Česká republika
Area: 78 866 km
Population: 10.28 million
Capital city: Prague
Currency: 1 Czech crown = 100 hellers, 1 euro = 28.03 Czech crowns (CZK) (Dec. 2006)
National day: 28 October
EU-membership: 1 May 2004
Head of State: President Václav Klaus
Head of Government: Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek
Foreign Minister: Karel Schwarzenberg
GDP: € 114,3 billion (2006)
GDP per capita in PPS: € 9 080 (2006)
Economic growth in real terms: + 6,1 % (2006)
Head of State: http://www.hrad.cz
Head of Government: http://www.vlada.cz
Foreign Minister: http://www.mzv.cz
Parliament: http://www.psp.cz