agricultural exporter after the USA and France?
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Date: 28.12.2007